{ perfect girl } Enchantment Questgiver X Reader

*Note must read*

I know the Questgiver doesn't have a gender, but this is just to make it clear and simple

Enchantment Questgiver

Reader *normally none, but ill add them*

~Art is not mine, credit to @ もちの木  on Twitter~

⚠️Curse word!⚠️

{ Y/n POV }


I walked up to the said questgiver, he turned around looking at me as I walked up to him

"Good evening, (y/n)" he greeted with a numb tone, but I can tell he's doing normally.
"What's the issue?" He asked

I sat down right next to him, rocking my feet back and forth. He smoked still blowing the smoke out, "hey, can I ask you a question?" I finally asked

He nodded slightly, I inhaled encouraging myself. "Ever wonder why you friended someone like me?"

He stopped smoking, blowing the last smoke. "What's with the sudden question?"

I looked away "I don't know, just curious. You dont seem happy anyway when I was all up you're space" I stated

"Even if I did ignore you, I still need a little pal, I dont count my spirits as friends. They're like a family"

I ah'ed on his answers, it was awkward since I need to adjust the perfect timing to tell him the truth

minute or two later I finally asked, "do you hate my height?" He turned to me rapidly. "Why say that?" He said using a little suspicion tone.

"Doesn't it ever get annoying? Being friend with someone short, I always asked for you're help... And you dont have time to do you're stuff"

He sighed putting his cigar down. "No, why are you asking me this?" He asked getting more serious.

"Somebody said I need to have the perfect height to do a certain duty. I kept being mocked by the people around me"

He got more serious by bending himself a bit to get on my level "(y/n), who told you this?" He asked normally not trying to sound stern to scare me

I yelped when he get too close, I had a crush on the grumpy Questgiver. But I was able to cool down around him, but I guess not for now since he's too close to my face.

"Alright, uh. Can you back up a bit? You're too close-" I exclaimed quickly trying not to stutter, he answered cutting my word "not until you confess what happen"

I was quite astonished by his reply, when I first friended him, he wasn't this protective. He would often shun me or would despise opinions.

"I will! If you back up" I exclaimed, he did what I said. But just a few inches, "now, the truth"

I looked around shifting again. "Ugh, I just hate my height. I just want to be tall, it's hard being short, okay!?" I described. 

He silenced himself to let me determine my words, "I can't reach things easily! If I use resize spells it might help me"


"I don't want to be teased... People think I'm just a kid or I'm too short to do things" I frowned thinking all those words people have said to me.

He hummed as a response, I feel a hand on my shoulder as I looked up, "those words are not true (Y/n)" he said truthfully. I perked up at his words

No way, could he mean it? I was expecting a mockery from him.

"Those people's are just fuckers, they don't have anything better to do. They're bored with they're life's or just homeless" he stated

I widened my eye, Oh my Alef, did I just hear that? "Why would you say that... Don't you ever have the same opinion as those guys"

"Why would I have the same opinions as those bitches, what they say is false"

I blushed at the way he defends me. "(Y/n) I think it's the time I tell you the truth" he gagged a bit, "I... Love you, (y/n). No one should say those things to you, you deserve better..."

My jaw dropped at his confession, "my spirits have their partner. While I struggle to find one, I usually don't need a lady, until you came. I guess it was a fate to meet you"

"You're perfect in any way, you're height or size does not matter in my sight."

I gagged still opening my jaw, "i-i, im.. uhm" i went speechless blushing like a tomato, "i get it if you dont feel the same-"

"Nonesense! I do" i exclaimed. He twitched a bit, "i actually feel the same way. But- i never realized you would actually cared about my appearance"

"I do (y/n), now there's no need to lie about the truth. I wont judge you" he patted me, i squeaked a bit. He then pulled me in a warm hug, i happily hugged back

"Don't listen to what they say, pipsqueak"

I grumbled pulling my self more onto the hug "shut it"



837 words
