Two Birds

A/n: Hello everyone! I'm back. I know it's been a while, but I took a break to fix my depleting mental state. I'm doing much better and have a few unfinished one-shots in the works. Updates will be much slower, but I hope that everyone can understand. I love you all, and I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Two birds on a wire,

One tries to fly away,

And the other,

Watches him close from that wire,

He says he wants to as well,


He is a liar.

Wilbur and Techno have always been together. So when Wilbur says he's moving to a faraway land with Tommy and Tubbo, Techno is taken back.

It was always Techno and Wil. Anytime either of them wanted to go on an adventure, they would go together.

So why Tommy and Tubbo? Why hadn't Wilbur told him sooner? Why was he leaving anyways?

They would never go far from home for very long, and they definitely never went to a different land. It was always just the family, the Sleepy Bois! 

So...why were they leaving?

"Wil, you- you can't leave! I-I mean, why would you ever want to? We have it great here! You can't just leave me and Dad! Why... why are you leaving? Is it because of me, o-or...?" 

Techno was tearing up. He never usually cried. But... his twin was leaving him. Why?

"No! Techno you could never make me leave you. It's just... I need something new! We can't just sit around here all of our lives. And... I found this place! It's so beautiful there, and so many of our friends live there a-and you could come and-" 

"Wil... I... I can't leave here... WE can't leave here! I would love to but, I mean, it's our home! What's happened to together forever? Why do you have to leave?" 

Techno lied about wanting to go as well. He loved it here. It was their home. The place Phil brought them in with open arms, raised them, trained them, everything!

Wil sighed and gently took Techno's hand. "Techno,

I'll believe it all,

there's nothing I won't understand."

Techno looked at his brother and frowned with his eyebrows furrowed. Everything Wil said was not processing in his mind.

"I'll believe it all. I won't let go of your hand."

Techno hangs his head. Wilbur didn't understand.

Two birds on a wire,

One says c'mon,

And the other says "I'm tired,"

The sky's overcast,

And I'm sorry,

One more,

Or one less,

Nobody's worried.

It was the day. Wilbur, Tommy, and Tubbo were leaving today. Techno wanted to stay in his room when they left. He didn't want to see them leave. Phil dragged him out of the house anyway.

Techno couldn't look any of them in the eyes, much less look at them at all. They had all packed over the last 2 weeks and planned out their travel route.

Their luggage was packed securely on the two horses they were taking. It was time to say goodbye. 

Tubbo was very emotional, as well as Tommy, although Tommy hid it better. They each hugged Phil and said their goodbyes whilst Techno rubbed his arm and stayed silent.

He looked in the opposite direction from them. He hadn't talked to Wil since he told him they were leaving.

Wilbur looked at Techno sadly before approaching him. "Techno... please come with us. There's still some time left, you know! I can get Tommy and Tubbo to help you pack and," Wilbur starts.

"It's alright. You won't miss me. You have Tommy and Tubbo. And all of your friends on the other side. Nobody'll be worried."

Techno stared at the ground and watched as a few tears fell from his face. "I love you, Wil. Have a nice time without me, alright? Just forget about me."

He hugged himself and quickly walked back into the house before Wilbur could respond. He ran to his room he shared with Wilbur. He couldn't get away, could he? 

He crashed into his bed and sobbed quietly.

I'll believe it all,

There's nothing I won't understand.

I'll believe it all,

I won't let go of your hand.

Two birds of a feather,

Say that they're always gonna stay together,

But one's never gonna let go of that wire,

He says that he will,


He's just a liar.

Techno finished wrapping Wil's knee and gave it a small kiss. "There you go Wil! Your boo-boo's all better now!" 

Wilbur wiggled his leg a little, testing what Techno had said. He broke into a wide grin and pulled Techno into a huge hug. "Thank you, Tech!"

He giggled. "No problem Wilby. I'll always protect you. We're twins, after all! We'll always help each other out. We're always gonna stay together, right?"  

"Yeah! We'll always stay together. Now c'mon, I wanna spar a bit more before Dad calls us for dinner." 

Techno woke up from the dream and immediately teared up. It had been three months without his twin. 

The memory in his dream was one of his favorites. Wilbur had scraped his knee while they were sparring and Techno had helped him bandage it up.

Wilbur tried writing to Techno for the first few weeks after he left, but eventually just gave up. Techno just couldn't find it in himself to write back.

He was sort of mad at Wil for leaving him. But it wasn't fair to be mad. They couldn't have really been together forever, could they?

Still, he missed him. There was nobody to banter with like they used to, nobody to tease Tommy with, and nobody he could spill his heart out to. 

Maybe he should've gone with Wilbur. They probably could have convinced Phil to come. But Wilbur was starting a nation. A government. He couldn't help with that. Power always corrupts.

But that was just more of a reason for him to have gone! He could have convinced Wilbur that building a government was a bad idea. Could have gotten him to come home.

Even if he didn't want to come home, maybe they could have been Anarchy Bros! They could get Phil to join and everything! 

Techno sighed. He barely even cared anymore. He just wanted him back. 

Two birds on a wire

One tries to fly away

And the other

Watches him close from that wire

He says he wants to as well but

he is a liar.

Two birds on a wire,

One tries to fly away

And the other...

"...I'm coming, Wil."

(Word count: 1085)
