CHAPTER 11: The Enemies

It was finally the next day. We stayed at my uncles place. I went down to have some breakfast. My dad called me to go to him. I went to him and saw what was going on. The news broadcasted was a house burning in flames, and wasn't all, that house was our house burning in flames. It also showed the people that ran away from the scene and was carrying gasoline. Can't believe those guys, they just burned our house for no reason. North went to me and talked to me, "Hey, are you having fun with my boyfriend?" I did enjoy being around him, "Umm Yea." He pushes me to the living room. He grabbed my by my shirt collar, "Then don't take him away from me, got that!" I was scared from North's mood. "Put him down." It was Martial. North put me down. They both went out of the house. I stayed in my room and tried to relax from that. I brought out the book that Germany gave to me. I saw a page about Shapeshifters. I read that part, there are two types, so North is the cow eating kind and Martial is the human eating kind. I shouldn't stay with Martial to long, otherwise I might wake up with no liver. These two aren't always against each other. That's cool. I returned the book then I heard noises from living room. I went to see and dad grabbed my hand. "Son, we need to leave, now!" I brought my stuff and so was the rest. We went out of the house. Martial had a place to stay but North Korea suggested to stay in his. I looked behind and saw the house on fire. It was the guys that burned our house. One of them shouted and pointed at the forest. I ran to tell them. The stopped and I had to tell them. North Korea and Martial Law turned into some animals. North Korea let us follow him to his hide out. Martial Law stayed behind. New Zealand looked behind and saw something coming closer. I couldn't see what happened but I heard growling noises and gun shots. There were heads of a huge dragon, it was shouting, "This is what you get for burning my house and snakes inside!" We reached the house. We hid inside and waited for the others to come back.
