
"BEN GIVE SALLY BACK HER DOLL! JACK IF YOU PLAY THE RING AROUND THE ROSIE'S SONG ONE MORE DAMN TIME I'M GOING TO SHOVE THAT MUSIC BOX SO FAR UP YOUR ARSE YOU WILL START SINGING IT!" I grab Jeff's hoodie and a clump of his hair, I was smashing his face into the wall and keeping Jane back with a leg and only a leg poised in between her boobs. I stuck Jeff's knife in my apron pocket. Every time I moved the knife scratched my leg. Masky and Hoodie were attempting to shove Toby's head into the garbage disposal only managing to clog up the sink and slightly drowning Toby. Lazari was still sick, she was at the top of the stairs crying because her head hurt crying to me. Smile dog was watching Splendor juggle glass plates in the dining room.

Bloody Painter was draining the blood in the fridge, leaving the organs to dry out so he could paint. EJ was shoving all of the organs into his pockets.


EJ yells at B.P. in a string of curses. Slender was out on business and it is Friday in the mansion. No one has work right now and I have to keep everyone from killing each other.


Offender groans and stands up walking past me to the bathroom. He smirked at me as he closed the door.


"WHAT!" E.J. yells to me over the loud music playing over the stereo. I growl. Not you Eyeless Jack!

Masque walks downstairs looking pissed. He stands on the stairs quietly scanning the room. I kick Jane towards the couch she yelps, stumbles backwards and flips the couch over. Jeff laughs and I slam his head into the wall. I run into the kitchen to stop the potatoes fro over boiling as Sally runs to me yell crying.

The lights black out and pop shattering glass everywhere. The stereo was all static. Shadows moaned on the walls making all of the people in the living room yell and herd into the middle of the room. I covered my ears to silence the screaming. Sally ran to Splendor who looked very confused.

I shut my eyes and knelt down holding my hands over my ears. I could hear them again. Everyone yelling everything was so loud. I hurt my stomach was twisting. My back stretched and twisted. I felt like my ears, nose, and mouth were bleeding. My back was burning. My hands cracked and popped. I wanted to yell out but I couldn't add to the noise. My lungs stabbed me from inside begging for breath. Breathing is to loud.

A hand placed on my shoulder. I jumped and let out a breath, my lungs thanked me and greedily took everything. I felt better, the light from outside shined through the windows. I look up to see Splendor. I smile.

"Sorry. It was really loud."

He nods and smiles at me. Sally was still crying but not as bad, I think she is getting sick too. I stand up and take her to her room along with Lazari in my other arm. I hummed to them a Gallic lullaby. Sally sat in her bed, her face red from tears.

"I'm not tired Miss Rose."

"How about something to eat then?"

She nods and lays down. I brush her face with my hand, I walk to the other side of the room where Lazari laid. She was tired but I still offered her water and some food. I cleaned up the room a little bit and handed them their favorite stuffed animals. I close their door behind me and sigh. I lean my head on their door. I stand up straight and see Masque behind me. I jump.

"Masque! You made my heart stop for a second there."

"Apologies Nurse Rose."

"I am not just bound to the young children Masque, I am a maid."

He nods politely to me and walks past me.

"Oh, Masque!" He stops and turns back to me. "Thank you for shutting them up. It takes a lot to get them in line."

He hesitates but nods his head once and walks away to his room. I sigh and jog downstairs Offender walks out of the bathroom smiling.

"You better have washed your hands, pervert."

He stops smiling and lets me by, Splendor holds two plates out to me from the kitchen doorway. The two plates had a peanut butter an jelly sandwich with no crusts some apple slices and grapes. Of course he made a happy face with the fruit on the sandwich. I hugged him for a thanks and took them from him. I used my foot to open the door. Both of the girls were both awake and they dug into the food making shapes with their fruit.

I grabbed some medicine from the second floor bathroom and gave it to them. I brushed their hair and set them off to sleep, of curse I had Sally change first. I closed their door and wanted to sleep myself.

I jogged downstairs and forced most of the kids downstairs to go outside and practice. I threatened Jeff and Jane to get along or I would tie them up in straight jackets in the same room for two days with no food. Nobody was in the living room. I sighed and cleaned up the living room until it was sparkling clean.

I ran into the kitchen forgetting the food I left out, but the kitchen was clean and all of the food was placed in the fridge ready to be warmed up for dinner. The dishes were done too. I smiled, I looked outside for Splendor but he wasn't there. I jogged upstairs to Offender's room. I knocked on the door.

"Go away."

I opened the door to find him drinking scotch on the bed while smoking. He had no top on just his Pants and socks. His room was filthy and dark, his room had one light in it and candles. It did smell good in there though.

"I said to go away Maid."

"Where is your younger brother?"

He snorted and blew a smoke ring at the roof. He was smoking a joint, and it didn't smell good either.

"Which one? I am second eldest."

"Splendor?" I say with a sigh.

"What time is it?" He said lazily.

I looked at my watch it was around 3:30. The day goes by fast when you clean and have to deal with hell spawns.


"He will be at his Circus."

I sigh and close his door as I walk to his bed. Offender didn't look at me, I just watched the tip of the butt glow a vibrant orange. I took the bottle from him as I sat down. I took a large gulp. I pull back in repulse.

" Who buys Gin!"

"Holy shit, you aren't a prude." He laughs and takes the bottle from me.

I yank it back from him and chug some more. Tastes horrid but I deserve this.

"What's up with you?" He snatches the bottle from me and takes a swig.

"Life." I take the butt and inhale it. I hold it for a while and it stings a little as I let it out of my nose.

I look at him with a smile.

"Show off."

I lay on the bed next to him and smoke. We just lay there very chill, mostly because we are stoned. I smile and look at Offender.

"Does it hurt to turn human?"

"Nah, it feels like... like foowooshaaaaaaaa."

I nod totally understanding.

"Do you actually like working here?"

"Sometimes. Most of the time I just want to ya know foowooshaaaaa."

We both laugh, I take another hit and look at Offender who turned human.



"You are fucking hot as balls."

We both laugh and I stare at his face admiring the workmanship. He is taking another hit off the weed. He turns to me and blows the smoke in my face. I close my eyes. I feel his lips on mine. Such a light kiss, I have never been kissed this light. I smile and pull back. He looks at me with his stoned eyes.

"You taste like shit."

I laugh and look back at him. I take the Gin and drink the last of it.

"We are out of Gin."

"It tasted like shit."

"Do you love?"

He laid their and stared the roof now. He sighed loudly and brought the bud to his mouth he sucked in and let it out though his nose. I knew he could do it.

"I don't actually know what it is. I know family love because I loved my Mother before she was murdered, but I don't know."

He trails off and flicks the butt away. I get up on my knees and lay my arms on his chest. I then lay my head down on my arms. I smile at him as he watches me with crooked sight. His head is propped up on one of the many throw pillows.

"You aren't that bad Oliver."

He smiles at me with closed eyes like a child. I start laughing again. He pulls me closer to his face. I go down to kiss him but Offender stops me.

"No I don't want this to escalate."

I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"It's just kissing Offender. It's okay."

He raises his eyebrows, but goes with it. He kisses me lightly, it is so soft. When we pulled away all I knew as that he traced invisible shapes on my back. I fell asleep to the soft hum in his chest. The light faded away and most of the candles blew out. I smiled for once feeling like I could fly.
