
This takes place after Legacy.

Keefe had just woken up from his coma and looked up to see a pair of beautiful brown eyes. "Hey Foster!" Keefe said. "You're awake Keefe" and Sophie tackle hugged him. "Now we can play Base quest!" "You just can't resist me Foster" Keefe smirked. "Well let's go Soph and play base quest, you're on my team!" 

They leaped over to Everglen to play base quest and were joined by Fitz, Marella, Dex and Biana.  Dex and Biana were on a team, Fitz and Marella were on a team and Sophie and Lord Hunkyhair were on a team!

Sophie was running and then she fell luckily she didn't fall flat on her face she fell on Keefe. "Just tell him Soph just do it." Sophie thought. "Keefe I..I..I like you." Sophie stammered. "I was just about to say that myself I think I'm awesome as well" Keefe said. "Just Kidding, I like you too Foster. You'll never know how much!" 

                                   The End of #1 Tell me in the comments if you liked it or not!
