Ch.4 Two side of the same coin

Chapter 4

"How are you feeling?" Macy asked as she followed Kiara down the hall toward the main office.

"Fabulous," Kiara smiled. "I wasn't sick. Everyone was just overreacting."

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Macy adjusted the strap on her shoulder. "So about the project. It's been two days and we haven't started anything yet."

"When is it due?"

"In two more days."

"Gosh, really?" Kiara frowned. "Don't worry. We'll get it down. Tonight. My room."

"Killian has patrol tonight with Ares and Hayden."

"Oh you're right," Kiara paused. "I can't believe they got into another fight and I missed it! Was it a good fight?"

"I wasn't there."

"Where do you hang out Macy?" Kiara smiled. "I never see you on campus."

"I stay in the library."

"Awww," Kiara placed a hand on the girl's shoulder. "You are too cute, baby."

Just then a short junior with shaggy brown hair and a crooked smile walked up to them and held up his phone. Macy looked at Kiara as she clapped her hands in excitement.

"Airdrop it to me," Kiara instructed the boy, pulling her phone out of her bag.

"What do I get in return?" The boy, thinking he was pulling some kind of power move, held his phone back and grinned.

The smile from Kiara's lips slipped as her eyes darkened. She took a small step forward and jabbed the boy with her finger.

"You get to stand here and breathe the same air as me," she said. "That's what you get."

Macy looked on as Kiara snatched the phone out of the boy's hand and air dropped something to her cell. Her perfectly manicured nails clicked on the screen as she rolled her eyes with irritation before tossing the phone back and dismissing the boy.

"Wait," he called after her. "Will I be in trouble for this?"

"No," Kiara laughed as she pushed open the office door with her butt. "You will be famous for this. I'm about to change your life."

The boy hesitated as he looked from Kiara to Macy. The quiet girl shifted uncomfortably, not knowing what was happening either.

"Come along, buttercup," Kiara called to her.

"I.....have class," Macy pointed down the hall.

"Yeah so do I. But I need to make morning announcements."

"I don't....."

"You do if I say so," Kiara held the door open for her. "I need your help."

"With what?"

"Holding my purse."

Macy had no idea what the girl was talking about as all the kids in the halls disappeared into their classes and Kiara pulled her into the main office.

"Good morning, Mrs. Deena!" Kiara greeted the secretary. "We have morning announcements from the student council."

"Go right ahead, dear," the secretary pointed to the intercom.

Macy scurried along with Kiara as the girl walked over to the intercom and pulled out her cell phone. She watched with suspicion as the girl opened up a voice recording and cleared her throat. Picking up the receiver, Kiara pressed the code to access all the loudspeakers on campus and smiled.

"Goood morning Danatus Academy! Welcome to a brand new school year!" She started cheerfully. "This is your student council president, Kiara Tobias. On behalf of the student council and the administration we want to welcome you all back to an exciting new year! Don't forget to attend the prep-rally next week. It will be held in the west training fields. Hope to see you all there."

Macy paid little attention to the announcements. She was busy reading the flyers on the bulletin boards when she realized Kiara had suddenly gone a bit to quiet. She looked over and found the beautiful girl smirking.

"Oh, by the way," Kiara started. "There's one more announcement."

Macy watched as Kiara pressed play on the voice recording and held it to the intercom. A loud moan rang out followed by heavy breathing and panting. The secretary turned in her seat, shocked out of her mind as a girl's voice called out to someone named Hunter to go faster.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! Baby! Hunter, yes! Go faster!"

The secretary jumped to her feet just as the dean of students poked his head out of his office in alarm.

"Harder baby!" Shelby's voice rang out all over the school. "Yes! Yes! Right there!"

Kiara paused the recording and smiled.

"Was that loud enough for you, Shelby?" She spoke into the intercom.

Macy jumped out of the way as the dean of students, Mr. Hemingway, rushed forward and snatched the receiver out of Kiara's hand. He ended the announcement and turned around, looking horrified.

"Ms. Tobias," he said through his teeth. "In my office. Now."

"Sure," Kiara shrugged.

"You too, Ms. Abraham," Hemingway turned toward Macy, making the girl jump in fright.

Kiara gave a laugh from the dean's doorway, "You really think Macy had anything to do with this?"

Mr.Hemingway narrowed his eyes. His skin was changing shades like a chameleon. The secretary hopped over to him and whispered something in his ear before shooing Macy out of the office. Kiara casually walked into the man's office and sat her purse down on his desk.

"That was highly inappropriate," Hemingway said as he walked into the office and shut the door.

"You should have seen the video," Kiara sighed.

"Ms. Tobias!"

"What?" Kiara looked up. "I didn't make it! I just happen to come upon it."

"What led you to do something so ridiculous?"


"Yes, I can gather that much," Hemingway shook his head as he placed his hands on his hips. "But what happened? Why would you play that recording? Who made the recording?"

"I don't know," Kiara shrugged. "It was sent to my phone by an unknown number."

"Why did you not report it with my office?"

"Mr. Hemingway," Kiara sighed. "Let's just skip all this and get to the part where you give me detention and I whine before you tell me I have to take responsibilities for my action and grow up."

Hemingway opened his mouth to speak but had nothing to say. He looked baffled as Kiara leaned over his desk and took the detention forms.

"What do you think?" She asked as she began to fill the paper out. "Two days or three?"

"Four days," Hemingway said.

"That's a bit excessive," Kiara complained. "I have meetings with the student council after school on most weekdays."

"Well," Hemingway reached out and took the form and pen out of Kiara's hand. "You'll just have to miss your meetings and take responsibilities for your actions."

"Is this the part where I whine and complain?"

"You've already complained, Ms. Tobias."

"Fine," Kiara laughed. "I'll whine."

Hemingway gazed up at Kiara with concern as she pouted and sighed dramatically. He quickly scribbled down an incident report and handed her the paper.

"Four days," he said. "After school."

"Thank you, Mr. Hemingway," Kiara took the paper and got up to leave.

"I'm sure Professor Clare and Ares will want to speak to you too," the man's voice spoke up. "I am going to advise them to call in your parents so they can hear with their own ears what their daughter has been up to."

Kiara's mouth twitched with irritation. She pulled the door open and walked out, leaving it to slam behind her. As she passed by the secretary's desk, Hemingway opened his door and followed her out. The secretary and him stood in awkward silence as they watched the girl click clack her way out with her expensive purse swinging from her arm.

Outside the office, Kiara walked down the hall as if nothing had happened. The bell had rung while she was in the office and all the kids intentionally lingered so they could witness firsthand any drama that might occur between the two girls. The princess of the underworld ignored the whispers and eyes as she walked towards her locker. She smiled when she spotted Killian already present, waiting for her with a look of frustration and anger in his deep blue eyes.

"Morning, sunshine," Kiara waved at him as she spun her lock and opened her locker.

"Did you really have to do that?"

"I am doing a great service, okay," Kiara said. "I am making sure our dear classmate is not losing her hearing. That was a test."

"Kiara," Killian said, his voice dripping with irritation. "Cut it out. You're so extra."

"Yes," Kiara nodded. "I am extra. Very extra. So don't ever expect me to act like the other regular girls who will stay down and let bitches have the last word. I'm crazy and I know it. It's time you accept it."

"Why do you need to always have the last word?" Killilan asked. "Let that shit go!"

"Take your own advice," Kiara snapped. "Whatever you and Hayden keep fighting over, let that shit go!"

"This is not the same."

"I don't care," Kiara threw her arm up in the air. "I'm sick of seeing you two fight. I'm sick of seeing your bloody knuckles. Killian, please, stop."

Killian shook his head and took a step back. Some of the students who had been standing around to listen moved out of the way as the boy turned towards the exit.

"Killian!" Kiara called after him. "Stop."

The boy didn't listen. He kept walking until he disappeared down the hall. Kiara felt the anger in her heart mix in with concern and sadness as she slammed her locker shut and grabbed her purse. She pushed past the nosy students and ran down the path her best friend took.

"Killian!" She called his name. "Killian, stop!"

"Not now, Kiara," Killian said as he pushed the double doors open and headed out into the lawn.

"Killian!" Kiara shrieked. "Red bottoms are not suitable for running."

Killian gave a bitter laugh as he turned towards the training fields. Kiara cursed under her breath as she pulled off her heels and shoved them into her purse. Her bare feet picked up speed as she followed the stubborn boy across the grass. As he neared the bleachers, she pulled out the first object she could grab from her purse and threw it at his back.

"What the hell?" Killian's hand flew to the back of his head as the pencil Kiara had thrown fell to the ground.

"Stop being so stubborn," Kiara dropped her purse and rushed toward him.

She collided against Killian and forced him back a step as her arms locked around his neck and his hands fell to her waist. When he tried to hold her off, Kiara just tightened her arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"Stop being mad at me!" she said as she hung from his neck.

"You're being so immature right now," Killian leaned forward to make sure Kiara couldn't wrap her legs around his leg because he knew that was coming next.

This was her way of making amends. She hated being ignored. And the only way she knew how to deal with it was to force her affections down other's throats until they yielded.

"Say you're not mad at me," Kiara demanded.

"I'm not mad at you," Killian said. "I'm fuckin' pissed!"

"No!" Kiara pouted. "I'm sorry! Pleeeease!"

"Kiara, let go."

"I said please Killian."

"I don't care!"

Suddenly, Kiara pulled her arm back and let them drop to her side. She looked up at the boy in front of her as a deep frown formed on her lips. Killian shook his head and ran a hand through his hair.

"No," he said, shaking his finger in her face.

"I...." Kiara started as Killian stared at her. "I really am sorry."

"Sorry you embarrassed Shelby or sorry that you upset me?"

"I'm sorry I upset you," Kiara admitted.

"So you're not sorry about embarrassing Shelby?"

"Jesus Christ," Kiara rolled her eyes. "No, I'm not sorry about that. Not at all actually. And stop trying to lecture me. You're not my daddy."

Her eyes flickered up as Killian looked away and pretended not to hear her. He bit down on his bottom lip and squinted in the sun as he observed the kids training on the field. Suddenly, they were the most interesting thing to him. His hands were rested on his hips and the navy blue shirt he wore stretched across his chest.

"Killian," Kiara took a small step forward.

Killian stilled as he moved his eyes back to the girl in front of him. He didn't know what Kiara was up to as she took his bruised hand and held it up to her face. His heart started to hammer in his chest as he began to panic.

"Did you apply healing clay to this?" she asked, lifting her gaze to his.

Killian nodded, not trusting himself to speak.

"How hard did you hit him?" Kiara's brows furrowed as she brushed her fingers across his cuts.

"Hard enough," Killian took an involuntary step forward.

Kiara sighed as she dropped his hand and shook her head. Her eyes looked at him with disapproval before they softened and she gave a short laugh.

"What?" Killian asked, finding his own lips pull back into a smile.

"I heard Clare hung you two like puppets."

"It was actually kind of fun," Killian laughed. "Felt like flying."

Kiara pushed at his chest before she turned to her purse and picked it up. Killian offered her his hand to hold as she pulled out her heels and slipped them on.

"I don't want to go to class today," Kiara confessed as she straightened back up.

"Shelby might beat you up."

"And you'll let her?"

"I can't hit a girl!"

"I can," Kiara laughed. "Just hold her for me."

"You're chaos, you know that?"

"I'm rational," Kiara corrected him. "If I go to class, I'll see Shelby. If I see Shelby, we will fight. If I fight, my four days of detention will turn into night patrols with you and Hayden"

Killian groaned.

"Wait," Kiara held up her hand. "That might not be such a bad thing."

"Let's skip classes for today, yeah?" Killian took her hand.

"Oh, no!" Kiara shook her head. "I have to go to class. I need an Education!"

"Kiara!" Killan leaped forward wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her to him. "We're not going to class."

"What will we do?" Kiara laughed as Killian settled her beside him.

"Let's go to town," Killian took in a deep breath and pushed his hand into his hair. He flinched slightly as the cuts on his knuckles stung.

"Then you're driving," Kiara handed him her purse. "I am not walking to town in these heels."

"Driving takes longer."

"We have plenty of time to kill."

Knowing he couldn't win against her, Killian began to follow as Kiara led them to the student garage by the entrance of the campus. He fished out the keys to the black Volkswagen Tobias had bought for the two of them in case of any kind of emergency. Kiara refused to drive. Which meant Killian had to drive everywhere whenever they took the car. In a way he was grateful because the girl drove recklessly.

Pulling out her sunglasses from her bag and sliding open the sunroof, Kiara wiggled in her seat as she clicked in her seatbelt. Killian quickly pulled the car out of the garage and headed for the narrow road that went around the wheat fields and through the hills instead of cutting across the lavender fields. The path was longer, but as Kiara said, they had plenty of time to kill.

The nearest town to Rhea was a charming fishing village that had little outdoor cafes, old vintage thrift stores, small boutiques, and family run bed and breakfasts that were popular during the summer months. The people of the town had grown accustomed to the kids from Donatus coming by. The bars had strict policies against them and checking for fake IDs. But a generous tip and any bouncer was more than eager to show the kids the backdoors to the bars.

Killian parked the car in front of Kiara's favorite cafe and walked around to open the door for her. She left her purse behind and grabbed the large sun hat from the back before looping her arm around Killian's and walking toward one of the empty tables.

"What would you like?" Killian asked as Kiara took a seat.

"Lemon tea, please," Kiara smiled. "Oo and those little sandwiches!"

"Got it," Killian turned and entered the shop.

The town was bustling. The noon sun was high up in the sky as fishermen docked their boats and carried out the day's catch. Mother's walked around the farmers market with their children and bags full of produce.

Kiara placed her chin in her hand as she watched them from behind her shades. Her face was hidden beneath her hat as she sighed and hummed a tune in her head. She watched the kids run around their mother's legs, poking and pulling at each other's toys.

As she watched them, the red ball in the toddler's hand who sat in the stroller caught her attention. Out of the blue Kiara began to think about what a disaster it would be if the ball was to roll into the street and disturb the traffic.

No sooner had she thought of the scenario when the child did drop the red ball. Kiara sat up straight in her seat as the toddler's seven year old brother ran after the ball and walked into the street.

The loud blaring horn of a truck rang out as Kiara and the mother ran forward towards the child. Killian rushed out of the shop as the driver swerved the truck to avoid the child who had popped up in his path. The mother screamed for her child as the truck rode onto the sidewalk and through a few of the market stalls. People ran out of the way as vegetables flew up into the air and the truck collided with one of the lamp posts.

"Are you alright?" Kiara asked as she paused to look at the unharmed child and the mother.

"Kiara!" Killian called out as his eyes caught sight of her running towards the crash.

"There's someone stuck under the truck!" Kiara said over her shoulder as she pushed through the crowd.

Killian ran across the street after the girl as she disappeared into the dense crowd. He pushed past the horrified people and crying children before he came to a skidding stop.

"Killian," Kiara looked up with tears in her eyes as she held the head of the man stuck under the truck's wheels.

There was blood everywhere. The man gazed up at Kiara as he struggled to breath. She placed both of her shaking hands on either side of his face as her dress soaked up his blood. He tried to speak to her but she shook her head and urged him to hang on.

Killian rushed towards the two and kneeled beside Kiara. He quickly examined the situation and called for help to move the truck. But before he could jump up and see if it was possible to pull the man out, Kiara let out a loud horrifying gasp.

The crowd went silent as the man took his last breath on the girl's lap and shut his eyes.

Killian felt a shiver run down his spin as he looked from the man to Kiara. She had started to shake violently. Her sobs broke as she looked from the man to her best friend.

"He......I......he," she tried to speak.


The hours after the accident was a blur to both Killian and Kiara. The police and ambulance arrived and dispersed the crowd. The paramedics gently pulled Kiara away from the accident site and drove her to the town hospital along with Killian. Despite her continuously telling them she was not hurt, they did a full examination and prepared to call the school.

Clare was the one to respond to the call. She used a portal to arrive at the emergency room with fresh clothes for Kiara. The doctors and police spoke to her and informed her of what had happened. Clare listened patiently before asking to see her students.

"How are you feeling?" she asked as she sat down on the edge of Kiara's hospital bed.

"I think you know," Kiara said, keeping her eyes on her hands.

"I brought you a change of clothes," Clare lifted the bag. "Go change and we can go back to campus."

Kiara listened without protesting. She climbed out of the bed and headed for the bathroom. Clare waited until the girl was inside before she slowly turned to Killian who was sitting on the small sofa pushed up against the wall.

"How are you feeling, darling?" She asked.

Killian took in a long deep breath and rubbed his hands down his thighs, "Worried.....about Kiara."

"Understandable," Clare nodded. "Where were you when...."

"I was inside, getting tea for her."

"Did you feel anything strange?" Clare asked. "Did anything seem out of the norm?"

"If you're asking me if I felt the accident coming on, then no," Killian shook his head. "I didn't even know what was happening until I ran outside and saw Kiara running across the street."

Clare nodded slowly. Killian looked up at her and hesitated before her gray eyes lifted and she smiled.

"You can ask me whatever is on your mind," she said, gently.

"Are you asking me if I knew about the accident because you're trying to see if my mother has passed on her......abilities?"

Clare slowly nodded her head, "We have to keep our eyes open and watch for any sign or symptoms."

Killian looked down at his hands, "Are you aware that I haven't spoken to her in the last two years?"

"Yes," Clare said. "You had an argument with her. About the transfer of powers...."

"Powers," Killian echoed the strange word. It wasn't the word he would have used.

"Did she ever tell you why she refuses to give you her abilities?" Clare asked.

"No," Killian shook his head. "All the explanation I ever got was her saying her powers made her who she is. She said it was her last bullet."

"I see," Clare sighed.

The door to the bathroom opened and Kiara walked out. She looked down at her jeans and hoodie before looking up at Clare with questions in her eyes.

"I had Birdie pick out your clothes," Clare said in her defense.

Kiara was too tired and emotionally drained to say anything. She looked at the hospital bag with her bloody dress and shoes. Her chest tightened and her throat closed up. She quickly tossed the plastic bag into the trash bin and asked Clare if they could leave now.

"Would you like for me to portal you two back?" Clare rose from the bed.

"We drove here," Killian said, rising to his feet too.

"You can come pick up the car tomorrow or something," Clare waved her hand. "No need for you to make the long drive. Kiara is tired, I'm sure you two want to get back."

Without another word, she opened a portal to the lobby of the dorms. After ushering in the pair, Clare followed in herself.

Kiara tugged at the sleeves of her hoodie as Killian paused to look at the woman behind them. He thanked Clare as she told them both to head up to their room.

"I'll have the dining hall send dinner up to your rooms tonight," she said. "Call me if you need anything."

Killian nodded as Clare turned to leave.

"Clare," Kiara suddenly called out.

"Yes, Kiara?" Clare turned to look back at the girl.

"Please don't call my parents."

"I'm sorry, but I think I have to."

"No," Kiara frowned. "Please. You know how my parents are. They will blow this up and demand I return home."

Clare frowned, knowing the girl had very valid points.

"It's my senior year," Kiara pleaded. "I don't want them to use today as an excuse to pull me out."

"I have to inform them Kiara," Clare said calmly. "But I promise I will keep the details to myself. They will only know what they need to."

"Thank you," Kiara sighed.

"Now please get some rest," Clare smield. "And show up to class tomorrow."

"Yes, ma'am," Killian nodded.

He waited in the halls with Kiara until Clare left the building. Once they could no longer hear her footsteps, Killian turned towards Kiara and took her hand. Together they walked to her room and kicked off their shoes.

Kiara pulled her jeans off and replaced them with a pair of shorts as Killian changed into the spare pajamas he kept in her drawers. Once changed, they both climbed into their side of the bed silently and stared up at the dark ceiling.

Seconds and minutes slowly ticked by as they watched the glow in the dark stars on Kiara's ceiling. Under the covers their hands had found their way to one another. Killian held onto Kiara's hand tightly as they replayed the events of the day.

"Kiara," he spoke up in the darkness.


"Why did you go to the man?"

Kiara's head slowly turned to her best friend beside her, "He was dying, Killian."

"I know, but -"

"He was alone and scared," Kiara continued. "Dad always taught me that the least you can do in the word is to sit by a dying man and be his last company and support."

"I didn't like you having to see that," Killian confessed remembering how her hands were covered in the man's blood and the tears in her eyes.

"We were born in the underworld," Kiara reminded him. "Death is not new or frightening to us."

"Then why did you cry?" Killian turned his head to look into her eyes.

"I....." Kiara felt her throat start to close up. "I don't know. I just felt bad for the man."

Killian didn't say anything else as Kiara removed her hand from his and turned away. She pulled the covers up to her chin and curled up into a ball. Her eyes were screwed shut as she swallowed the lump in her throat.

Behind her dark eyelids, she could still see the man's face as he laid his head on her lap and looked up at her with fear in his eyes. His last words would haunt Kiara forever.

"You...." The man had choked with the blood in his throat and mouth as he struggled to speak. "Are you what death looks like?"


Killian counted the breaths Kiara took in her sleep as he traced the stars with his eyes. His bones were tired and begged for sleep. But his mind was restless. He couldn't get the picture of Kiara covered in blood out of his mind.

Just when he thought he might be able to force himself to get some sleep, there was a light knock at the door. Killian lifted his head and watched the shadow move through the tiny slither under the door. After a minute or two, when the figure did not leave, he groaned and climbed out of bed. Pulling the door open just a crack, he looked out into the hall and cursed under his breath.

"Hey," Hayden said with a nod of his head.

"Did no one ever tell you it's creepy knocking on girl's doors in the middle of the night?"

"Says the guy sleeping inside the said girl's room."

"What do you want?" Killian's eyes narrowed.

"I came to tell you Ares moved your patrols to next week."

"Got it," Killian said. "Now fuck off."

"Killian," Hayden threw his hand up to the door and stopped it from closing.

"What?" Killian snapped.

"Can we talk for a minute?"


"Stop being a dick," Hayden complained. "Come out here and talk to me."

"What's your problem man?" Killian opened the door and took a step out into the hall.

"I wanted to apologize," Hayden said slowly.

"Okay," Killian said. "You're not getting one from me."

"I'm not talking about the fight," Hayden sighed. He ran a hand through his dark hair before pushing it back into his pocket. "I'm talking about what I said to you all those years ago."

Killian's jaw clenched. His eyes narrowed at the man in front of him as he stood with his arms folded over his chest.

"I was thirteen," Hayden began. "Self loathing was at its peak with hormones thrown into the mix. I saw you and the way people watched you made me think of myself."

Killian arched a brow as he listened to Hayden's words.

"All my life I had been.....still under a microscope," Hayden explained. "Everyone is just waiting for me to mess up and lose control. And they watch you the same way. You and I are the same Killian."

Killian snorted. He rolled his eyes and turned to head back inside.

"Killian," Hayden stopped him.

"Cut the bull, Hayden," Killian turned back around. "We're not the same."

"We are," Hayden insisted. "We both live in a glass box with people tiptoeing around us."

Killian gave a harsh laugh, "You were born into royalty with a fuckin' gold spoon in your mouth. People look at you inside of your glass box and sympathize with you for what you have inherited from your parents. They look at me and see a problem waiting around to inherit his mother's legacy."

Hayden frowned, not knowing what to say.

"Do compare your problems to mine," Killian shook his head. "You can walk into any room and people will want to help you. I walk into a room and they take a step back to first make sure I'm not who my mother was."

The words began to hang in the air between the two boys. Killian pushed the door open once more with his feet before disappearing inside and shutting it in Hayden's face. 

What's happening to our babies? 
