Dope and Water Mix Well

"Do you ever just want to run away?"

"All of the time."

"Maybe we don't want to run away from the place, but the people who live there."

"Maybe none of us actually want to die. Maybe we all just want the current version of us to die."

Jill takes a large puff from the joint. She passes it to Candy who stares at the ceiling.

"I think we just were tired of being controlled and wanted to take things into our own hands. Even if it meant pain."

Candy hands it to Sadie who sighs very loudly.

"Maybe we are born to fall for certain people because they were once one of our lovers in a past life."

We all hum at that. That seem possible.

Sadie kind shoves the joint at Jane who takes it calmly. She inhales it then releases it through her nose.

"Maybe the people that actually break up with us think about us more than we think of them."

A few hums sound. Jane hands the smoking leaves to me. I kinda suck it in and hold it. I sigh out a ring.

"Perhaps the broken are only considered crazy because they see the truth of mankind."

Few hums sound as I pass it off to Kate. She sighs and passes it to Clockwork who sucks the death out of it.

"Maybe we all just need a good fuck."

Kate got a Hallelujah from Judge. Clock cries a little bit as she rests her head on the palm of her hand. She stares at the ground.

"Maybe people have a reason for hurting others. I mean they can't just do it can they? We have a reason don't we?"

People comfort her and Judge takes the joint she huffs it.

"We must have a Devine destiny, or at least our souls. I mean look at Rose, she has been reincarnated so many times, maybe it is time for her to either cause a big change and die, or commit and be immortal."

We all nod. Judge is so profound. So deep. Judge softly opens Ann's hand to place the joint in it, she then closes it.

Ann opens her hand and looks bad ass puffing on it.

"Maybe our soulmate was at a party we were to sick to ever go to."

I sigh on that one. Grinny is human and takes a soft puff.

"Maybe the worst person to be with is the best person."

I hum at that one. True. True. Nina grabs the joint and eats it, burping out some smoke and releasing some from her nose.

"There are no snakes on the Hawaiian islands."

We all hum. We are sitting in a circle humming to ourselves. We are in Jane's room. She has orange lights trailing the roof of her room. We are on a fluffy rug with a bunch of pillows. Some of us sit on beanbags. I am not one of those people.

"Wanna go swimming girls?"


We all get up and open the window. We are all a little high, some of us are very. I am just a tad bit over a little. I put all of the kids to sleep. Shredded garlic in Irena's bedsheets. Gave Slender a huge dose of melatonin so he will sleep. I deserve this swim.

We jump out the window and land on the roof. The girls jog down the roof of the first floor. We get to the edge of the roof and jump onto a tree. We climbed down and jogged towards the lake. The lake is shimmering blue and in the setting moon light it is even more beautiful.

I sigh and take in the sight. The girls strip their clothes off and either walk into the water or jump off from the big rock.

"The rock kinds looks like a puppy."

"Looks like a dick."

"I call dibs on the penis rock!"

Jill runs ontop of the mountain and strips her clothes. She dives in.

We are kinda wading and enjoying the cool water. A lot of the makeup runs and the girls are looking how they actually look and they let out a sigh of relief. Jill is really pale, and she must feel like a mermaid swimming around. Jane's skin is bumpy to the touch from the fire and a little dark. She wears makeup to cover the imperfections.

Few girls sit at the shore enjoying the cold water brushing their skin. I float in the water and then I rest on the shore with Jane and Candy.

Hours pass and the sun is warming up the horizon. Someone taps my shoulder and I open my eyes to see Jane.

"We are going back Rose. We need sleep. Rest well."

They scamper off and I see the empty lake all to myself. I hum as I swim to the rocky area. Dr.Smiley tries to pullout lake grass like the sword in the stone.

It is morning and I hear people talking, I sink a little in the water to watch the boys retreat back to the safety of the mansion. Frost kisses the plants nearby, but I have adapted to the cold water. They are loudly talking as they walk. BEN and Jeff walk past laughing and Jason runs through the forest slapping people in the butt.

I hear a familiar laugh bellowing from the boys, I stay still but watch Offender walk only at a distance of three trees. I watch him as everyone walks away. He stands there.

The shore the water barely ripples and I barely even moved. He took off his clothes and walked into the water. Hello hot stuff. I internally gag at myself and scrunch up my face. He dived down and then came back up in his human form. He sighed and brushed his long hair out of his face.

I stayed very still as he swam back and forth wildly. I guess this is where he goes while I clean up the mansion in the early morning. The only thing I am worried about is I am naked, and he is too, but he looks so at peace. I start swimming in his direction. He is swimming with his face in the water. His skin shimmers with water droplets.

I wade near the middle of his path. He swims by but disturbs the water by stopping in his tracks. He meets my eyes and looks around as if confused. He spits water out of his mouth.



"What are you doing here?"



"Because I got high and have been busy and I really needed a break."

He hums, and wades a little closer to me. I feel a need to be chased but I stay put.

"Have you been here the whole time?"

"Yes." I look at him calmly, I don't feel threatened. "Why are in your fleshy form?"

"I was once a human you know. I was actually born looking like this. Slender's family took me in. They became my family."

"You miss it?"

"Yeah you can't be afraid of stupid shit anymore."

He smirks a little. I wade to him and he now looks at my slight cleavage showing.

"Are you-"


He tenses up a bit and locks his jaw.

"You are quite high to trust me flower."

"If you were once a man you can be again. Don't let your power and physical form take that away from you."

I scrunch my eyebrows and swim to to shore I grab my clothes that lay on the rock. I brought a long wrap dress and put on shorts so my thighs don't chafe.

I walk to the mansion and pull out food to start their day. I pick up some junk and then yawn and lay on the couch. Few more weeks until Christmas. The door opens quietly.


I hum, a pillow is flopped on my face. I take it off and get up to glare at him. He kisses me flat on the lips and pushes me down onto the couch.

A great rumbling shakes me. It's gone. It's back again! I life my head and sigh as I look at the man under me. I look up to see the clock. 8 PM. I poke his face.

"Fat head, you are going to wake the whole house. With your thunderous snore."

"Shut up."

I cling to him for warmth.

"Go make breakfast."

"That is only at me Casa. Assbutt."

I grunt and shift a bit. He isn't the most comfortable thing to sleep on. From his hands on my waist and his ding dong going up town.

"Asshat get your hardness out of me."

"It's morning. Get your panties out of a wad."

We both sigh. We hear creaking and a hum.

"Gone for a year and things do not change, do they?"

We sit up and Slender walks through the house into the kitchen.

"I also smoke pot now! Are you proud of meeee?"

I yell out and hear a sigh.
