TRIGGER WARNING: a person in this book will have depression in chapters 9-11. Want to find out who? Keep reading! ❤️

Kevin stopped Esther. "I think I can introduce myself." He stated. "You can call me muscle man." He flexed.

"Seriously Kevin? C'mon, let's go! I heard there's a Squirtle on Primrose Street!" And the group ran off.
Around 2:30 p.m, the group was back with Todrick, who was flashing a big grin.

Tyler saw him and ran over. "My Toddy!" He yelled. "What did you do to him?!"

"We let him have a good time for once." Kirstin crossed her arms.

"Whatever. Show me and Toddy our room, cleaning boy." He was talking to Alex.

"Are you kidding?" Mitch looked at Tyler. He scoffed as he walked away to his own room, and Scott followed.

The two entered the room and Scott sat down next to Mitch. "He's a bitch." Mitch muttered.

Scott hugged Mitch tight and softly kissed his neck. "It's gonna be okay. He should be gone soon."

"I hope." Mitch looked defeated.

Avi, Kevin, and Kirstin entered their room.

"I hate Tyler." Avi muttered.

"Even though Alex can be weird sometimes, he doesn't have to treat him like sh-" Kirstin was interrupted by the door slamming open.

"Tyler's here." Tyler smirked. "I want all three of you to sing your voice range. 1, and 2, and go."

Kirstin looked around. Everyone was looking at her. She started doing some warm-up exercises, and Tyler nodded his head.

"Now you, basketball boy." Kevin didn't really sing, but he did it for fun sometimes. He did a few notes of ooooooh.

"Now, you, other boy." And Avi did the same.

"Very good. Buh-bye." Tyler waved and left.

In 20 minutes, he tested Scott and Mitch, and got refused by Esther and Darien.

"Well then. Sassy much?" Tyler slammed the door behind him.

Nighttime came quickly, and the group all fell asleep fast from walking all day.

At exactly 4:46 a.m, Tyler snuck into Scott and Mitch's room, using the key card that he stole from Mario's office.

Tyler walked over to the bed that the boys were sleeping in, and he saw Scott's arm around Mitch. He slowly removed it and tapped Mitch's shoulder.

Mitch slowly opened his eyes and sat up. "What...?" he muttered.

"Shh. Don't wanna wake Scotty." Tyler helped the brunette out of bed and led him to the hallway. He softly closed the door behind him.

Mitch, still half asleep, didn't know what was going on. But he did as told.

Tyler led Mitch onto a bus, got him cozy in a couch bed, and as soon as he was asleep, the bus drove away.

The morning after, Scott woke up with a shock. Mitch was gone.

He ran out to the cafeteria with watering eyes.

"What's wrong?" Asked Kirstin, taking a bite of her pancakes.

"M-Mitch. He's g-gone." Scott was shaking.

Esther dropped her fork and ran to the boys' room. No Mitch.

Then she ran to Tyler's room. No Tyler. She looked out the window. His bus was gone, but Todrick was still there.

"Todrick, wake up." Esther said softly.

Todrick opened his eyes and slowly sat up. "Where's Tyler?"

"I," she sighed. "I don't know."

She brought him out with the others, and Scott was fully crying.

They talked for a while until Mario came out, dressed in a suit again.

"I got a call from Tyler. He left. I asked about Todrick and he said he 'didn't need him anymore.' I also asked about Mitch, but he claimed to not know anything about Mitch."

"Don't trust him! He stole him! His 'Toddy' is in on it!" Scott blurted out, and then he sobbed uncontrollably.

Todrick felt his eyes getting watery and his legs getting shaky.

"No," Todrick started, "I-I didn't."

Scott ran away crying. He ran all the way to his room and slammed the door. He changed his shirt to the one Mitch was wearing the previous day.

Mario caught up with him and knocked on the door. "Scott, it's gonna be okay."

All he got in return were sobs.

"Scott!" Mario sprinted to his office and got the other extra key.

He opened the door. "It's gonna be okay."

"No. It is not."

Mitch sat up with a jolt.

"Wakey-wakey Mitchie." Tyler smirked.

"Where the hell am I?!" Mitch yelled.

"My bus. Hope you enjoy it here."

"Um, I don't! Where are the others?!" Mitch tried to stand up, but his wrists were tied.

"They're not here. I don't need them." Tyler parked the bus.

"SCOTT! MARIO! KIRST! SOMEONE! HELP!" Mitch was untied and banging on the windows.

"They won't break. And we're not even close to them anymore. We're at the airport." Tyler took out the key.

Mitch followed tyler, fully dressed, and walked in the airport.

"Act like you're my brother." Tyler whispered to the brunette.

"Why?" Mitch was scared.

"We're going to the big city of Los Angles."

"WHY?!" Mitch didn't care that he was screaming. He wanted to get away.

"Shut up. And because you're gonna be a star. Famous. And you're gonna make me money. Well, you too. But only minimum wage." Tyler grabbed Mitch's wrist tight.

"LET GO! STOP!" Mitch hit Tyler.

A big, muscle-y security guard walked over with a name tag that said Austin.

Tyler looked nervously at him. Austin looked like he could crush a watermelon with his bare hands.

"Everything okay, boys?" Austin asked.

"Yep. Just me and my brother going to see our dad who lives in LA." Tyler smiled at Mitch and nodded.

"Alright. Have a nice flight." Austin walked away.

Tyler grabbed Mitch's wrist and dragged him towards the gate.

Mitch turned back to the security guard and mouthed He's not my brother. Call 9-1-1.

But Austin didn't see him.


Guys. I'm so sorry. It's been over 2 months.

School has been hella stressful and I hope you like this chapter.

I hopefully will be posting more frequent. IDEK WHATS HAPPENING RN

Did you enjoy? Comment what you liked and/or disliked about this chapter!

Did you like Austin's cameo? 😏

Until next time my bbys, love y'all!

~Abby xo
