Chapter 1

Sophie woke up to a light weight resting across her side and the faint smell of hair product. Wait. She knew that smell. She slowly opened her eyes and was shocked to find a boy lying next to her, with his arm hanging over her waist. She let out a strangled sound between a gasp and a screech and clapped her hand over her mouth. That was Keefe. Keefe's eyes slowly fluttered open. He met her eyes and his widened in suprise.

"Sophie?!" he said, in clear alarm. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing!" Sophie retorted. Now that she thought about it, she didn't notice anything familiar. Where even were they?

As if reading her mind, Keefe said, "Where are we?"

"I'm not sure. The last thing I remember was going to bed in my own bed last night."

"Yeah, me too." As if on cue, they both looked each other straight in the eyes and started to blush. Sophie had finally realized just how close to each other they were. Keefe had evidently come to the same realization. Keefe and Sophie were facing each other with no more than three inches between them and, to add to that, Keefe still had his arm drapped across Sophie. They also both seemed to notice the state they both were in. Sophie was in a red nightgown that was a bit more revealing than both of them would have liked and Keefe was in nothing but a pair of pajama pants. Sophie had only seen Keefe shirtless twice before: once when he had fought King Dimitar and the other when she had come to see him at the Shores of Solace. Neither time had she had the chance to see his build up close. Her eyes raked up his stomach and, eventually, back to his eyes.

"That was an interesting spike of emotions there, Foster. And did I catch you checking me out?" Keefe asked, smirking. Sophie began to blush fiercely.

"No!" Sophie yelled, a bit too loudly. Keefe winced. "Sorry." Sophie mumbled.

"It's fine."

"Maybe we should get out of this bed and actually try to figure out what is going on?" Sophie suggested. The word bed had signaled something inside her head and she suddenly realized that she had been sleeping in a bed with Keefe. She was lying in bed with Keefe. Freaking. Sencen. Oh gosh. Her brain started screaming alarms and her face began to heat up quickly. Keefe began to blush a slight shade of pink, too, probably fully aware of the embarassed emotions radiating off of Sophie.

Keefe took his arm back from around Sophie and sat up. Sophie's waist suddenly felt cold from the absence of Keefe's arm. Part of her wanted him to put it back, even if it was just to feel his warmth again and nothing more.

As Sophie was starting to sit up, both Keefe and Sophie heard a creak from the door. They both froze. The door had fully opened, but there didn't seem to be anyone on the other side. Suddenly, a small figure hurdled itself onto the bed.

"Mommy! Daddy!" the figure exclaimed. It seemed to be a young girl about 6. She had golden blonde hair and ice blue eyes, like Keefe's, except hers had a hint of gold. Keefe and Sophie shared a confused look.

"Hey there, sweetie. Do we know you? Who are you?" Sophie asked cautiously.

"You're so silly, mommy. My name's Alora. You should know, you named me." said the girl now deemed as Alora.

Sophie gaped at the girl. She couldn't speak. What did she mean 'mommy' and 'you named me'? Sophie had no clue what she was talking about but was sure that Alora had to have confused her with someone else. Right?

"I think you're confused. Where are your parents, Alora?" Keefe asked in a gentle voice, like the one he usually used to comfort Sophie.

Alora looked slightly confused as she said, "You're my parents. Sophie and Keefe Sencen. Why are you acting like this?" Sophie and Keefe exchanged an astonished look. They were this girl's parents? But how? They were only 15! If they really were her parents, then why didn't they know that?

"Stay here, Alora." Sophie said and got off the bed, pulling Keefe along with her. She opened a door on the other side of the room that lead to a bathroom. She walked herself and Keefe into the bathroom and closed the door behind her. Keefe had a shocked look on his face and Sophie was sure her expression wasn't much different.

"Okay. Let's get this straight. For some bizarre reason, we wake up in the same bed and a six-year-old girl claims that we are her parents and refers to us as 'mommy and daddy'." Sophie started to pace. "This girl called us 'Sophie and Keefe Sencen'. She has your eyes and both of our hair. We also have absolutely no clue where we are." Sophie stopped her pacing to look up at Keefe. He was looking at her, only a small glimpse of the shock from before on his face.

Sophie narrowed her eyes while Keefe's widened. Sophie walked up to Keefe and tilted his chin down with her hand so she could see it properly.

"Is that-" She paused. "stubble?"

"What?" Keefe asked.

"On your chin. It looks like stubble. And you look older." Sophie let go of his chin and he walked over the mirror to look.

"Oh. It is stubble. And what I think you meant, Foster, was that I look older and  handsomer." Keefe said, smirking. Sophie rolled her eyes and looked in the mirror, too.

"Look! I look older, too!" she exclaimed. "But why?"

"Maybe we're in a different dimension or something." Keefe said as he shrugged, still checking himself out in the mirror.

"Keefe! Quit it!" Sophie smacked his arm and pulled him away from the mirror.

"Awwww! But I looked so hot!"

"Not the time."

"You're just jealous that the Keefster is hotter than you are, aren't you Foster?" he teased.

Sophie had a small pink dusting on her cheeks, but ignored him and said, "I doubt we're in a different dimension. I don't think that's possible."

"Well, you didn't think being an elf was possible either, until you were told you were one, did you?"

"I guess you're right."

Sophie and Keefe heard a loud thud from outside of the door and Keefe quickly rushed to open it. There was a glass of water and an empty plate shattered on the floor beside the bed. Alora must have knocked it over, Sophie thought. Alora was standing not far away with a guilty expression and a chunk of the plate in her hands.

"It fell." she said.

"We figured." Keefe said.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to break it!" Alora's lip started quivering.

"It's okay, sweetie!" Sophie responded.

"Can we get breakfast? I'm hungry." Alora asked, once the weight of the broken dishes was off of her conscience. She was back to her normal self. Not that Sophie really knew what Alora's normal self was.

Sophie looked down to answer Alora and caught a glimpse of her nightgown.

"Let me change first."

"Okay, mommy."

Sophie came out of the bathroom a few minutes later to see Keefe twirling Alora around. Keefe was smiling and Alora was giggling. Sophie's eyes softened as she looked at the duo. She also noticed that the broken glass was gone. She guessed that Keefe had cleaned it up.

Keefe set Alora down and she started jumping up and down and saying, "Again! Again!" Keefe laughed.

"You better spin her again before she gets mad." Sophie said, smiling. Keefe turned around to look at her and smiled back at her. He had a look in his eye that she couldn't quite place. 

"Wouldn't want that to happen, would we? Who knows? Maybe she has some of that Foster rage in her." he laughed. Sophie rolled her eyes playfully and laughed too. Keefe picked Alora up again and begun to spin her again.

When Alora was finally done spinning, Keefe picked her up and started walking to the door.

"You coming?" he asked Sophie. "There might even be some Mallowmelt." Keefe winked.

Sophie went over to Keefe and Alora. "No way am I missing Mallowmelt!" she said. She opened the door and found a boy standing outside.

"Another one?!" both Sophie and Keefe cried out at the same time.
