i got this art dump done way fweakin' sooner than i thought i would, and that was after i blazed through this quintology of one-shots like mad.

not that i'm complaining or anything though. XD

Okay, you get the point. On to the art!!

Okay, so @Tony01962 already made some REALLY GREAT ART of what I was originally planning to draw for this story, so instead of the angst, I went ahead and drew the ultra fluffy happy reunion between these dead adorabeans. XD

there's no stopping dum from babying her little brother; she's determined to make that tummyache go away.

now in case you don't know what got player feeling so queasy and gross, here's a POV video of the lactose intolerant bean after he ate stoner's creamy tomato soup that had a crap ton of milk in it.

no regrets. XD

There's a lot of built-up tension between the estranged brothers as of now...One false slip of the tongue, and it could get ugly.


@Bootieos16, this is your fault. 😂

Okay, moving on. XD

there's no better time to revive a half dead meme than the present, ammirite?

At least Aiden got one last bro session in with Punk before the fateful day he bought that laptop...

Welp, that's all for now, fellas! Quick head up: the next set of entries are going to be a little different than what we've been doing thus far, so keep your eyes peeled for the next update.

I'll see you guys then! :D
