forty // i love mommy more than daddy

Two Years Later.

(Michael is 24 and Rory is 23)

Michael ran. He ran through the halls until his legs and lungs were screaming for him to stop but he wasn't stopping anytime soon. His eyes were wide and his hair was a mess; he didn't care that he was running through the halls with nothing but socks, sweatpants and an old Motörhead shirt, he just needed to get to his girl.

Michael carried on running, he refused to stand and wait for an elevator, he ran up the stairs two at a time, his heart pounding as he reached the top of the stairs, he didn't stop to catch his breath; he ran down another hall until he reached his destination.

Michael burst through the door, eyes wide and cheating heaving, "Did I miss it?" He breathed as he sat down on the plastic chair next to the bed. Rory gave her boyfriend a bewildered look before shaking her head.

"Didn't miss a thing, I refused to start without you." She smiled softly as Michael sighed in relief and reached for Rory's hand, pressing his cold lips to her knuckles as she ran her other hand through his freshly dyed hair. "Ready to go?" The nurse on the other side of Rory's bed asked, the couple nodded simultaneously, large grins plastered on their faces.

The nurse smiled in admiration at the couple, "Okay, this may be a little cold but you'll adjust to it quickly." Rory nodded as Michael lifted her shirt up over her stomach, allowing the nurse to spread the cool blue gel onto Rory's slowly growing stomach.

"If you look at the screen, you'll see your baby," The nurse smiled as Michael gasped, his eyes widening at the screen in front of him. "Ana, that's our baby!" Michael gaped as Rory wiped small tears from her cheeks.

The nurse coughed slightly, catching the couples attention, "Babies," Michaels eyes grew even wider.

"Babies?" Rory stuttered, the nurse nodded and moved the ultrasound device across Rory's stomach and pointed to the screen. "Two babies, you've got twins!" Michael looked at Rory, her eyes wide as they watched the two foetuses on the small screen.

"We're having twins." Rory grinned as Michael stood up and kissed her, the pair smiling into the short kiss as the nurse printed out copies of the sonogram.

"I can't believe, there's a mini Rory and a mini Michael in there." Michael smiled as he helped Rory wipe the blue gel from her stomach. "Are you scared?" Rory asked, Michael nodded but smiled widely at his girl.

"Princess, we're having twins!" Michael yelled in excitement as Rory pulled her shirt back over her stomach. "I'm so excited," Rory grinned as Michael helped her climb down from the hospital bed. Michael nodded in agreement and place his palms on Rory's stomach.

"Our little ones, our children, our family." Michael whispered, his heart swelling with pride.


Rory's stomach was huge. Six months into her pregnancy and she was more than ready to pop the rambunctious twins out. The unborn twins were restless, always kicking and giving Rory cravings when she was doing something important or trying to catch up on sleep.

She stood on her tip toes as she attempted to reach the top of the Christmas tree Michael had bought, a loud groan of annoyance emitting from her lips as she failed to reach the top once again.

"You're making Christmas a pain in my ass." Rory mumbled to herself (well the twins) as she gave up and sat on the sofa, her small hands running over her large pregnancy belly.

"Where's your dad? Wait you can't answer that, never mind." Rory rambled to her bump as she felt her babies kick against her palms.

"Daddy's home!" Michael yelled as Rory leant her head back and watched Michael walk in, his hands clutching, what looked like, one hundred shopping bags. "What did you get?" Rory asked eagerly as Michael put the bags down in front of her and sat himself next to her.

"Well, I went to the store and got the twins some more baby grows," Rory groaned at Michael's purchase, making the boy pout.

"But, Princess, it says 'I love Mommy more than Daddy!'" Michael yelled with excitement as Rory took it from his hands and read it.

"I accept this one. What else did you get?" Michael grinned once more and let his hands dive into the bag between his legs. "Now Princess, I need you to close your eyes, okay?" Rory nodded and closed her eyes, her hands resting on her overly large stomach as Michael got into his planned position.

Michael took a deep breath, "Open your eyes." Rory's eyes shot open and looked to Michael, who was knelt in front of her. The coloured haired man knelt on one knee, his trembling hands holding out a black box, the lid lifted open to show the ring which Michael planned to put on Rory's finger.

"Rory Nirvana Watts, you are everything I've ever needed and wanted. You are lazy, you are a nightmare, you're the reason I wake up cold at four am and the reason my leg is going numb," Rory giggled at Michael and wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands.

"You're my paradise and my hell in one, you're the god damn love of my existence and I want nothing more than to spend every waking moment with you. You're a complete mess but so am I," Rory pouted but nodded in agreement as Michael took another deep breath.

"Ana, Princess, will you do the ultimate honour of being my wife? Love me until I'm old and bald?" Michael choked out as he watched tears race down his girlfriends cheeks. Rory stared at Michael before pushing herself off of the sofa, carefully kneeling on the floor with him.

"Rory, what are you doing?" Rory shook her head and held her index finger up to silence Michael. "You, Michael Gordon Clifford, are the biggest pain in my life but the greatest gift I've ever been given, you make my days brighter, my nights warmer and my life complete." Michael let out a choked laugh and watched as Rory ran her hands over her swelling stomach.

"You're giving me the greatest thing in life, you're going to be an astonishingly amazing father and an even better husband." Rory grinned. Michael looked at Rory with a confused look, "Is that a yes?"

Rory smiled shyly and looked at Michael, "It's the biggest fucking yes you'll ever receive in your life." Michael opened his mouth to speak but tell speechless, his bottom lip trembling as Rory held his cheeks in her palms and kissed him slowly.

"I love you," Rory mumbled as Michael blindly slid the ring onto Rory's ring finger. Michael nodded, "More than anything and anyone."


On February sixteenth at two fifty three am, Rory woke up to an unsettling pain in her abdomen and a wet patch on the bed. It took her ten minutes to eventually wake Michael up, with a slap to the face and an elbow to the stomach, Michael finally woke up.

At first he laughed, "Did you piss your pants?" "No, you fûcking idiot, your children are joining us." And after that conversation, Michael was up and getting Rory into their car, nearly forgetting to close their front door as Rory cried out in agony.

Michael got Rory to the local hospital and yelled at anyone who dared get in their way. "Move idiot, my fiancée is about to drop our twins out of her uterus!" Which earned him a few cold glares from the staff.

Rory was rushed into a room and immediately stated that she would not give birth without her fiancée by her side. Michael held Rory's hand for the entire time. Six hours in labour and a broken knuckle later, Rory finally let go of Michaels hand.

Jax Thomas Clifford and Josie Amelia Clifford were born at seven thirty four and seven thirty nine am, the pair came out screaming and Rory had never been so relieved to hear to children crying.

Michael sobbed as he watched the nurses clean up his fiancée and children. His eyes glowing as he watched his son and daughter being wrapped up into blankets. Rory held Jax as Michael held Josie and the couple had never felt so proud in their lives.

Michael sat on the end of Rory's hospital bed with his baby girl in his arms and his heart on his sleeve. "I'm so proud of you," Michael whispered to Rory as he watched the new mother admire her baby boy. "He's got your nose." Rory smiled as Jax yawned, his tiny face scrunching up as his mother cooed.

"I still can't believe we named our daughter after a blink-182 song," Rory smiled at her fiancée as she watched him rock Josie in his arms. "We named our son after the main character of Sons of Anarchy, we are officially worlds worst and best parents." Michael laughed as Rory nodded.

"Who would've thought that a picture of your dick on snapchat would've led to this?" Rory smiled softly as she ran her fingers over Jax's blonde tuffs of hair. Michael rolled his eyes playfully but nodded in agreement, "We made it, Ana. We survived the madness and came out on top with two beautiful children and a whole lot of love."

Rory sniffed quietly and looked at her fiancée, "More than anything and anyone, right Gordon?" Michael smiled and tilted his head to face Rory.

"More than anything and anyone, Ana."

~ ~ ~

that's it, the end.
