Chapter 7 : Spring Formal

maya's pov:

Tonights the night! It's Spring Formal! My first dance! Right now, me and Riley are still getting ready. it's 5:30. Lucas and Farkle are going to be here in 30 minutes, and I still haven't done my makeup and hair. I decided to do my make up like normal. And I'm going to do a half rose bun for my hair.

For Riley, she's doing her make up like normal and just put her hair on a cute bun. She looks like a ballerina.

Then I hear a knock, me and Riley are rushing to go downstairs. Then when we opened it we saw Lucas with flowers that wrapped up so nicely.

lucas's pov:

When Maya opened the door, I couldn't help but stare. She looks absolutely beautiful. How her long blonde hair cascading down her back in ringlet curls with two pieces twisted back to show off her beautiful face. Her make up just accentuated her natural beauty and I could feel my heart beating against my chest when we made eye contact.

"You look beautiful tonight" I gushed, viewing her face flush with pink. "By the way, this is for you" I say giving her the flowers.

She smiled as she looked down at the dozen pink roses and quickly taking a small sniff of them

"Thank you Lucas" I smiled and nodded.

"Shall we?" I offered her my hand

"We shall" She hold my hand

We're finally at the Spring Formal. We walked in and the whole gym was decorated with hanging stars and glitter streamers and confetti covered the floor.

"Let's go get some punch" I said. We walked over to the buffet table and poured each other a drink.

A slow song come on. I knew the song right away, So Close by Jon Mc Laughlin. "I love this song!" Said Maya excitedly.

"Wanna dance?" I offered her my hand.

"Sure" she take my hand and we held hands onto the dance floor.

We turned to face each other and I put my hands around her waist. she took her two hands, locked her two fingers together and slipped them behind my neck.

We were dancing in the middle of the dance floor. We were looking at each other and she smiled and let a little giggled out. How could she smile and laugh and look so beautiful? It feels like I'm falling for her all over again. She rested her head on my shoulder.

"Hey maya?" I say breaking the silence.


"There are moments in my life that I'm going to remember forever. This is one of them" I said leaning to her and kissed her. It was perfect, until Riley ruin the moment.

"OH MY GOD CAN YOU GUYS GET ANY CUTER?!?!" she squeals, ruining the moment.

"Gee thanks for ruining the moment Riley" I said sarcastically.

"Oops... Sorry" says Riley

Then, 'Shut up and dance with me' started playing. We all started to dance like a bunch of idiots. We were having so much fun. Then, Charlie Gardner came towards me.

"Hey Lucas" he greeted me.

"Hey what's up" 

"There's a party at my house tomorrow, maybe you and your friends would like to come" he said, inviting us.

"Sure" I simply replied.

"Great, see you later" he said as he walks away.

Then, all of the sudden Maya came to me and forced me to go get Fro yo. I was too lazy to drive to the Fro yo place, but she was getting soo annoying. So we go get some Fro yo, and Josh, Farkle and Riley came with us too.

"Hey guys, Charlie Gardner invited us to his party tomorrow. Wanna come?" I asked them.

"Woah, Charlie Gardner?" Josh asked, kinda surprise.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" I asked him, confused.

"Nothing, is just that I heard that his party are for college people only" he tells me.

"Well, I heard some rumor that he likes Maya. Maybe he only invites us because of Maya" Farkle said.

"Then it's settled we're not going" I say in a jealousy tone.

"Wait, what. I wanna go" Maya finally said something.

"No way!" I said basically yelling.

"Seriously Lucas, you're overreacting. So what if he's into me" Maya said to me.

"So what?! I tell you what! Charlie Gardner's an ass" I tell her.

"So? You can rub it in his face that I'm yours, and only yours" She said, in a flirtatious tone. 

"Fine, but if Charlie Gardner come near you, we're leaving" I tell her and she just rolled her eyes in response.
