
"Are you all off?" The question stuck as the bags were loaded into cars. Aletheia was at her car with Lilly in the passenger seat. She was smiling away and laughing at the device in her hand as more messages came through from her friends.

"Yeah. I will see you in a week or two." Tyler shouted and Aletheia agreed with a wave. In one day the floor was losing a lot of bodies and happy people.

"Oh, Lils. We are going to stay with Tyler for two nights when I am working on Miriam's odd case. Her nonprofit whorganization was not legal and she got found out. I reckon I can get her free with no charges. Anyway, they are all leaving so if you want to say goodbye." She shook her head and mumbled about the fact she had already done it.

"Bye guys. See you later, Jaren." The goodbye was returned and Aletheia drove off into the direction of her new job. She was about to be part of the best. She was a natural at all the debates but she wasn't sure if she was all that good.

When they arrived Aletheia grabbed her phone and checked her messages. A broad smile took to her features as she read what had been sent.

Good luck, Sweetheart.

Smii7y may have been crazed but she held a place in her heart for him. He was funny as well as supportive. She was happy to have met him. He seemed to enjoy her company too.

"Who is it?" Lilly asked as they got to the front door of the building.

"Jaren. Wishing me luck. Being a real creep about it though. Anyways, we will need to. Hello, I am Aletheia Octavia. Here for either Monroe, Albert or Lean. They said whoever was free would meet me." The woman at the desk nodded and turned to the man beside her. He whispered and then three People all walked out. All males and also the leads in the business. Their faces brightened ever so slightly as they greeted the woman.

"Hello, Aletheia. We have been expecting you and fortunately, the three of us are all free. So, shall we begin?" She nodded and then a path was led. It was an empty office with the desk and cabinet being the only visible items in the room. She assumed it would be her office and so the room was walked around.

"Hello, we were told that you may be here to visit us, Lilly. It is lovely to meet you little Miss Octavia. I am Lewis Monroe, this is Andrew Lean and finally, this is Miles Albert. We run the firm as the partners. Anyway, your sister knows what we want to know so please, Aletheia could you give us an answer? This can be done and dealt with as soon as possible." Aletheia had agreed and noticed the chair behind the desk she was viewing.

"I have been trained for three years but I did skip my third year of training. This is the first company where I will not be under any supervision but you have worked with Miah before, individually, so you know I lead the team myself. She was our family specialist but I ended up attending all of her meetings for her and doing half her cases. Not to mention the morning calls. I am very comfortable in all areas as Miah was the one assigned to take cases too big for the fourth years. She ended up loading them onto me and I have had a caseload four times the size of the legal max for the past year almost." That seemed to be enough as hands were then shaken and smiles given. It was obvious that the firm was happy with her.

On the way out of the building, a meeting was clearly at an end as the door was then opened and people began to leave. Aletheia was busy and speaking kindly with Lewis with a laugh. She smiled all the way. The day seemed bright. A familiar voice called her name and she turned suddenly. Laura was stood beside Miah. The latter looking a thousand times happier than the first. When Laura caught up she joined the pair until Lewis left.

"I don't know how you worked with Miah for so long. I didn't even realise how much hard work she was. Safe to say you have left me a shorthand. I now need to fire her and fill that position. Unless you are up for it?" Aletheia gave no verbal response as she let her hands grab her sister and they left. A promise of drinks was given though. The pair fancied a catch-up.

When the two got back Lilly rushed in and then got dressed into more relaxed clothing while Aletheia had barely made it to the steps. Lilly had grabbed the keys and gone up the steps just to get changed quicker.

"Hello. How was it?" A joking voice asked and Aletheia laughed. She turned and then she saw a dog at his side. Pets were allowed and so nothing more could be said. It was a sweet creature but animals were not Thia's friend. She preferred to deal with things that she could hold a conversation with and receive a normal response from.

"Great. I am off for drinks with my old boss later so can you just listen out if your door goes? Lilly may set my kitchen on fire or try to get artsy and realise she was designed for other things and my house will be a state. I will set rules but she is 16." He laughed and gently tapped Aletheia's arm.

"How would you like to come over for some dinner after you go out? Lilly as well but I figure that is a given." Aletheia nodded at a slow rate. She was pushing down the excitement at how formal he was being.

"So, my place at whatever time you are back from this mystery meeting with your old boss who I assume is not Will." Aletheia only gave a nod and he smiled. Waving a slight hand to say goodbye and the pair went their own ways. When the Octavia door was then closed a smile branched. Lilly could tell it was something special.

"What?" The tone and teasing way she was walking made Aletheia roll her eyes and any attempt to cover up her joy was lost on Lilly as she knew her sister too well.

"Fine. Jaren has invited me to his place for dinner and you are invited as well. So, don't slum it tonight. Don't dress up either, just wear that but black jeans or something. No joggers. We are British and joggers are not even close to acceptable unless someone else is wearing them, only then it is acceptable."
