Chapter Eighteen

Argyle stopped the van in front of Dustin's house. He was the first out running towards the front door

The group followed after Dustin unlocked the door peeking inside

"What're you doing? This is your house, right?" Billy asked sarcastically, "Yes, I know that! I'm checking if my mom is here."

When everyone walked inside, they were greeted by a cat purring against their ankles

"Come on," Dustin said, walking to his room, "Is he sneaking around his own house?" Billy whispered to Robin.

"I think so." Robin replied. When everyone gathered his Dustin's room, he sat in front of his desk

"What was the place called?" He asked, and Robin placed the paper next to him. He typed in the name on his keyboard

"Find anything?" Mike asked, "I found a building, just not the location.." his mouse continued to click as he looked.

"Hey Argyle, do you know where this is?" Argyle learned by looking at the computer, "Oh yeah, man, passed it before."

"Great, can you take us there?" Argyle nodded, "Of course, man, "

Quickly, the seven were back inside the van heading to the address Dustin wrote down

Chrissy and Eddie took off the hoodies they were wearing to draw away attention

"You're in a club?" Billy asked Eddie. He looked down at his shirt, "Oh yeah, with Mike and Dustin."

Billy turned to Robin, and she shrugged, Mike looked outside, "Is that it?" He saw a tall gray building

Dustin looked at the paper, "Yeah, it is! Argyle turns here." Everyone looked as they approached the building

No one had a plan on what to do when they finally got inside except to get Steve and get out alive.

"Why isn't there a gate?" Robin asked as they got closer, "Maybe it's new?" Dustin questioned

Judging by the look of the building and the lack of cars in the parking lot, it was nothing new

"Eddie, are you alright?" Chrissy asked. The group turned their attention to him to see what was wrong.

"Yeah, I just got lightheaded for some reason." He smiled while shrugging it off

𝘐 𝘥𝘪𝘥𝘯'𝘵 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰𝘰...𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘐'𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴.

Argyle parked the van where he wanted, guessing no one was working at the building at the moment

The party all got out gathering in front of the building and looking up, taking in how tall it was.

Dustin pressed his hands on the glass door to see inside better, "How do we get in?" Mike asked, crossing his arms

"This is just glass, right?" Billy asked, knocking on the door, "Don't break it dingus." Robin replied

"Hey guys!" Chrissy yelled. She had been almost on the other side standing beside Argyle, "We found another way in!"

Everyone looked down the stairs leading to a door Argyle found with Chrissy, "Come on bro-cha-chos!" Argyle walking down the stairs.

The rest followed, Billy, Robin, and Mike shared a glance between each other before making their ways down too

The door surprisingly opened, and when it did, the odor from inside made the entire group step back

"Gross smells like a morgue." Robin said, "Should we check for Steve?" Eddie laughed, the group glared back.

"Too soon?"

Everyone walked around feeling around for a light switch, Dustin soon found it and turned it on, making everyone's eyes widen

"I guess you were right, Robin." Mike says, putting his hand on her shoulder. They all look at the boxes covering the room

"Is there a door out?" Chrissy asked, smiling awkwardly, "Right here." Argyle said, opening it.

Chrissy was the first out having the group go after, "You coming?" Robin asked Billy, who was stopped

He kept looking around the room, "Hey, he's not here, okay?" She said, "Yeah, yeah, I know."

"Holy shit!" Robin and Billy turned around after hearing someone yell from the other room

She gestured up the stairs for Billy to follow. They both walked into the room with the opened door

As they looked inside, they saw the group surrounding what looked like surveillance cameras, "Come look!"

Robin and Billy leaned over Dustin watching as he went through each room, "Hey, wait!" Billy said

Dustin turned to him, "Go back to the camera." Dustin listened and went back, "What about it?" Dustin said, looking at the empty room

Billy hesitated, "Go back another." Dustin did it again, still seeing nothing, "Billy there's nothing -" Robin tried saying to him.

"Just go back another!" Dustin eyes widen, looking at Robin, "Well do it!" Robin told him

Dustin threw his hands up in defense before clicking back a camera, "Oh shit." Dustin said, standing up

"What is it?" Eddie said, trying to look from behind Billy, "Is that Steve?" Eddie asked worryingly.

"Wait, what?" Mike asked not to see the camera because he moved for Robin, "Holy shit it is!"

"Quick Henderson finds the room!" Billy said, putting his hand on Dustin's shoulder, "Alright, alright!"

"I found it! I found it!" Dustin announced, "Okay where is it?" Billy asked, squeezing his shoulder

"Down the hallway and to the left!" Dustin tried getting out of his grip but couldn't until Billy let go

"Only that far? Then come on!" Robin said, going out of the room, the group followed her out.

When Dustin had gotten up, he clicked on the computer changing the camera, Argyle looked back, seeing something

He sat down in the chair in front of the computer, looking closer, trying to figure out what he was seeing

Mike ran back into the room, stopping himself by grabbing the doorway, "Argyle, are you coming?"

He turned back and pointed at the screen, "I'm not seeing things, right man?" That's when Mike looked as well.

With the others, they finally reached the right room, Dustin tried the door knob, "It's locked. Do you have any ideas, hm?" Dustin asked Billy sarcastically

Billy grabbed onto the door handle, "I told it's locked-" Billy then slammed his shoulder into the door, making everyone jump back

He looked back at the door and hinged and realized they've come loose. He pushed himself into the door again.

Chrissy and Eddie continued to jump every time he hit against the door, while Robin and Dustin were not surprised at this point

A loud crack came from the door, which made the door look at each other, and Billy smirked

Billy backed away from the door before once more ramming his shoulder into the door, it had opened.

Mike and Argyle's heads turned, hearing the loud noise it made when it broke, and the two got up running to others

"Way to be subtle, genius." Mike scoffed, finally seeing the noticeable damage Billy caused

"You broke that?" Argyle asked, Billy nodded proudly, "Nice man." Argyle raised his hand high-fiving Billy.

Dustin poked his head inside the room as if there were other people inside, Billy shoved him inside, going to where Steve was

Everyone circled around Steve, who was unconscious, "Last time this happened, he ended up -" Robin began

When she talked, Billy lifted up Steve's head, seeing how the people of this corporation treated Steve's face

Chrissy let out a small gasp covering her mouth. Everyone else had turned away either disgusted or scared.

Steve's eyes and one of his cheeks were purple and swollen. He had blood dripping from his nose as well as his lip

Robin crouched down beside Steve and shook his shoulders, "You sure he's just knocked out?" Eddie asked

He then gulped when Billy turned around to him, staring, "Hey.. how about we shake him again?" Eddie said as a distraction.

Robin gently pushed Steve's from left to right. However, his limp head only moved with the motion

Billy, with more force, pushed his head to the opposite side, though Steve stayed asleep, "Try and slap him." Mike suggested

Robin looked at Mike then at Steve and shrugged. She raised her hand not too hard, but just enough, she hit him across the face.

Steve woke up with a scream which made the group jolt back, and Eddie let out a small scream. His mouth was quickly covered by his own hand

Steve opened his eyes, revealing the blood sitting on his waterline, "Robin?" His voice was rough

"Yeah, it's me, with a couple of others." She smiled, his head felt heavy on his neck, but he still managed to look around.

After he looked at everyone, he looked at Billy again and then quickly back down, Billy shouldn't have minded, but it hurt when Steve looked away

"Do you think you can walk?" Dustin asked, Robin hit the back of his head and pointed to the leather straps around Steve

Steve's head whipped around, looking too as if he didn't know they were there, "Did they drug you again dingus?"

Billy looked at Robin, "Again?" She nodded, "Does anyone have anything to cut these?" She asked.

Eddie tapped on the pockets of his pants. He pulled out a pocket knife and tossed it to Robin

"Thanks.." She tossed it to Billy, "You cut them." Billy opened it, "Why me?" Her answer was pointing to the door with the broken hinges

Billy started slicing the knife through the straps around Steve's hand. Once it cut through, he went to the one around his waist.

Billy awkwardly bent down beside Steve and put the pocket knife to the last strap, holding his legs down

"Wait." Argyle said suddenly, the group turns towards him, he put a finger to his mouth singling everyone to be quiet

Once the entire room was quiet, everyone heard footsteps from heavy boots.

"Shit, shit, shit." Billy said, trying to quickly cut through the last strap. The others started to panic too

Steve tried helping by pulling on the leather. At last, it broke in half, and Steve jumped up from the chair

Though as soon as he stumbled from his lack of eye sight, Billy caught him on his side by holding Steve's waist.

Steve wrapped his own arm around Billy's shoulder to help himself stay up too, Dustin was looking outside when he gave a thumbs up

The group who could quickly run to the door that led outside, Dustin tried opening the door, but it was locked

"They must know we're here." Eddie said. As he finished, the footsteps got closer.

"Oh, Elevator!" Chrissy said, pointing behind everyone. The group again rushed over

Mike clicked the button impatiently, "Come on.." He groaned, the doors opened, everyone gathered in

Mike pressed the button to the next floor, as they waited, the footsteps got closer and closer.

When the elevator was inches away from being closed, Eddie, who was in the middle, saw a person in the hallway

"Mike.. Mike! There's someone there!" He said, Mike started pushing the button over and over

"He's getting closer!"

"I know!" Mike kept pressing until the doors finally closed, a sigh of relief came from everyone

"Do you know where we're going?" Robin asked, "No clue." Mike answered.
