Chapter Ten

Eddie finally gets the motor to turn on, and it wasn't long before the three of them were heading back to the dock.

"Wow -" Patrick said as he saw Eddie and Steve take Billy out of the boat, "Is he gonna be alright?" Max asks, looking at Steve

"Yeah, he's gonna be okay. He just breathed in some water.."

" 'Just breathed in some water' Really Steve?" Dustin says sarcastically, Steve goes to reply

"Can't you give him cpr?" Eddie suggests looking at Steve, "What? Me, why?"

"Didn't you say you were a lifeguard too? C'mon, Harrington, he's gonna die!" Eddie says dramatically

"Steve!" Max yells after hearing Eddie, "Okay! Okay! I'll try.." Steve looks up at the kids before looking back down

𝘐𝘡'𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘡 𝘭π˜ͺ𝘬𝘦 𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘒𝘯𝘺𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 𝘒𝘣𝘰𝘢𝘡 𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘡𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘯'𝘡 𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘯𝘬 𝘒𝘯𝘺𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘯𝘨 π˜ͺ𝘧 𝘐 π˜₯𝘰 π˜ͺ𝘡 𝘳π˜ͺ𝘨𝘩𝘡?

Steve pinches Billy's nose and holds open his mouth, 𝘡𝘩π˜ͺ𝘴 𝘣𝘦𝘡𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬, Steve leans down and puts his lips on Billy's and blows

Steve stops and raises his head, but Billy doesn't move, "Well, you've gotta do it more than once, Harrington." Eddie says

Steve rolls his eyes and leans back down. He releases air in Billy, hoping it works this time, but it didn't.

Steve doesn't want to give mouth to mouth in front of everyone anymore, so instead, he puts his hands on Billy's chest

3...2...1, Steve pushes all his pressure down, Billy lifts his head as far as he could coughing up water and then putting his head back down on the dock

"What happened?" Billy mumbles, looking around, "You almost drowned." Eddie answers shrugging.

"Yeah, Steve had to give you mouth to mouth." Dustin adds, making Billy turn to Steve, but then he looks at Steve's hand

"Oh shit, Steve, what happened?" Max asks, leaning over, "Do you need anything?" Billy asks, looking up at him

"I'll be fine - we need to get going anyway." Steve says, looking at the group, Billy looks at them too, "Is that Patrick?"

"Oh yeah..he was in the woods -" Lucas says, Billy sighs, dropping his head, and Max covers her mouth, laughing

"Hurry, we've gotta head back to the Wheeler's to meet up with the others!" Dustin says, already walking back to the car.

"Hargrove catch." Eddie tosses Billy's shirt to him, but of course Billy doesn't catch it, "Really Munson." Steve says, putting his hands on his hips

"Hey, mistakes happen, catch!" Eddie then throws Steve's shirt at him, Steve catches it, and Eddie smiles, raising his eyebrows

Once Eddie and Steve had their clothes back on, Billy hadn't moved. "Hargrove," Eddie says, dragging out the end.

Steve holds his hand out, "C'mon," Billy takes Steve's hand and is helped up, "Maybe Steve should help with your shirt too." Eddie teases

"Ha-ha." Steve says while Billy slips on his shirt, "Well, are you?" Billy smirks, "You only button two, I think you're good."

Eddie pulled his knife out of his pocket and started to wipe off what was on it, "So that's what happened to Harrington." Billy says, seeing the bloody knife

Eddie goes to slip his knife back in his pocket but feels something, "Oh Steve!" Steve turns around, and Eddie pulls out something.

"Here, for your hand." He wraps a bandana that was in his pocket around Steve's cut, and they both look at each other

"Thanks." Steve says Billy watches as the two smile at each other. He turns away and keeps walking to the car.

Eddie runs up beside Billy and says, "Nice hair, Hargrove." Talking about the one wet curl twisted on his forehead

"Not so bad yourself, Munson." Billy replies, "How'd Steve get the hair title when you were here, hm?"

"Hey, I was here first." Steve says, joining in, "You were also the king. " Eddie smirks, and Steve scoffs

Billy turns to Steve and gives a side smile, Steve looks down and runs his finger up Billy's arm

The group was in the car when they realized there weren't enough seats even though they all squeezed in like last time.

"Either someone can sit on someone's lap or one of you is in the trunk, I suggest Henderson." Billy smiles

"Steve!" Dustin yells, "No one's going in the trunk. We'll find another way." Then they did

Steve and Billy were in the front, Patrick on the left, Eddie on the right with Dustin sitting between his legs, then Lucas, who had Max on his lap in the middle.

"Are you kids comfortable?" Steve asks, "No -" Eddie and Dustin say, "Great." Steve replies

Even though the car ride wasn't that long to the Wheeler's, it felt like forever, at least to Eddie and Dustin

"Alright, we're here." Steve says, putting the car in park, "Finally!" Dustin says, telling Lucas and Max to hurry out.

Steve watches as the group goes inside, and then he turns to Billy, who is looking down at the bandana around Steve's hand

"What do you think of Eddie?" Billy asks, looking closely at Steve, "He's nice, what do you think?"

"He's cool.." Billy answers, Steve sighs, trying to phrase his question right, "What?" Billy asks

"Billy," Steve says, leaning on the arm rest, "Why do you like me?"

"What do you mean?" Billy asks, sitting back, "I didn't mean it like that - I mean like.."

"..I mean you said you were jealous of me that one day, are you sure you do like me?"

"Harrington, do you not like me?" Billy asks, furrowing his brows, "What no. Of course I do. I just didn't know if you did."

"Oh yeah? Then what kind of smile do I get?" Billy's focus switches

Billy puts his hand on Steve's neck and pulls him closer, kissing him. It was over quick, too quick.

"I like you a lot, Harrington." Steve shakes his head, trying not to smile, "I like you a lot too..Hargrove."

They were both going to lean back in but were stopped by the Wheeler's door slamming, and they looked outside

Walking out the door was Robin. She was heading up to the car, and Steve rolled down his window.

"Hey, hey dingus, can I hitch a ride?" Robin asks, putting her arms where the window used to be rolled up

"Do I have a choice?" Steve asks, "Nope." She opens the door and slides in the car, "Heard you drowned Hargrove. "

Steve smiles, looking at Billy rolling his eyes, "Thought you were a lifeguard?" Robin asks, "He was." Steve says, looking back at 'was'.

Steve was pulling into Robin's neighborhood when Robin asked, "What time do I get off tomorrow?"

"Four why?" Robin puts her elbows on the shoulders of the chairs in front of her, "I've gotta date. "

"Oh yeah?" Steve asks, knowing who she's talking about, "Yup, with Vicki." Billy looks at Steve, confused

"What's wrong?" Steve asks, "Nothing.." Billy says, "Did Steve not tell you?"

Billy looks back at her, "I'm gay Billy." Robin says comfortably, "Yeah no, he forgot to mention." Steve shrugs, pulling into Robin's driveway

"That's my cue." Robin says, slapping the boys' shoulders. She gets out of the car and walks to her front door. She waves before walking in

"And I thought you two had dated." Billy says once Robin is gone, Steve quickly turns to him, "You did?"

"Yeah, I guess she wasn't obvious to me." Billy shrugs, Steve pulls out of the driveway, still thinking about what he heard

"I must have forgotten we live in Hawkins where people can't be queer."

"People can, but just in secret." Billy slides his hand onto Steve's thigh, Steve stops the car in front of his house

He looks down at Billy's hand and then up at Billy, "So this is our secret?" Steve asks, smirking."Just a dirty little secret, that's all."

That night, two ended up in the same bed once again, Billy felt a weird comfort being in Steve's bed, in his room, and in his arms.

Billy fell asleep listening to Steve's heartbeat and the pattern of his breath. He wished he'd never have to move.
