Unplanned Sleepover

[Synopsis: It's late at night, and TheGentleman is at home alone...or so he believes. Just before he decides to hit the sack, he's met with an unexpected visitor. You probably already know what his name is. GentleCheese fluff! (Duh...)]

[Location: TheGentleman's home. It's a huge brick Victorian house somewhere in England, so hell yeah, it's fancy.]


It'd been a long day of tasking, murdering and trying NOT to be murdered, depending on which role he got for each round he played. But now the day was done, and the sun had long since dipped beneath the horizon, letting the stars in the endless expanse of space above them shine as brightly as they wished on the earth below.

The only light left on in TheGentleman's house was the lamp sat on the night table beside his bed. He'd long since hung his top hats up by the door, and had traded them for his night cap(which, oddly, looked more like a fez than a night cap, but it was still technically the latter.) He'd been reading a really juicy murder mystery most of that evening, and was already more than halfway done with it.

"Ahh, gracious...If they don't figure this out soon, the train could be doomed!" he said to himself as he finished reading the chapter. He took a peek at the clock; 11:24 at night. It was only when he tore his eyes off of the pages that he realized just how heavy they'd become.

"Well...I suppose I'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens," he said to himself as he marked his page, closed the book and placed it beside his lamp and clock, pulling the soft covers overtop of himself. "It's about time I call it a night."

"Yeah...I'm gettin' kinda sleepy myself."

"What the-!?"

The black crewmate almost jumped right out of bed as soon as he'd settled into it, and he snapped the lamp back on to see who the owner of the phantom voice was. The soft yellow light illuminated the room again, and he found himself face-to-face with...


The crewmate in question yawned, then tilted his head to face him. He seemed undeterred by TheGentleman's shock.

"Yeah, TheGentleman. Who else could it be? Heh heh..."

"What the devil are you doing in my house!? Let alone my bed!? H-how did you even get in here!? The doors and windows are all locked!"

"I'm the best Impostor ever; I know how to use vents, silly. A locked door ain't gonna stop me from getting where I want to be."

"And what on earth are you wearing...?!?"

MrCheese had what looked like a pink night dress on, complete with lace lining the edges and curlers in his hair(how something like that showed up on the outside of his suit was nearly as great a mystery as the one TheGentleman's book was about.)

"What, you've never seen someone in a nightie before?"

"Is that what you usually wear to bed??" TheGentleman spat. "You look like a middle-aged house wife in that!"

"Well, I did get it from my mom, so..."

TheGentleman rolled his eyes; this conversation wasn't at all important compared to the one he'd been meaning to have once he found out MrCheese had broken into his house somehow.

"Whatever...What I would really like to know is what on earth you're doing here! I don't remember sending you an invitation, MrCheese!"

"I dunno, I...I guess I got kinda lonely, is all, and I wanted some company."

The black crewmate sighed and pinched the side of his head. He so wanted to tell MrCheese to get out of his house and go back home, but he couldn't turn down a request like that, even if he had been put in a bad mood.

"D'oh...Fine," he reluctantly agreed. "The bed is plenty big enough for both of us, and I'd rather you not go back outside to go home at this hour. It's a bit nippy out there."

"Yeah, I should know. I was out in it just a few minutes ago, heh heh...Still feel a little on the chilly side."

"Well, get yourself under the covers, MrCheese. The last thing I want is for you to fall ill on me..."

MrCheese nodded and pulled the blankets over himself, settling down into one of the spare pillows on the bed. TheGentleman did the same and snapped the light off, then lay down with an unamused grumble.

"Ahhh...Your bed is really nice and warm, TheGentleman."

"I hold high standards for my bedding," he answered curtly. "And I do hope your feet are not dirty from being outside."

"Oh, no, they're not. Don't worry."

"Good...Now get to sleep."

The house owner turned away from him and said nothing else afterward...MrCheese didn't respond with anything, either.

Finally, he said to himself. Peace and quiet...

A few minutes passed, and TheGentleman's nerves began winding down; he was just about to forget all about what'd annoyed him earlier and drift off when...

...What's that?

He felt...something brushing up against him from behind. It couldn't be one of his spare pillows; it was too big and too warm. Curious, he turned his head to see what it was, and lo and behold...


His name came out somewhere between a whisper and a growl. One thing was for sure: TheGentleman was not pleased by this.

"Hmm...what...?" the crewmate in question mumbled softly, already having been partly asleep. "...What is it, TheGentleman...?"

"Scooch over, will you? You have plenty of room on your side of the bed; you don't need to be right up against me."

"But it's chilly out..."

"The blankets are not enough?"

"I dunno, I...I just wanted to cuddle with someone is all, I guess..."

"You can't find a big enough pillow to hold onto instead, MrCheese...??? In case you haven't noticed, there are PLENTY on the bed."

"Yeah, but...It's not the same, you know? Y-you're special..."

TheGentleman huffed out a sigh of frustration as he turned his head up towards the ceiling. What was he going to do about all of this? He didn't appreciate MrCheese invading his personal bubble...But he would hate to have to come off as cold and mean towards him.

MrCheese took the lack of an immediate response as a hint to not bother him any further.

"O-okay..." he whimpered, slowly scooching away. "I'll go back where I was..."

"Hold on, MrCheese."

He took the orange crewmate by the hand before he could get back to where he'd been before and turned his head to face him again, a tender glint now twinkling in his visor.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but...

"...I'll let you just this once, alright?"

"You will...?"

"Sure. I mean...We're associates. We've got to look out for one another, no?"


MrCheese flashed a sleepy smile and rolled back over to his spot by TheGentleman, reaching out to him and pulling him into a soft hug.

"...Knew you'd change your mind."


A bit embarrassed by the situation, he refrained from making eye contact with his orange bedmate, but did extend his own hand and put it atop his head; a more subtle form of mutual affection...In all honesty, once he decided to stop being so grumpy about the ordeal, TheGentleman actually found himself pretty comfortable.

I guess this isn't so bad... he thought, not bothering to pull back much as MrCheese held him tighter and nuzzled his visor into the side of his head.

"...I assume you're content, MrCheese?"

He let out a small yawn before giving an answer.

"M-hm...G'night, TheGentleman."

"Goodnight, MrCheese."

"I love you..."

TheGentleman tensed up for just a fleeting moment...He wasn't used to people telling him that. And considering that he was...less than nice towards MrCheese a lot of the time, despite their partnership, it amazed him at just how committed his work associate was to him.

...It was a good kind of amazement. One that reached deep down into his hardened heart and made it feel...Warm. And soft.

His expression relaxed again as he shut his eyes, and as the two of them finally fell asleep for the night, he gently caressed the top of his partner's head to return the favor.

"I love you too, MrCheese..." he assured him. "I love you, too..."



And now, a confession that's probably gonna tip off a lot of people:

I actually don't romantically ship GentleCheese. I see it more of an extremely close friendship(you could say a pseudoship, if that's a term) that plays upon the aspects of romance for the laughs. I mean, hey, I still really like their dynamic; it's adorable. I just don't see them as a legit couple.

...Same thing goes for GentleEgg(which, despite me likely getting slapped across the face for, I actually prefer over the former.)

But hey, for those of you who do, I figured you'd like this, so go ahead and ship it if that's what you want, fellas. I'm not gonna stop ya. XD
