*uses fourteen-million filters*Hey guys!
Finally! She's done! But she's awesome!

H/c dark brown
E/c stormy gray
AOT!!!!!!!!!!!! AHH!!!!!
Of course, she's a scout. :3
I'll give you the bio in a first-person story.

I was only nine, Father told Hiroshi and I not to stray too far from the mountainside.
We were young, so of course we were foolish and did exactly that.
Playing children, just playing, then a swarm came.
A large group of Titans out of no where came at us.
We were running as fast as we could. But th-they still got Hiroshi!
I stood there frozen in fear, staring at the Titan who devoured him. All that was left was his strip of cloth he used to keep his hair out of the way.
Suddenly, the Titan saw me. I lunged quickly towards Hiroshi's band, and grabbed it.
After that I ran home as fast as I could but they were still following me.
I barged in and yelled, They're coming! My father asked, Where is Hiroshi?! He saw that I was crying, then I showed them the bloodied band. My mother screamed, father told her, It is time, I have to give her this, now. Dr. Jaeger and I have been working on it and I think it's ready. He went over to his suitcase and pulled out a needle with some odd liquid inside. I'm sorry, he said, I wish I could explain.
Father.. I said. Hold still, this might hurt a bit. And with that he poked it into my skin.
I felt an odd rushing sensation, as if I could've grown four feet on the spot.
This should protect you from now on, he said, right after he said that, a large BOOM had sounded. They're coming closer! Said my father, my mother nodded. Hurry! She said, get a few extra clothes! We're going!
What happened next was a blur, the roof of the house was ripped of. In the sky, the face of one of those disgusting s.o.b.'s
It grabbed Mother first. She yelled, Go! Leave me! Just get her to safety! MOTHER! I cried out. Then she was ripped in half by the monster. KIRA!!!!! Yelled Father, but she was already gone. Her star necklace had fallen from her neck. The one thing left.
My father took our two family katanas off of their mount. Stay safe. He told me, then he was grabbed by the Titan. He slashed it's hand and it steamed, the hand became loose enough for him to get out. He lunged at the back of it's neck, and sliced. He was dead in an instant.
Then the rest came. Father was taken by another Titan, then he threw the katanas at me. Take them! He yelled, There's nothing I can do! Take them, and run! And he was eaten. I picked up the katanas and shoved them through my belt loops, then I grabbed Mother's necklace and tied it around my throat. I was about to wrap Hiroshi's band onto my head, but the Titan saw me.
I ran and ran until my legs could not go on. I found myself in a vast forest. I hastily tied Hiroshi's band around my forehead. I climbed up to view my surroundings. I could see them off to the west.
For three years I lived in that forest, training, hunting, grieving. Until I was wandering outside of it and off in the distance I saw a large wall, wall Maria, it used to be. I had found civilization. The only civilization on earth. I looked to see if the coast was clear, and ran.
Finally I had made it to the wall. I banged on the door four times but nobody answered. I knocked once more but, again nobody came.
I sank to my knees, knowing my doom would come, and sobbed. I sobbed until dusk fell, by then I was tired, too tired to feel any emotions. I slept at the gate's entrance. Dirty and desperate for any hint of life besides myself.
The next day I awoke, and decided to keep trying to get someone to come for me. I pounded and pounded, then screamed, somebody! Anybody! Answer so I know that humanity isn't gone forever, or that it is not unanswering to those in need! I pounded once, twice, thrice more. I slumped down and was about to give up hope, that's when the gate opened, though only slightly. Who's there! Shouted a man. I ran up to the slight crack and pried it open enough for him to see part of my face.
Wha-??!! He exclaimed, Please! I yelled, Please, let me in!
He backed up and yelled to his comrades, Get her in! She needs medical help! Suddenly the doors swung open and the man who answered and two others came out and carried me in. After that I blacked out.
I awoke in a cot somewhere I did not recognize. Then I saw a woman whom was cleaning my face and hands. You're awake, most people thought you were already gone, but I didn't, oh no! I know you're a tough one! So where you from? When she asked me that memories of Father, Mother, and Hiroshi came back. I jumped up, Get me out of here! I yelled.
I got up and asked where my things were. Oh, no you don't! She told me, You're not going anywhere until you eat a proper meal!
At the sound of food, real food, with spices and everything, my stomach growled, Yes, okay that seems fine. I told her.
Once I had eaten, I asked if there was an army, she replied, Why yes, there is. Though I see no reason for someone so young to join.
When she left, I made a break for it. Even I was surprised at how I was able to stand up.
I saw my katanas and took them , running out with them.
Hey! One of the men yelled. Get back here! He grabbed me and I struggled, but he won.
He dragged me off to his comrades and said, Hey, looky here, we have a little soldier! He said. Shut up you drunken loser! I heard another say. He came and made the one holding me let go. Say, what's you're name, girl? Why do I have to tell you?! I shot back. He looked at me closely, and his eyes fell upon where my mother's necklace lay. Here, we'll call you Blackstar, for your necklace. He studied me a bit more and said, You must've been through a lot to be here now, didn't ya? Your nurse told me that you asked if there was an army, is that right? I nodded. Is this because you want to be in it? I thought about this regularly, back in the forest. I thought, if there was an army fighting back, no matter what, I'm going to be in it. I stood up taller and straighter, then said, Yes, I wish to be in the army. The men behind him looked ghastly and shocked, they started whispering and I heard one say, He's not going to... Is he? I looked back at him, he said, Well then Star, how would you like to start training? He said with a grin.

"That's my story." I said, still looking down.
"Wow. That-that's amazing." Said Armin, "So, so your from-"
"Yes Armin, I'm from The Outside." He looked astonished.
"And those," he pointed to where my swords are, "are the katanas from your father?"
"Yes, they are called Defender and Offender." I replied,"And this necklace was my mother's, and the band, it is-it was, H-Hi-Hiroshi's band!" I started sobbing, I put my face in my hands. "I'm sorry for how I acted to you, Armin, you just looked so much like Hiroshi, I couldn't take it!" Armin put his hand on my shoulder, then I looked at him.
"Do not worry, you've probably seen more horrors than the most of us have, though may I ask you something?"
"Yes Armin, anything."
"What is you real name?"
"I hate it, it sounds like lollipop and is too girly for me, but my name is, my name is, Lolita."

Wow guys, that was a little intense. But it was cool right?Sorry it was really long,(longer than my reg. Books) Do you guys think I should do a Fanfic?

This bio took three freaking days to wright, and the picture took four!
I'm so freaking proud of this!


