snippet 2

Atty. Regina Vanguardia wasn't known to be close to anyone, going to lunch meetings with people within her circle is the common scene for her, business is what she eats for a living. So the surprise of the manager of the restaurant she always frequents can be seen in his eyes when he saw who she's with. Not a man in a suit or a lady clad with expensive jewelry but an EMT in the uniform of her foundation. Same surprise when he saw her reaction, not the usual cold and stoic Atty. Vanguardia but an all smile, tender eyes, and touchy Regina, which is very rare and it's all because of this small person who smiles like the sun would be put in shame. He assists the two ladies at their respective tables and he gave them both the menu

"Narda, what do you like?" she was looking at it and it barely registers in her brain, she isn't quite familiar with the food that is being offered here

'Grabe, adobo at tulingan lang kasi kinakain ko, diko tuloy alam kakainin dito' she thought, Regina saw the confused look on her face

"Do you want me to order for you?" she asked, Narda looked up at her clearly asking for help, she can't help but giggle at her reaction

"Do you have any allergies?"

"Nako Regina kahit lupa kumakain ako" Regina was quite stunned at that statement

"Lupa?" she asked confused

"Ah eh, ibig kong sabihin, lahat naman kinakain ko, wala akong allergies," she said slightly laughing

"Okay, ako nang bahala" she smiled at Narda, the manager is still in shock at how Regina treated the other girl and the genuine smile on her face that she never gives to her business partners

They ate animatedly, it was like they have their own little world and no one is allowed in it. Regina is very happy about what Narda is telling her, the other one ate with so much gusto when its Regina's turn to talk

"Ang sarap naman nito Regina, anong tawag dito?" she whispered, Regina was glad that Narda likes it

"It's just steak Narda, but they have a special sauce that I ask specifically for you that comes with it" she smiled proudly

"Ah, secret ingredient parang ganun?" she asked

"Yes, for you" it can't be denied that Narda's cheeks flushed violently, it almost became the color of her uniform

'Regina naman, dahan dahan naman'

