i just drew this

Yeah remember my ML fan character?
Yeah I forgot to draw her Kwami.
So her she is.

Qatilay (ka-ti-lay)
I made her Kwami's name out of a mix of two Arabic words which were "little" and "bird"
And I chose Arabic since I've decided my fan character's heritage is Egyptian.
I'm also creating a few more FC's for this.
Hey, she needs partners!
Anyway the bad guys name is either going to be Arachnid or Slither.
(So yeah either a spider or snake)
And her power is giving people daymares(cough cough Lunarobber)/ nightmares
Making them go crazy do her bidding. (Kinda like a more morbid version of Papillion/Hawkmoth)
And also I decided to change her (good guy) powers to regeneration, flight, sonic scream, and wing shards.

I'm working on the others so expect more.

I'll go ahead and tell you there names and powers.

Dark Wolfe:
Shadow teleportation, super-strength, paralytic bite,incredible hearing, and a warning cry. (Heritage is Celtic/Nordic)


Fire conjure, flight, blinding light, wall crawling, plant manipulation. (Heritage is Japanese)

Well, now you know what's coming up in this book a bit

