ten // (literally)

new iMessage from: cal cal my pal

cal cal my pal: I can't come over today bro

michael the man: what why??????

cal cal my pal: my roommate is pretty beaten up (literally)

michael the man: shit what happened??

cal cal my pal: her boyfriend got drunk, threw a shit fit and beat her up, I can't leave her on her own

michael the man: shit man that sounds awful, do you want me to come over and help?

cal cal my pal: can you please?

michael the man: of course bro, do you want me to pick up anything on the way????

cal cal my pal: some purple hair dye and cookies

michael the man: wtf why do u need purple hair dye??

cal cal my pal: dying her hair makes her feel better

michael the man: fair enough, I'll see you in a few hours
