snippet 8

Days later Narda didn't face Regina, the Atty. is either in a bad mood or the worst mood as Ali described it. Regina has been drinking every night, not knowing what to do with herself

'I didn't kiss her! She did! But why does it feel like it's my fault!' she thought to herself as she downed another bottle of wine.

Regina can't understand it herself, Narda can talk to her, she will be fine whatever her decision is. What she can't take is not seeing Narda every day, it's like clouds are overshadowing her world, her sunshine gone and she's in the worst condition, adding to the pile and pile of cases that she has been tending to. She's been roaming around Nueva Esperanza the whole day, going to hearings, and meetings, and doing errands. She happens to go to the supermarket to buy stocks at home after work and just chill out since buying groceries is somehow therapeutic for her.

She reaches the wine section and thought about buying enough because her stock has been out since Narda started ignoring her. 10 bottles in the cart seems enough

'But, you'll never know what will happen, so just buy the whole box!' she thought to herself, with her heels and bag in hand she struggled to get it

"Ako na nga" she felt hands helping her and heard the voice she's been longing to hear for days now, she didn't know if she was going to drop the box but one thing was for sure she struggled to breathe once Narda put it down and faced her with her blinding smile

"Narda" she greeted with coldness, after so many days of ignoring her here she is giving that smile she loves so much, but she needs to stand her ground. She's Regina Vanguardia for god sake

"You're here" she added, bringing Narda to being a shy girl in front of her

"Ah, Regina-"

"I'm done, let's go home" she interrupted the girl and pushed the cart towards the cashier, Narda trailing behind quietly and fidgety
