{ A little friend } Forest Elder x Moth!reader

*note must read*

I know the elders don't have genders, but this is just to make it clear and simple

Forest Elder*my opinion*

Moth! Reader *honestly your moth*

( hide n seek pioneer spirit in this one-shot is using the new design where it's a kid )

~Art doesn't belong to mine, Pinterest won't show me who it belongs, credit to the real Artist on Twitter~


(Forest Elder POV)

I wandered outside of my temple, just trying to feel the nice breeze. I felt being caged for staying for too long inside, and now I finally got a chance to go outside.

Usually this forest rain frequently, but today it stopped for a while. And I want to release all the stress and pressure while it stops.


I decided to explore a bit, I found this cave. It's where the Hide n seek pioneer spirit exists. It's been a while, this kid is not hard to control, but it's best to keep an eye on her.

"Miss, Teth? Is there a problem?" She asked innocently

"I'm just checking on you," I said with a numb mood, she then continues with her things as I look around, little did I know she was holding a crab in her hand

"What are you doing with the crab?"

"Aren't they cute?" She asked while tilting her head to the side, I hum in agreement. Okay I lied, it's not cute at all. I just don't want to see her sad

I decided to rest at her cottage, trying to relax. Until I heard a commotion from outside, it sounded like the season of Assembly members playing. I stood up and walk outside

Before I had the chance to look I feel a head smacked at my stomach. I groan in pain, I stumble back only to be caught by the small arms

"Miss Teth?! Are you-"

I rush myself up to stand at my normal height, cleaning the dust on my shoulder, The pioneer flinched when I clean my throat.

"Ugh, you kids... Don't you have anything better to do?!" I exclaimed making them all shuddered.

"W-we are sorry... Elder" respond the scared cadet, he nearly cried at his words, and I'm not sure how I'm not feeling any regrets of my actions.

"Grr, just- try not to repeat the same mistake..." I said fiercely, they all run quickly while whimpering, I looked back at the Pioneer

"Are you really fine-"

"Yes, I am... Do not worry" I turned my back walking back to my temple.


While I was on the way back to my temple the rain dropped one by one to my head, I growl in annoyance as I stop at one of the trees to rest, there was no cover at the top so I was still wet.

I suppose to release my stress! Not bringing them further!

I buried my face to my knees, when I feel a little hand poking my shoulder, I perked up. Seeing a newcomer or what most other people call it, moth.

Well, on how it looked. It doesn't look like a moth, but its hair, mask, and pants are the classic ones, what I noticed it has an umbrella on its back.

It honked, and reach out for its umbrella, covering me. I am slightly wide my eyes, I can't believe I've been so rude to everyone I'm still treated as one of them.

This learner seems to be reading my mind, I stand up. Which was awkward since the moth just reached my legs.

I gently hold the umbrella in my other hand, and the other one is to hold the newcomer's hand.

At this point, I don't care how many spirits or sky kids are watching us, normally I would be baffled with this kind of situation but this time I feel happy.



I didn't realize this one would be short, and I can't find a perfect ending 😬 and sorry if it's short


668 words
