Wil? Is it really you?

(A/n) Sorry for not updating I was   s a d   so I did nothing all week but sit around and cry :) I'm too lazy to proofread this so if I goof anything just leave a comment. Ghostbur art by u/Bluemacaw11165 on Reddit. k bye love you mwah <3

It was quiet. Too quiet. Techno missed Wil. He and his twin were always together. Always by each other's side. Not anymore, though. Wilbur is gone now.

Techno stepped outside of his home and into the cold and snowy plain. He heard they made a grave for Wil.

 He wondered where they had placed it. Probably in L'manberg. He gripped his brother's old beanie. It was Wil's favorite one.

Techno misses his twin. He may not show it, but he really does love his family.

Phil, who's always been with Techno and helped him through his hardest days and took him and Wilbur in when they needed it most.

Tommy, the chaotic little gremlin that he was, always cracking jokes and easy to tease. He always managed to light up the room with his laughter.

Tubbo, the sweet little brother he was. Always making everyone happier, and calming down Tommy when they were young.  He had changed, though. 

And Wil. Wilbur. His twin. His other half. His wonderful and admirable determination and leadership. His ability to make music. His fashion sense. His courage. His passion. 

He's always been with Techno, through everything. 

He misses Wilbur.

Techno treads lightly towards L'manberg. He knows he's not welcome there, but what can they do to him? Not like they can beat him in a fight. 

On his way to L'manberg, he thinks. The voices have gotten louder recently. Wilbur was good at helping with the voices. But he's gone now.

If Techno could have just a few more seconds with Wilbur, he would say so much.

How proud he was. How he loved him so so much. How he misses him. How happy he is with how he's grown as a person. He was so proud of Wil. 

Techno wishes he would have told him.

Would Wilbur be proud of him? Techno wasn't sure. The voices make it hard to be sure about anything. But he did know one thing. 

He was gonna burn L'manberg to the ground. 

He had almost made it to L'manberg now. He wonders how Tommy was doing. He wonders about Phil, too. 

Phil had visited a few times. Techno was glad that he did. The voices were getting way too overwhelming. Phil could help with them, but he wished it was Wil.

Wil was always the best at helping with the voices. 

He had arrived now. He stuffed Wilbur's old beanie securely in his pocket. Techno climbed up a small hill and glanced around L'manberg, searching for his twin's grave. 

He spotted it quite quickly, even though it was tucked underneath a tree. The area around it was clear. 

Techno hopped down quietly from the hill and made his way over to the grave. 

It saddened him to not see any flowers at the grave besides some red, green, and purple ones, supposedly left by Phil, Tommy, and Niki.

When he arrived at the grave he quickly looked around to make sure nobody was near, then sat down and pulled his knees to his chest. 

"Hey, Wil. I miss you. I wish I could see you again. I hope you're doing well wherever you may be right now. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you."

Techno had to stop speaking for a moment to hold back tears.

"You... you didn't deserve to die yet. You fell into a hole you couldn't see and it led you down a dark path. I wish I came sooner. I wish I noticed something was wrong. I'm sorry, Wil." 

Techno was almost definitely crying now. He couldn't care. He just wanted his brother back; he just wanted to see him one more time. That can't happen though. 

Techno buried his head into his knees. If the L'manbergians found him now, he wouldn't mind. He just wanted his twin to return. 

"Why'd you have to leave me Wil?" Techno muttered into his knees while he silently cried. 

Then he started to hear a tune play. It almost sounded like Wil's guitar. Why must the voices torture him? Could they not leave him be for one moment?

"It's almost like I can hear you, Wil. Even if it's just the voices... I guess it's nice to hear your music again, huh?" Techno laughed at himself for a moment. 

Was this really what everything had come down to? Sitting at his twin's grave and crying while the voices mock him with his twin's music. 

The music stopped after a few minutes. Techno wasn't sure if he should be glad or not. He loved Wilbur's music, but it was the voices. It wasn't his brother. 

"I'm proud of you, Wil. I hope you're proud of me, too." Techno sighed and lifted his head. He kept his eyes closed.

He reached back into his pocket and pulled out Wil's beanie. "Heh. Remember when I got you this on our thirteenth birthday?" 

Techno opened his eyes and looked down at the beanie. A tear fell from his cheek and onto the beanie. "You got me my crown. That's one of my favorite memories, you know?" 

Techno smiled to himself. "Gods, I wish you were still here..." He said softly.

"Techno?" A small voice called out. I sounded... familiar. But also... weaker? Maybe it was one of the voices.

"Techno? Can you hear me?" It almost sounded like Wilbur. Was he hallucinating? Techno looked up from the hat to look around just to make sure he wasn't hallucinating.

He wasn't expecting to see a ghost of Wilbur. "W-What the fu-... W-Wil?" Techno stood quickly.

"Hi, Techno!" Wilbur shouted out, even though it was quieter than it should be. "P-please tell me I'm not hallucinating. A-are you actually here?"

"Yes! What do you mean, silly? I've been here. Could you not hear my guitar?" Techno's eyes widened. "You mean...that- that wasn't the voices?" 

Wilbur looked confused for a moment. "What voices? I don't hear anyone but us!" You... you don't remember the voices?" 

"Nope! I think it must have been a bad memory for me. I forgot every bad memory. I remember the happy things though!" The ghost of Wil then started listing things he remembered.

"I remember you, and Dadza, and Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Sparring with you when we were little, Phil stabbing me, the wind, My L'manberg-" 

"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You don't remember anything bad? You remember me though right? Did you hear anything I said earlier? Did...did any of it make sense?" 

"Well... I heard a bit of it. I didn't understand most of it though. And of course, I remember you! You're my twin! How could I forget?" The ghost smiled brightly. 

"A-and...you definitely Wilbur? Not just my imagination, r-right?" Techno was starting to get worked up. This was a bit too overwhelming.

"Yes, I'm real. You're silly, Techno! Just like Tommy! You and Tommy are silly." The ghost floated up closer to Techno and smiled at him, eyes closed.

"You're...you're really here, huh? Hah." Techno started laughing. He was also crying now. The ghost of Wil opened his eyes and gasped.

"Techno, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you ok? Did someone hurt you? I can't hurt them back, but I can haunt them for you! Who was it? I'll get Phil to beat them up!" 

Techno just laughed harder at the ghost of his brother. "I'm fine, Wil. I'm just... so, so glad that you're back. I missed you so much. I'm so proud of you, Wil." 

Wilbur floated towards Techno and gave him a half-hug since he's a ghost, and can't really touch or grab anything well.

"Oh, good! I was worried. I'm proud of you too, Techno! One question though. Where's your house in L'manberg?" 

Techno hesitated and just tried to hug back his brother. Gods, he missed him. "Well... I'm... not exactly welcome in L'manberg right now."

"But...why? Everyone's welcome! We made Tubbo president! I'm sure he would've let you in L'manberg!" Wilbur questioned, backing out of the hug to look at Techno.

Techno sighs before responding, "Wil...that's a story for another day, alright? W-why don't you come to my house with me and then we can talk, ok?"

"Ok, Technoblade! Lead the way! Oh, wait, can I grab my blue first?" Techno didn't know what that was but nodded anyway. 

Wilbur drifted over to the side of the well-crafted headstone and picked up what looked like a handful of blue dye. Techno was too exhausted from his own emotions to ask.

"Okay, Techno! I'm ready!" Wil had flung his guitar around his back and shoved the dye into his pocket.

"Alright, Wil. This way, then. I've got a lot to catch you up on."

(A/n) I'm sorry this is bad ahhhh better one later maybe idk I'm tired also go check out my new book thingy pls: https://www.wattpad.com/story/252952331-found-family  ok bye I love you mwah <3
