
This one takes place right after Unlocked so if you haven't read it yet then you should probably skip this chapter. :)

After reading the note that Keefe had left her. She knew she had to go after him. 

                                                                         2 days later

"Keefe why are you here?!" Sophie asked. "Let's go back to Havenfield" She grabbed Keefe and lept back to Havenfield. "Aw come on Foster, always ruining the fun." "Keefe honestly stop it!" "Welllllllll..... what should we do?" Keefe wondered. "Ooh, I know you can teach me how to make mallowmelt." "Hey! That's a good idea Keefe." "Well you know me Foster, I'm full of good ideas." 

They started to make mallowmelt but Keefe spilled flour all over the floor of the kitchen in Havenfield. "Keefe!" "Sorry Foster! I'll try and make it up to you." "How Keefe?" "Like this" Keefe leaned toward Sophie and kissed her!

                                The End of #2 Please comment if you liked it!
