Chapter 36

Keefe isn't Fitz. Keefe isn't Fitz. Keefe isn't Fitz. 

Sophie jumped up, pulling out her pathfinder, spinning it quickly to the Candleshade facet. Sophie wanted to see Keefe as soon as possible. She didn't just want to; she needed to.

Sophie had realized that she cared about Keefe enough to not let anything get in between what they had. Sophie was ready to fight for him, just as she knew he would be for her as well. Because Keefe was Keefe and no one else. And he loved her and cared about her more than anyone else. More than Fitz ever had and more than Fitz ever would. Fitz had never been the one for her. Keefe was Sophie's perfect person, her soulmate, and now she could see that. And so she would fight. 

Sophie was pulled into a shower of sparkles, being transported to Candleshade. 

Sophie soon found herself looking straight into Keefe's grief-stricken eyes that were sure to match her own. 

"Keefe..." she whispered, her voice breaking. "I-"

"Sophie, I'm so sorry. I'm so, so sorry," Keefe interrupted, silent tears beginning to streak down his face. "You didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you. I don't expect you to forgive me." 

Sophie gaped at him, her mouth falling open. He treated her wrongly? He was the one that needed forgiveness? 

"Keefe, why would you think that?" Sophie whispered, shocked. "I was the one that said horrible, awful things to you. I'm the one that should be begging for your forgiveness." 

"You-" he began before Sophie cut him off. 

"Hold on. You already apologized, even though you didn't need to. Now it's my turn to truly say sorry." 

Sophie went over to where Keefe was still sitting on the floor, lowering herself onto the tile next to him. She brought her hands up to his face, cupping it and lifting so that he was looking into her eyes. 

"Keefe, I can never apologize enough for what I said to you. I was so angry, and I said so many things that I will regret for the rest of my life, and you didn't deserve that. I should have never looked through your journals, and I should have never reacted the way I did. I'm so sorry." 

"I'm sorry, too. I shouldn't have yelled at you, and I said some pretty bad things, too," he laughed humorlessly. 

Making sure he was still looking into her eyes, Sophie said, "I forgive you." 

Keefe exhaled. 

"I forgive you, too," he said, falling into her. 

Sophie wrapped her arms tightly around Keefe, the latter doing the same. Sophie nestled her face into the crook of his neck, bringing herself ever-so slightly closer. 

"Sophie, I lo-" Keefe started, before clearing his throat and changing the course of his words. "...I'm glad we're friends again." 

Sophie's face fell slightly. I thought we were more than friends?, she thought. I guess it makes sense that that's ruined for a while. 

"Are you okay?" Keefe asked, sensing her mood change, especially being so close to her. 

"I just..." Sophie paused. Did she really want to continue? What she was about to say was the whole reason the fight had escalated so much originally. 

"...Would you be... open to talking about... the journals?" Sophie continued timidly. Keefe froze suddenly in her arms. 

"Nevermind, we don't have to talk about it. We don't ever have to talk about it if you don't want to!" Sophie rushed out. 

Sophie paused and there was silence as Keefe thought over his next words. 

"Actually, I kind of... wanted to talk about it now," he explained, pulling away from their embrace. 

"Are you sure?"

"I think so."

For a few moments, both Sophie and Keefe sat in awkward silence. 

"Was it all... true?" Sophie began. "Everything you wrote and drew?"

Keefe slowly nodded, raising his hand to rest at the base of his neck. 

"I guess you kinda knew all along though, didn't you? I mean, we are married in this timeline," he laughed, embarrassed. Sophie shrugged, not entirely knowing how to answer. 

"Did you mean what you said earlier, when we were arguing? About how you felt after reading the journals?" Keefe continued timidly. 

Sophie tilted her head, confused. What did I say?, she asked herself before it dawned on her: And to think I thought I loved you after reading how you supposedly felt about me. It may not have been much of a confession, but it was enough. 

"Yes," Sophie murmured, flushing a dark shade of pink. 

"Really?" Keefe whispered, knowing she was telling the truth, but needing to hear it again all the same. 

"Yes," she repeated with more confidence this time. "I know I always thought I was meant to be with Fitz, but... I'm realizing I was always supposed to be with... you."


"Do you remember so long ago when you talked about my head and heart emotions being different? I didn't listen to you then, but now I know you were right. And the other night when we almost.... Anyways, it didn't feel like a mistake, but my head and heart emotions were so jumbled. I think now I've finally sorted them out, and I think they may both be leading me to the same person." Sophie rambled. 

"I think I understand what you're saying."

"Good," Sophie sighed. "Did you have any other... thoughts?"

"Well, I want you to know that I love you," Keefe said simply. "You've always been it for me, Sophie. I knew from day one that I loved you, and I know that I love you now more than ever. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

"I love you, too. I'm sorry it took me so long to figure out," Sophie smiled gently and Keefe smiled back. 

Keefe continued to smile wider and wider, happiness radiating off of him. His happiness was contagious and soon Sophie was also grinning from ear to ear. 

The smile still shining on his face, Keefe's gaze suddenly fell lower. The smile faded slightly, a loaded look coming into his eyes. 

Sophie stilled, swallowing. She could feel Keefe's gaze on her lips. Do I want to kiss Keefe?, she thought. Oh what a silly question: of course I do!

Sophie unconsciously leaned forward, slightly closing the space between the two. 

"May I...?" Keefe began and Sophie nodded. Keefe lifted his hand to reach for her face, placing it against her cheek. His thumb stroked down her face, coming within mere millimeters of her lips. 

Keefe tilted his head to an angle, both faces moving closer and closer until their lips were almost touching. Sophie closed her eyes, preparing for Keefe to close the space between them at any second. 

Keefe's imparter suddenly rang and Sophie and Keefe sprung apart. 

Sorry it took so long for me to update! It's been a long semster haha. I did have a slight reality check, though, when I realized that Chapter 30 was posted a little over a year ago. And to think I thought I'd been doing this in a timely manner lol. 
