
Faith entered Mama Pink's Diner with Doris who waved a greeting to Mama Pink. A few minutes after they were settled Mama came to their table to hand them menus. "Howdy, ladies! Good to see ya'll! Taylor will take your orders in a few minutes." She winked at Faith. "And since you're in the company of our local real estate agent, I'm guessin' you're in the market for a home in our lovely haven by the sea."

"I may be. Doris has shown me some beautiful properties."

The women chatted a little longer and then Mama said, "Can I get ya'll some coffee? I just perked a fresh pot."

"That sounds lovely," said Doris.

"Yes. I'll have some, too."

After Mama had served their coffees, a tall, slender brunette came to their table. She was dressed in jeans and the "uniform" of the diner, a pink T-shirt. Her hair was too short to be worn in a ponytail like the other waitresses, but the boyish cut was adorable.

Doris said, "Hi Taylor. I'd like you to meet Faith Bennison. I just showed her the house behind yours." She grinned. "And just to let you know, Dirk and Darren were in the backyard seeing how dirty they could get with Dog."

Taylor laughed. "I'm happy to meet you, Faith. Besides the dirt, I hope my boys were on their best behavior."

Although her heart hurt, Faith responded with a smile. "They were delightful." She wanted to say how much her own boy had loved playing in the dirt, but, of course, that would have brought her to tears.

New customers entered the diner and halted further small talk. Taylor said, "Our special today is roast beef and new potatoes and the vegetable of your choice. I'll be back in a few minutes to take your orders."

As Taylor walked away, Faith said, "What an incredibly beautiful woman and so personable."

Doris leaned in slightly. "She moved here about two years ago and everyone tells her she should be a model. Sandy even offered to put a portfolio together and represent her to some agencies in Portland and Seattle, but she wouldn't hear of it."

"Where did she move from?"

"No one knows because she doesn't talk about her past."

That surprised Faith, but before she could respond, Doris' cell phone beeped. She glanced at it and said, "It's a text from my husband. He needs to check on one of our properties on Ocean Boulevard and asks if we want to meet him there in an hour." She looked up. "Is that okay with you?"

"Oh, yes. In fact, I'd love to see a house on Ocean Boulevard. I've heard they're incredible."

"They certainly are, and this one is exceptional. It's selling for well over two million, but in my estimation, it's worth it."

When Taylor returned to their table, Faith ordered a BLT sandwich and Doris ordered shrimp salad with French bread. While Taylor took their orders, Faith marveled at her beauty and wondered at what age a woman was too old for a modeling career. Taylor had to be in her late twenties or early thirties, but appeared to be much younger.

An hour later, Doris drove her Cadillac onto a circular drive and parked under a portico. Faith was impressed by the home and Doris glanced knowingly at her. "See what I mean about this house. And if you think the outside is gorgeous, wait until you step inside."

The front door opened and a red-headed, stocky man waved a greeting. Doris called, "Hi, honey." When they reached the door she said, "Dave, this is Faith Bennison." She turned to Faith. "Faith, my husband Dave."

They exchanged greetings and Faith expressed how impressed she was with the homes she'd seen so far. "Your wife has shown me wonderful properties so I have much to consider."

Dave said proudly, "Doris is an exceptional real estate woman." He stepped aside for them to enter the house. "Please come in. We're holding an open house tomorrow and I had to make sure everything is in order. I hope you don't mind being waylaid, Faith."

"Not at all. In fact, I'm in awe of the homes on Ocean Boulevard."

"And this is one of the finest. It's not as large as some, but what it lacks in interior space, it makes up for in outdoor space. The great room and the master suite have automatic glass pocket doors that open the entire length of their rooms. Come on, I'll give you the tour."

Faith followed the real estate agents through a large marble foyer into the great room and exclaimed, "It's magnificent. I feel like I'm outside."

Dave said, "Watch this," and walked to a touchscreen on the wall next to the glass. He tapped it and the windows instantly turned opaque. "It's called SmartGlass and makes the room invisible to the outside. Quite ingenious." He brought the windows back to transparency and touched the screen again. From the center, the pocket doors began retreating to each side.

Faith was impressed and followed Doris outside onto a huge flagstone terrace with fire pit, outdoor kitchen for barbecues, colorful patio furniture arranged in klatches, hot tub and lap pool. It was luxury in the extreme. Beyond a natural stone barrier, waves pounded the shore less than a hundred feet away.

Doris said, "The beach along this stretch is private to the homeowners of Ocean Boulevard. Can you imagine waking up to this every morning?"

Faith sighed. "It would be incredible. Whoever buys this home is buying a piece of heaven."
