
Aletheia stood, not sure of what to do for herself. It was going great with Jaren and to his subscribers, she never existed in the first place. It may have been better that way but it meant he had to go away without her. The 4th of July really sucked. She would have to celebrate all alone though she was in Canada so the day could have passed without comment for her.

Hey, Jaren. How is it going? Missing you and love you. XXX

It wasn't exactly normal for her to send any sort of message like that but it was true. The day had filled her with sadness as she had to defend a guilty woman. Some jobs had no perks and being a lawyer was one of them.

Aletheia sat at her desk typing away when her phone buzzed. It had been almost a full three hours since she had text him but any time was a great time. Only it wasn't him at all. It was Lilly.

Thia. What would be a massive no-no in any of your relationships? I mean as a starting point for marriage.

If their last name began with an 'S' my initials would be 'ASS' and that is not okay. Why are you asking?

I needed it for homework. Do you want to try again?


A massive no-no would be if he hurt me. Not just physically but mentally, emotionally or even my work. If I cannot move forward with him then he goes. Also, if he isn't loyal or kind to me.

If we fight over the smallest of things or if he spends his life being rude to me. I have to be able to respect him as well. I cannot respect a man who does nothing. I don't care if they live with their parents if it is only out of necessity but if it is because it is easy then hell no.

Is that what you needed?

Yeah, thanks. Um, Thia. Can I tell you about what I had hoped to tell you in Canada?

I got scared. They were there and you may have been annoyed.

As long as you haven't broken the law I would or couldn't be annoyed. Even then, live a little just not from my alcohol.

Thia. I'm not into boys.

Lils. I know.


You used to talk about how all of your friends were nice but Tash was better. You just gave all the signals. I am glad you could finally tell me though. I have been waiting for this.

You are making me cry. It is midnight here so bugger off.

Mum and dad will be asleep. Besides they will be proud of you. Go get 'em. I also know mum and dad have known for a year now.

Being a good older sister I am not going to be responding. I forgot it is midnight, it is eight here. Love you. XXX

Love you. XXX

Aletheia felt like it was a good day. Even when Jaren hadn't responded by the time she had returned home at nine. The world kept her feeling free and also happy. Not a thing could have brought her down. Until she saw her phone. Aletheia felt so bad as the text from Jaren had been missed almost completely.

Hey Aletheia. I hope you are well but I need to tell you something. Can we call?

So, I know you are busy but it has been a full half-hour so here goes.

Aletheia held back a tear as she prepared for what it would be. A streak of hope that he was going to send all the love in the world to her ran up her spine. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath in Aletheia let the words enter her mind as forced a smile onto her lips.

I am here with all my friends. I love them and I know I do. They like you too, they don't really know you enough to say more but I do know Tyler and John are big fans. Mainly due to the texts you send them. Anyway, I don't think I can do it.

Aletheia. I don't love you and I don't want to string you along. I am so sorry but we are all we are. I hope a friendship can still be kept between us. Goodbye friend.


Green eyes filled and she turned the screen off. When it was put down a vibration was obvious but also ignored. Aletheia walked to her balcony with a bottle and her phone. It was drastic but drunk Aletheia would be a better woman to not cry. Deciding a barrage of 'fuck you too' wouldn't help so the bottle was put down so that she could think it all through.


Hey Jaren. Sorry I was at work super late and just read your messages.

I understand and thank you for not leading me on.

I do still enjoy spending time with you. And I care for you so I wouldn't hurt you.

I know. I will post your flat keys through soon and your dog will be at your house soon. I will tell them to message you directly. Sorry if I hurt you.

Not at all.

So, are we good?


Anything? Not sent.

The recipient you are sending to has chosen not to receive messages. Msg 2109.

Jaren swore and threw his phone onto the bed at his side. Not much else could be done to stop that. She had blocked him and he was not about to get silly. Aletheia probably wanted to stop any drunk texts. A smart one that one.

"Hey, Smit. What is it? You look pissed and also upset." Jaren sighed and let his hands cup his face. John was clearly not sure of the thing to do but he sat beside Jaren on his bed for a little while.

"I dumped Aletheia and she seemed to take it well. Until I got this text 'The recipient you are sending to has chosen not to receive messages. Msg 2109.' and suddenly she isn't as okay with it. What do I do man?" The old question of what to do.

"I just text her. She said and I quote; 'when I pop my first beer I don't stop.' so, perhaps she is okay with it but doesn't want to send a drunk text. Or, she is scared that you will do or say something that drunk her won't be able to understand. You two seemed pretty tight. What happened?" Jaren sat and could give no answer. "You got scared." Smii7y sat and tried to give a defence but he couldn't. Aletheia never did that to him. Made him defend himself and yet he didn't notice that until John made his mind work.

"We already said that we love each other. I'm not scared. Get it together brother." Jaren tried to joke but John saw right through it in a second.

"Listen. When you get back and pick the dog up from your parents' text me and I will fly to see you. Get to see how everything is." All Smii7y could do was agree with his words.
