☁︎imagine them trying to get you to fall for them (❤️ver) [maknae line]

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day!!! It's Feb15 for me already ahaha... But better late than never.

How are they going to ask you to be their valentine? Lets find out :3


You open the door to find the hoodie guy you were looking for.

"So we're going to go on a date in your room? I honestly thought we were going somewhere else." you said.

Han gave you a small frown. "Well I thought-"

"OH WAIT IS THAT MUSIC YOU'RE MAKING?" you suddenly said. You rushed in to sit next to him on the sofa as your eyes scanned through the laptop and the mic.

"Glad you finally noticed." he sighed, shaking his head, "people these days jump into conclusions too often."

You noticed that it was titled 'To My Chocolate: Want So Bad' and you wondered what that meant, but you decided to keep it a mystery. Maybe he'll explain it later on. Han finished playing some chords before allowing you to browse through his other unreleased songs. You go through a ride of emotions as each song gave you such a strong impression. You would be lying if you said that it didn't make you fall for Han even more, how he expressed his feelings so clearly.

You wipe off a fake tear as you finished listening to Alien. It touched your heart as you could relate to it a lot.

"You're just amazing with words. I don't even know how you do it. It must be a God given talented." you said, taking off the headphones. You were met with a shy Han looking down on the floor, completely flustered by your compliment.

"Well, there's one more song I want you to listen to. It was made for you..." he answered, already searching for the song. He finally found the song and beckoned you to put the headphones on.

He hit play and the piano playing starts coming in. He takes a few glances at you from time to time and continues to cover his face with his hands, not believing that you're actually listening to it.

"...Pink chroma key background, the surrounding scenes

Love is so intuitive everything changes

The start of a typical romance, though I know it all, I deeply

Fall into you and get my hopes up again"

(Want So Bad by Han and Leeknow, just imagine that we're listening to Han's demo)

The song finally ends and you place the headphones down. Unaware of the shy Han, you let the lyrics continue to sink. The lyrics hit the correct side of your heart, where all the feelings are held. Your heart still beating fast from the lyrics, you turn you body to face him, only to be met by a hiding quokka.


He looks up from your hands.

"...How was it? I hope it wasn't too cringy... Were my vocals ok? Was the song-"

He was cut off by your pair of arms that wrapped around his back.

"Thank you... I love it."

Han relaxes in your embrace and hugs back smiling.

"Good, I was worried that it wasn't enough for you to like me and accept me."

You pull away to see his smiling face and shook your head. "I already like you, you don't need to make a song for me to like you. I love this song so much."

He grinned even wider and hugged you close.

"Happy Valentine's Day Y/N."


The doorbell to your front door rings as you hurriedly hopped off your bed and wore your slippers before checked the security camera. Felix?

You rushed to open the door to find a beaming Felix.

"Felix? Why are you here? It's very late now!"

"Check the time now."

You glanced at the clock and turned back to him.

"12am? What does that have to do with you being here. It's midnight!"

Felix chuckles before saying, "What day is it today?"

"February 13, why?"

Felix shakes his head. "It's midnight. It's February 14. Are you seriously clueless?"

You give a confused look at the boy. What does this have to do with anything right now? Why is he here at your doorstep in the middle of the night?

Felix sighs before handing you a heart shaped box. "Happy Valentine's Day."

OH! Valentine's Day! How could you forget? You hurriedly took the box with a guilty smile. "Ah right. I forgot. But why at 12am? You could have gave it in the morning!"

"I couldn't wait! And wouldn't it make it more special if I did it right on the dot?" Felix replied, smiling sheepishly at you.

You giggle at the cute boy, you couldn't believe that he would do such thing, yet it touched your heart. You opened the box and found heart shaped cookies with heart shaped sprinkles decorated on every nook and cranny of the cookies. You took a bite of the cookie and immediately a smile creeped to your face. It tasted like something that was made in a 5 star Michelin- I mean 5 star hotel restaurant.

"You made these cookies for me?" you asked, stuffing another cookie in your mouth.

Felix nods as he watches you munch on the cookie. "I'm glad you seem to be enjoying them! I poured my heart into making these for you! So..."

You look up at him with curious eyes. "Yeah?"

"Will you be my Valentine Y/N?"


You were still in the process of understanding what was going on. Seungmin just gave you a polaroid photo and disappeared. It was a picture of you talking with your friends. When did he take that picture... You flipped to the back and found the following words:

Under the desk

Under the desk? You decided to go back to your classroom. Maybe he meant check your own desk? You walk past the laughing and running students as they did their own thing. You finally reached your destination as you started to search all over. Finally, you found another polaroid of you. This time it was you falling asleep during class. You laughed to yourself as you flipped to the back of it. It read:

Your favourite book

My favourite book...? You eyes lit up as you understood what it meant.

And that's how your 20 minute break went by. You followed the instructions and found another polaroid, each time pointing to another direction. You saw no end to this but honestly you found it fun. On another thought, you wanted to ask Seungmin how he got those pictures, as you never even caught him snapping a picture at you even once.

Finally you reached to the last checkpoint. The small flower garden that the school owned. You found the jug of water that was used to water the plants. There it was, a polaroid of you watering the flowers on one of the days where you were assigned to tender the plants after school. Instead of another destination it says:

Turn around

You turned around and there stood Seungmin, holding out a bouquet of flowers and walking to you.

"How was the game of searching the polaroid pictures? Was it fun?" he asked as he approached you.

"It was fun, I was surprised that you took every photo without me noticing." you replied.

He nods and hands you the bouquet of flowers. "I like taking pictures of beautiful things."

You stayed silent as you received the flowers. You blushed and looked at the the flowers he gave you. How could he just say it like that?

Seungmin's hand softly held your chin as he makes sure you don't break eye contact.

"You're so cute when you're shy... I'll get straight to the point..."

He takes a deep breath before leaning closer to you.

"Will you be my Valentine?"


You slip on the dress that your boyfriend bought for you yesterday. You gave the mirror a satisfied grin as you twirl around. He has such great taste.

You hear a knock on the door and you turned the knob to find your boyfriend. His outfit screams boyfriend so badly that you want to kiss him and hold his hand, proclaiming to everyone that he's yours. You were about to compliment him but he beat you to it.

"Baby! You look beautiful, like a princess. My princess to be exact." He interlocks your hands and faces the mirror.

"We look like the most beautiful couple ever to exist." you giggled, swinging your hands back and forth, pleased with the outfits.

Suddenly, Jeongin wraps his other hand to your free hand and starts to sway with you. You were taken by surprised but you went along to his lead. With the imagery music playing, he brings you around your room, small chuckles coming out of his mouth every now and then. You looked at your prince with smiling eyes as he returns those gaze at you. He twirls you around as your dress follows your every motion, the folds and creases of your dress flying freely with your every step and twirl. You truly felt like a princess dancing with her prince, heels gliding over the shiny floor as the chandelier hangs above you. You could imagine it all there.

The steps slowed down and came to it's end when Jeongin pulled you close to him, obviously enjoying the moments you guys just had.

"You are a great dancer my love."

You blush at his words. "You are too."

Jeongin and you both stared into each others eyes for a few seconds before leaning in for a kiss, soft yet full of love.

"Happy Valentine's Day."
