
 Chapter 751 What's your idea? 

It's easy to talk about things at the school. Shen Yiyi's grades have always been the best in the class. Even the principal and teachers can't stop others from doing well.

  After talking about the upgrade exams in the second half of the year, Shen Yiyi came out of the school and saw a donkey cart coming here from a distance, and she knew the people sitting in the cart. It was Sun Chunhua and Sun Qiuhua.

  Sun Qiuhua must really like big red. In this gray, white, blue and black era, she wears a red dress every time she sees her, and she still wears a thin woolen coat, in the low temperature of minus 20 degrees. Next, this girl is no longer there.

  Shen Yiyi wrapped the big padded jacket wrapped around her body, let alone minus twenty degrees, it was ten degrees, she was all a big padded jacket, and how thick she was to wear.

  So looking at Sun Qiuhua's beautiful and freezing look, she suddenly felt extremely cold.

  Sun Qiuhua snorted as soon as she saw Shen Yiyi, and immediately raised her arrogant neck, as if she was sitting in a Mercedes-Benz BMW instead of a donkey cart.

  When it was Sun Chunhua, she greeted Shen Yiyi busy, "Isn't this little sister Shen? Are you going back to the village? Come on, get in the car quickly, and we will take you for a ride."

  "No, I am willing to walk. "Shen Yiyi leaned aside as he said, letting go, just wanting them to pass first.

  But Sun Chunhua asked the driver to stop the donkey cart, and then walked over with great enthusiasm, pulling Shen Yiyi up and letting in the cart, "Come on, Sister Shen, speaking of our two families are not outsiders, and this car ,We hired it, don't sit for nothing, right?"

  Shen Yiyi shook off Sun Chunhua again, hehe, "Thanks, I don't want to take advantage of it. Besides, our two families seem to have nothing to do with each other, right?

  " Who said it's okay, isn't my Donghua your fourth sister-in-law? Why, don't your family want to regret their marriage?"

  Sun Chunhua always smiles when she talks, but every time she listens to her, Shen Yiyi can't wait to fan her and slap a few times.

  Now there are two of them here, and she is just one older brother, and the old man driving the car might even pull sideways.

  Shen Yiyi weighed it again and again before she didn't practice with Sun Chunhua, but she was not polite, and she let out a cold voice again, and said loudly, "Auntie, you shouldn't be the age to retire? Why are your memory degraded? That's it, tut, I have nothing to say with someone like you who wants to recognize your sister after taking the money."

  Shen Xiaowu deliberately called Aunt Sun Chunhua, but she was so angry.

  They can't fall out with Shen Shulin's family now, otherwise the big event of Lao Zhang will be ruined, and the old man will never spare her.

  Sun Chunhua tried to resist it, but didn't let herself break out, but that exquisite face looked a little funny at the moment as if she couldn't smile, wanted to be angry but didn't dare.

  "Eldest sister, hurry up, and talk to her with a yellow-haired girl. If you want to find Donghua, go and look for it. If that girl dares to deny you the eldest sister, see if I won't kill her." Sun Qiuhua said, it was still white. Shen Yiyi glanced.

  After hearing this, Shen Yiyi immediately swept the sisters viciously. It wasn't that Zhang Wei had failed. The head Zhang had hit her fourth sister-in-law again, right?

  If that's the case, huh, then I'm sorry, she will never let the old Sun's family go this time, just by the way, let her sister-in-law vent her anger.

  Being stared fiercely by Shen Yiyi, Sun Chunhua was a little stared at, and hurriedly said: "Sister Shen, we have a fight with your sister-in-law, sisters..."

Chapter 752 Old Objects

  What a TM sister, these words sound familiar, like those who live in romantic places in movies and TV series, or often use such lines between wives and concubines.

  Shen Yiyi hurriedly waved his hand, and hurriedly called to a halt, "Stop, my fourth sister-in-law has completely severed relations with your family, and now I want to recognize my sister again, it depends on our family's answer or not."

  Shen Yiyi finished this. After speaking, she glanced at Sun Qiuhua contemptuously, and raised her voice to warn: "I will treat it as a donkey's fart just now. If there is another time, if you dare to smoke my fourth sister-in-law, I will take your words. Tell my fourth brother, hey, I guess it's easy to hit you all over the floor when he hit your teeth."

  "You..." Sun Qiuhua wanted to say that you are a little yellow girl, and you dared to threaten me. Then she thought about the big guy Sizhu. If the big slap is photographed, let alone her mouthful of white teeth, whether this face can be kept is a question.

  Sun Qiuhua weighed it over and over again, but when the words came to her lips, she just let her swallow it back.

  Sun Chunhua seemed to be scared too, and no longer dared to provoke Shen Yiyi. Pulling Sun Qiuhua, the sisters got into the donkey cart and greeted the old man driving the cart to leave.

  I definitely didn't read the almanac when I went out today, and she bumped into all these one by one.

  Originally, she wanted to go to the supply and marketing agency to see if there was anything that didn't require a ticket, maybe she could still meet an old thing or something.

  But she met so many people who were so heartbroken in one morning. She had to believe in evil, so she had better look at the almanac and go another day.

  It's okay to go back to the mountain so early. When Shen Yiyi came home, he wanted to help a few children burn the kang and clean the house by the way.

  There is always no occupant in this house, and a few children will come back at night to save a night, and the meals during the day will not burn much firewood. The house is as cold as an ice cellar.

  Now a few boys live in the East Room, and two young girls in the West Room. They touched the children's bedding and felt that the thickness was okay. Another room brought out a pack of candles, a flashlight, and another room.

  Just letting a few such small children live alone, she is always not at ease, but the family is now in the mountains, and a few children still have to study, there is really no way.

  Feeling that burning an empty pot is a bit of a waste of firewood, Shen Yiyi first fry a pot of melon seeds, and then a pot of peanuts, and they are all cooked. When the pot is being brushed, Zhang Chuncao comes.

  "As soon as I saw the smoke from the chimney at this time, I knew that you must be at home. I heard that you came back early in the morning and started working with the old lady next door?" The children have been looking after the children, and Shen Yiyi quickly took it back. Bring the peanut seeds and bring them up, "Auntie, you can eat some melon seeds and peanuts."

  Everyone knows something in the village that will be spread soon. She and the old lady quarrel must be known to everyone, and the details must also know.
  Zhang Chuncao didn't know that at first, and now she has also heard of it, so she hurried up and take a look.

  Shen Yiyi only briefly talked about the morning matter, and then changed the topic, "Auntie, I heard Brother Dazhong said that you have an old thing in your house, do you want to sell it?"

  Speaking of this, Zhang Chuncao immediately became vigilant. , Hurriedly got up and went down to the ground, closed the door of the house, and dared to answer Shen Yiyi: "This matter has made me worry about it. You said that at this time, I don't let my family keep that kind of stuff, but our family's stuff is loyal. Their ancestors left it, so I can't throw it away."

  "If it's your ancestors, I think you'd better keep it. Maybe in a few years, no one will care about it. It's worth the money."

Chapter 753 Long Chair

  "What's worth is, our family didn't plan to sell that thing because it's worth it. It's not the aunt of Dazhong's wife, or Wang Guilan. She went to my house several times, but she saw it somehow, and then Someone in the village was telling me about this incident, and it scared me, so I wanted to deal with it as soon as possible, so that someday someone would come down to investigate it, and I would be able to fix it while putting a big hat on our family."

  Wang Guilan is not Li Laoshuan. That daughter-in-law, these two couples are really annoying now.

  "Auntie, you've been talking for so long, but haven't you said what that thing is?" Li Dazhong asked her fourth brother in this matter. Maybe they think her fourth brother is always running outside, and they know many people and can secretly help. They find a reliable buyer and sell the things.

  When Li Dazhong talked about it that day, thanks to being heard by her, she must be the best buyer to say.

  Zhang Chuncao stepped forward and said in a low voice, "It is said that it is the dragon chair that the emperor sat on. What do you know is the chair that the emperor sits on? It is the chair that the emperor sat on. I heard from Dazhong's father that this thing has been used in their house for generations. It has been handed down for many years, and any generation of them would want to be an ancestor confession, but in our generation, it will not be able to keep it."

  If it is really a dragon chair, oh my god, it will be old and valuable.

  But she didn't quite believe that the dragon chair must be made of wood. It was passed down from generation to generation, and she still appeared in ordinary people like the Li family.

  Regardless of whether the emperor has ever sat on it, as long as it is an old object, she will accept it.

  There must be no imitation at this time. Whoever has enough of his life would really want to smash it and set it on fire, and even fake it out to pit himself.

  "Auntie, is the chair still intact? Is there any damage?" When Shen Yiyi asked this, she had already made a decision and she wanted to buy the chair.

  "The things are well preserved. Our ancestors deliberately left a pamphlet for this chair. It records in detail how to preserve it and how to care for it in order to protect this chair."

  When it comes to this, the chair must be well protected, and Shen Yiyi wants to see it more urgently.

  "Let's go, let's go to your house now, and then later, I will take someone to your house to pick it up, and I promise to help you get a good price."

  "Really, that would be great, otherwise I looked at Wang Guilan be no good, maybe she was deliberately spreading the message out, then forcing us to give the Throne to her home. "

  This time, we have to start work, people will not walk out too much.

  If there was no such thing, she would just go to Li Dazhong's house for a visit, that would be normal.

  But let Aunt Li take care of it, and Shen Yiyi also became vigilant. The two of them acted like anti-thief. They looked at no one before and after, and hurried to Li's house.

  The chair was placed in a small warm compartment in Li's house that was specially used for sundries. It was wrapped in cloth outside. The things that were placed here were covered with such a tight cover. How could Wang Guilan discover it?

  As if he understood what Shen Yiyi was thinking, Zhang Chuncao sighed and said:

  "It wasn't during the time when Dazhong's wife was in confinement. Wang Guilan liked to run to my house if she had nothing to do. Alas, I felt something was wrong at that time. Later, it was reported that my house had hidden things, and Wang Guilan came to buy them again at this time, saying that her old son could help our house sell the things. Then we knew that she ran to our house so often during that time. It must be Because of this chair."

Chapter 754 Cautious

  Shen Yiyi has already seen the true face of this dragon chair at this moment, but she is ignorant, and it's useless to look at it.

  However, there are indeed dragons of different shapes and colors carved on it, and the width and height of this chair are indeed not like ordinary people's chairs.

  Now that he has decided to help their house, and don't care if it's a dragon chair, Shen Yiyi turned around and asked: "Auntie, you guys have discussed it, it must be sold, right?"

  "It must be sold, otherwise If you stay any longer, you have to set aside misfortunes." When it comes to this, I also blame my son. If he hadn't been for the fact that he always went to the house to help pick up the children when he was a child, then Shen Sanzhu, and the youngest son of Li Laoshuan's family, The sky grows in their home.

  Zhang Chuncao always felt that Wang Guilan must have known in advance that their family had such a chair, and then never found a chance, otherwise she did not have much kisses to Dazhong's wife before. When Erfeng had a child, her cousin became more intimate. My aunt runs frequently.

  However, she and Yiyi must not be able to say this, saying that what is the use, things have already happened, and now they have to quickly get rid of this troublesome thing.

  "Then have you all discussed it? How much do you plan to sell? Auntie, you can give me an accurate figure. When I come to pull the chair at night, I can bring you the money."

  "The money is not in a hurry. I'm still giving it back." Zhang Chuncao thought that Shen Yiyi was just trying to help them contact the buyer, but never thought that she, a twelve-year-old girl, wanted to buy it herself.

  "It's okay, just say how much money can be sold. I know that person, he must not be bad for money." When he heard that the other party was not bad for money, Zhang Chuncao stretched out his slap, "Will it be fifty?"

  Fifty? Shen Yiyi thought that Zhang Chuncao's slap meant five hundred, but she did not expect that she would just subtract one zero, which seemed to be a little emboldened and not very full.

  "I'm sure you are at fifty, but I think your fifty is a bit less, so auntie, you can leave it to me, and it will definitely not be less than fifty. Maybe, you can sell more. "

  That's it, then I will work hard for you Yiyi." Zhang Chuncao hurriedly smiled and agreed.

  Since Wang Guilan thought about this thing, he shouldn't keep it. Shen Yi followed Li Dazhong's house and went to town.

  Shen Yiyi came to the town. For nothing else, she had to hire a donkey cart, otherwise the boss had a chair, and it was still an old object, in case she bumped into it.

  Before leaving, Shen Yiyi had asked Zhang Chuncao to wrap the chair. When she entered the village in the donkey cart, the cart was full of broken boxes, cabinets, and chairs.

  These were all collected by her at the waste collection station, and it cost her a dollar, plus fifty cents for the car's foot, plus one fifty cents.

  Zhang Chuncao is careful, knowing that Shen Yiyi is doing this to cover her chair, so he secretly asked the old man who drove the car.

  Knowing that Shen Yiyi had already spent one and five cents, Zhang Chuncao secretly decided that she would only have to pay forty-eight yuan, and it was not right for Yiyi to make fifty cents from it after helping Yiyi to run.

  At the door of Li Dazhong's house, Shen Yiyi pushed away the old man who was driving the car, and then made a place in the pile of tatters, and worked with Zhang Chuncao to put the chair in the middle, surrounded by straw or something.

  In fact, Zhang Chuncao turned around and got out of the car. Without paying attention, she had already quickly put the dragon chair into the space.

Chapter 755 Search

  Not to mention a donkey cart in the village, just a stranger comes, everyone is staring all the way to see who the person has gone to.

  Shen Yiyi can guarantee that the fact that she came to Li Dazhong's house in a donkey cart will soon reach Wang Guilan's ears, and the woman will soon be able to guess that she is here to pull the dragon chair.

  So in order to be able to explain clearly why she came to Li Dazhong's house with a cart of broken boxes and chairs, Shen Yiyi deliberately picked out a few pieces of usable broken furniture and left them to Zhang Chuncao.

  Zhang Chuncao is also a smart person, and Shen Yiyi doesn't need to break anything, she knows how she should deal with Wang Guilan next.

  When Shen Yiyi was about to leave, he secretly gave Zhang Chuncao 200 yuan and 30 catties of food stamps, "Auntie, don't say anything, that thing straightened the money."

  Zhang Chuncao lighted her head with tears, really. She didn't say a word, but silently sent Shen Yiyi out the door.

  Shen Yiyi asked the donkey cart to drive back to the mountain. Since she brought this old thing back, she naturally bought it for her family. If she didn't pull it back to the mountain, she could turn around and then pull it back to the town.

  As she expected, she didn't have a long time at Li Dazhong's house. She thought that Wang Guilan would not be chasing it so soon. Unexpectedly, she still muttered to the old lady.

  Looking at the group of people chasing over, Liu Dahai, the chief of village health and security, Li Jingshan, the leader of the team, and a few villagers who followed to watch the excitement. Unfortunately, there is no Li Laoshuan among these people.

  Wang Guilan found these two people, she must be trying to make the matter big and rob the precious chair.

  There were a lot of people who came, and the shouts were not small. Hearing them yelling to make her stop, and saying that they were here to arrest people, Shen Yiyi hurriedly told the frightened and trembling old man to stop the car.

  Shen Yiyi jumped out of the car and held a wooden stick in front of the car. When the people ran up to him, he said, "Are you here to catch me?"

  Li Jingshan and Liu Dahai looked at each other, and they both moved back automatically. One step, let this opportunity to speak to Wang Guilan who called them over.

  Both village cadres are backing away, and those who follow to cheer are even more reluctant to step forward.

  Wang Guilan looked at the people who hated iron but not steel. She glanced at those people, and when she saw no one came forward, she whispered back, "We are not arresting people. We received a report saying that it was your car. Pulled a valuable chair, we have to check it before letting you go."

  "You want to check it yourself?" Shen Yiyi asked Wang Guilan coldly, looking at it.

  Wang Guilan didn't understand why Shen Yiyi wanted to ask, the main reason was that she really didn't put a little girl who was only eleven or twelve years old in her eyes, so she nodded in response to Shen Yiyi without even thinking about it. "Yes, I have to check it personally before I can let you go." After getting the answer she wanted, Shen Yiyi looked at Li Jingshan and Liu Dahai again, "What about you two, that's what I mean? Agree to Comrade Wang Guilan to do this? "

  Suddenly there was a very bad premonition. Looking at Shen Yiyi's calm appearance, Li Jingshan actually took a step back. He is a production team leader, and he is not in charge of public security arrests.

  Wang Guilan is the mother-in-law of Li Laoshuan's family. He was brought up by Li Laoshuan. Liu Dahai bit his head and nodded, "Yes, Wang Guilan represents all of us."

 Chapter 756 Going to the Commune

  Wang Guilan is very satisfied with Liu Dahai's answer. As for Li Jingshan, who has been going backwards, hum, it seems that his team leader has also come to an end.

  Shen Yiyi looked at Wang Guilan's invincible appearance, and guessed that she must have sent someone to Li Dazhong's house first. This is because she has a bottom line, so she dared to be so arrogant.

  "Well, since you all follow Comrade Wang Guilan's instructions, let's go."

  "Where to go?" Liu Dahai and Wang Guilan asked simultaneously.

  Shen Yiyi pointed to the commune, "Aren't you going to search my car? Search here. I will definitely not do it. Let's go. Let's go to the commune now. In the presence of the leaders of the commune, what do you want to do? Just search, I will never stop. "

  Go to the commune? Want to search in front of the leaders of the commune?

  Liu Dahai is a little bit weak in his calves, but he is not so courageous. If there is nothing in it, and there is no thing that Wang Guilan said, then how can they explain to Shen Shulin?

  As Shen Yiyi guessed, Wang Guilan kept Li Dazhong's neighbors staring at their house these days. I heard that Shen Yiyi drove a donkey cart and brought out a large object from the house and put it on the cart. , She knew it was broken.

  Zhang Chuncao must have wanted to hide that thing on the mountain. In fact, she had already thought of this matter a long time ago, and she was most afraid of doing it like that.

  Li Dazhong and his father-in-law's family now live on the mountain, as long as they transport the chair up the mountain, where they can hide.

  They were able to search, but they were not able to find it. Daqingshan is so big. It is said that the property of the Wen family has been hidden in Daqingshan for more than 20 years. No one can find it. This is just a chair. A needle that was thrown into the sea, where could I find it.

  Someone saw them carrying things and putting them on the car. She also went to Li Dazhong's house for the first time to check. Wang Guilan glanced at the donkey cart full of loads, gritted her teeth, "Let's go, since you are like this girl If you don't know good or bad, then let's go to the commune."

  Shen Yiyi sneered secretly, and she didn't know who was good or bad. This time, she let Li Laoshuan and Wang Guilan not eat it, to see how they ended up.

  Shen Yiyi asked the old man who was driving the car to drive your car safely, and she didn't care about other things. She herself followed the car with a stick. Whoever tried to search the car on the way, don't blame her for being polite.

  The girl of the Shen family is getting better and better. Everyone really wants to search now. Anyway, here are all their people. If there is nothing to do, nothing will happen.

  Especially Liu Dahai, who wanted to go up and overturn the tatters several times, was frightened by Shen Yiyi's cold eyes and the raised wooden stick.

  There was not a long way, everyone walked quickly, and after a while, they all entered the commune compound.

  Zhao Hang still remembered Shen Yiyi. Seeing that it was her who led the group in, he asked her why she was here.

  Shen Yiyi pointed at the group of people following the donkey cart and shouted out his intentions, which immediately attracted a lot of people to watch the excitement.

  President Zhao and Vice President Xu who stayed on duty did not wait for Zhao Hang to report, and they all came out quickly when they heard their voices.

  This is not for the spring broadcast. It just so happens that today the whole commune's captain is there, and of course Li Laoshuan is also there. Even Shen Shulin has to come to the meeting. Who dares to be absent from the spring broadcast meeting.

  Shen Yiyi saw that all the leaders had come out, and all the captains of the villages had come out. Of course, her father must have seen her now.

Chapter 757 A Gamble

  The man who was just like a little warrior just started crying. The crying was called a grievance, and he was crying and telling his own experience.

  Shen Shulin was the first to run out as soon as he heard the noise and the voice of a little girl.

  At this moment, when I heard that Wang Guilan dared to intercept her daughter, search for the car, and buckle their family's big hat, she asked Li Laoshuan to confess, "If she cannot find anything from this car, Should the Li team give us an explanation?"

  "That must be an explanation." Vice President Xu learned to be clever, President Zhao did not speak, he rushed to say something.

  Anyway, it can't be found out. He said that is fine.

  The third son of Shen Shulin's family is the secretary of the mayor. He doesn't show up at this time.

  As soon as Vice President Xu said, he was considered to wake up Shen Shulin, "Also, Shangou Village is not the village of his Li Laoshuan's family. That road is not their own way. My girl is just from that one. Passing by, she, as a housewife, Wang Guilan, dared to come out and block the way. What kind of behavior is this?

  Should the commune give an explanation?" Li Laoshuan also heard Wang Guilan talk about the dragon chair at Li Dazhong's house, but he didn't take this matter seriously at the time. It can be said that I never believed that Li Dazhong's family could have a dragon chair.

  But at the moment things are going to make a big mess, and the commune is all coming, and Wang Guilan has been winking at him all the time, she seems very confident.

  Li Laoshuan also started to make his own calculations. There are dozens of households in Shangou Village. If Liujiu Farm is allocated and managed by Shangou Village, then the kimchi factory will also belong to Shangou Village.

  As for Shen Shulin, after working together for so many years, he will definitely help him to speak good things. After all, the little girl is only twelve years old and she will not be labeled as a bad person. As long as the commune can hold the position of the head of Shen Shulin's Farm and he Just withdraw.

  Thinking about this, Li Laoshuan also looked at President Zhao and asked Shen Shulin to give a confession, "Then, if a prohibited item is found, does Chief Shen have to give everyone an explanation?"

  "Dad, they are too bullying. Wang Guilan is now in Shangou Village. It's better than the team leader and the security director. We can't get used to this kind of atmosphere."

  Shen Shulin is also not sure if there is anything in the girl's car. He just hesitated, when he heard the girl say this, he understood everything.

  Girls never do things that are unsure, and dare to speak like this, it must be that they are not afraid of inspection.

  "Similarly, if the car really say that Comrade Wang Guilan thing, I will not only resign farm director duties, either your disposition will be willing, there will never be the slightest complaint."

  On both sides and it was on the bar, this time , President Zhao couldn't say anything, so he could only order people to get into the car and search.

  Wang Guilan heard from Li Dazhong's neighbors that the thing was hidden in the middle and covered with straw. On the way, she noticed that there was indeed a pile of straw in the middle, so she believed that the dragon chair was under it.

  "Wait," Wang Guilan saw that everyone was acting very rude, and hurriedly stopped those who searched, and pointed to the middle. Move slightly, don't, don't break that chair."

Chapter 758 What was found.

  Several people in charge of the search naturally dismissed Wang Guilan, the old lady's command, and continued to move quickly and threw the broken boxes, broken tables, broken stools, and everything in the cart. After throwing it down, I couldn't see the dragon chair that Wang Guilan said.

  Returning the TM dragon chair, not even a complete chair to sit on, this old lady can really do nothing to find trouble, making them all tired and sweaty in the cold weather.

  "President Zhao, come and see for yourself. There are several chairs here. Which one looks like the emperor has sat on?" Comrade Zhao Hang asked this.

  The young man learned a lesson from the last incident, and now he is much more calm, and Secretary Shen said he was not to blame, and encouraged him to do it well in the future.

  Just now he took the initiative to get in the car to search, and he kept a mindful eye. He said that if there is something illegal, he would kick it to pieces and turn it into a pile of waste. See what else the old lady has to say. 

  Looking at it now, he doesn't have a chance to behave. It's all scraps here, and there is no need for him to act.

  President Zhao has been standing next to him, and he used to look at it. He can see clearly. The things in this car are like tables, chairs and benches if they sound good, but they are like a car chopping wood.

  Li Laoshuan and Wang Guilan, including the few people who followed, had been watching with good eyes, even when the few people actually carried a big sack from the middle, they all surrounded them.

  Then when the sack bag was opened, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw that there were small pieces of wood inside, as well as some small wooden horses and small carriages carved from wood. Anyway, they were all things for children to play with.

  Wang Guilan even took the posture of a big shrew and yelled with her hands in her waist, "Impossible, the neighbors of Li Dazhong's family clearly saw Shen Xiaowu and Zhang Chuncao carrying a large bag of things from the house and putting them in the middle. It is covered with straw. Look, these straws are still there, which means that the chair must have been placed here before, Shen Xiaowu, it must be you, you said, where did you hide that chair?"

  Shen Yiyi didn't rush to argue whether he had time to hide things and what was it that he brought out. Instead, he asked first: "Aunt Li, how did you know that Li Dazhong's house has a dragon chair?"

  "Of course I saw it with my own eyes." Wang Guilan replied confidently.

  "Then when did you see it?" Shen Yiyi continued to seduce Wang Guilan.

  Li Laoshuan was shocked. When Wang Guilan talked to him about the incident, it was a long time. If this is to let the lady tell the truth, if you didn't tell the truth when you saw it a few months ago, you jumped out to report it now. This is not self-defeating Face?

  Unfortunately, Li Laoshuan's reaction was still a step slower. Before he could stop speaking out, Wang Guilan had already set herself when and where, and she went to Li Dazhong's house for peace, and then accidentally found that one somewhere. The dragon chair, they all said it.

  As soon as Wang Guilan finished talking over there, Shen Yiyi smiled and looked at Li Laoshuan, then turned to President Zhao:

  "You have heard President Zhao? If what Comrade Wang Guilan said is true, she discovered that Li Dazhong has an old thing a few months ago. Why didn't she report the object? She chose today. I just went to Li Dazhong's house and left two small boxes for Aunt Li, and Aunt Li asked me to give her two little grandchildren something to play with. Things are said to be harbouring old objects, and they want to use this to pull my dad off the stage and put a hat on my family? What the hell is going on, don't I need to go into details?"

Chapter 759 Prodigal Wives

  "What are you talking about, catching the thief and taking the stolen goods, you guys are bullying a child, and you want to search and criticize~ fight, Comrade Wang Guilan, I want to ask you too now , Who gave you this right?"

  President Zhao finished asking here, and Shen Yiyi added another next to him, "Well, Comrade Wang Guilan is very good now. Now in Shangou Village, no one knows that she speaks better than Team Li. So, otherwise you go to Li Dazhong's neighbors and ask, who sent them to stare at Li Dazhong's house?" When Shen Yiyi said this, the captains watching the excitement nearby couldn't help laughing.

  "This Captain Li, how can I make an old lady go blind? From a woman's point of view, they know what a fart."

  "I understand now. It seems that Captain Li's wife seems to want to occupy the chair. I didn't report it for a long time."

  "You actually understood it, I understood it at the beginning, this lady is vicious enough, and she let her play with her two arrows." The thing was not found, Wang Guilan was also a little dumbfounded. There was another flaw in her words. After hearing everyone's comments, she also knew that she might have caused a disaster this time.

  Now there is only one way, and that is to bite Shen Xiaowu, and then say that she has hidden the chair.

  Moreover, she and her old son had seen the chair with their own eyes, and the chair of Lao Li's house was indeed missing. Maybe it was pulled out by Shen Xiaowu and hidden somewhere.

  Anyway, a neighbor from Li Dazhong's family testified on her side, while on Shen Xiaowu's side, Wang Guilan glanced at the scared old man driving the car.

  When Shen Xiaowu hid things, he would definitely have to distract this old man, and look at that old man's appearance, and he was not a liar, he certainly didn't dare to conceal for Shen Xiaowu.

  Thinking of this, Wang Guilan regained his spirit, "Shen Xiaowu, after you left Lao Li's house, no one saw it during this period. That chair must have been hidden for you."

  I had long thought that Wang Guilan would say this, Shen Yiyi beckoned and asked the old man driving the car to come over, "Uncle, don't be afraid, now you just need to be honest, I came out of Li Dazhong's house and stayed in the car until they chased me. , I got out of the car by shouting and killing me. Isn't that what happened?"

  Although the old man driving the car was a little frightened by the situation, when Wang Guilan said this, Shen Yiyi was not in a hurry. He was in a hurry.

  "I said you old lady can stare at you and talk nonsense. This is obviously that you are lying and you want to push on the little girl." Then the old man who drove the car learned the whole story from beginning to end. , And even learned the part of Shen Yiyi's car hire, "Little girl Ren said when she hired me a car. Her father's field needed a lot of tables, chairs and benches, and she wanted to buy new ones but couldn't afford them, so she wanted to go to scrap purchases. Stop and buy some old ones, and let her second brother fix them, and use them as soon as possible."

  President Zhao looked at Shen Shulin with shame when he heard this, but when he turned to Shen Yiyi, The eyes burst into jealousy immediately.

  "Old Shen, you have a good girl." As for the few in his family...not needed to mention it.

  The captains of the villages were all human beings. Hearing what President Zhao said, he knew that the leader believed in the words of the little girl of the Shen family.

  However, if you want them to listen to this matter, they will also choose to believe what the little girl of the Shen family said.

Chapter 760 There is no suspense about winning.

  Some time ago, Director Li's incident was not related to her. Later, the third daughter-in-law of the Shen Shulin family did not pursue her, which allowed her to escape.

  Unexpectedly, this person not only didn't know that he was grateful to the Shen Shulin family, but also wanted to blame the young girl of the Shen family. The purpose must be to pull Shen Shulin down and let their family Li Laoshuan take over the farm.

  At this moment, everyone looked at Li Laoshuan's eyes, and they all changed from sympathy to weird. Even the few captains who had just stood in front of him were quietly moving aside.

  Most people nowadays are very simple. If someone wants to play yin, even if everyone doesn't say anything in person, they will have already treated the other party as a plague to prevent it.

  In particular, Shen Shulin and Li Laoshuan are old friends who have worked together for many years. The relationship between the two was pretty good before, but I didn't expect this person to be so bad.

  Wang Guilan was still trying to struggle. After listening to the old man driving the car, she said that the old man driving the car and Shen Yiyi were in the same group.

  This time, the old man driving the car was anxious. As soon as the old man's stubborn temper came up, he yelled at Wang Guilan. First, he said that he was a poor peasant for eight lifetimes. Oath, if you lie, you will not die.

  Although we oppose feudal superstitions and do not allow worship and worship, there is really no express provision for swearing.

  What's more, in the countryside, the people absolutely believed in the oath, and the old man who drove the car said so cruelly, everyone didn't even have a little doubt about Shen Yiyi.

  Zhao Hang saw that the old man was too angry, so he kindly ran into the house and poured a cup of hot water for the old man.

  Don't say whether others believe what Wang Guilan said, even Li Laoshuan has turned against her. The wife is a stronger one, so she can't see who has a better life than theirs. Now Shen Shulin has made the barren hills prosperous. It's because of the red eye disease.

  I thought that I hadn't doubted what the mother-in-law said before, but because of selfishness...

  Li Laoshuan walked up to President Zhao and sighed and said, "It was because I did not usually supervise enough that Comrade Wang Guilan made such a mistake. No matter what the commune did in the end, I would obey it."

  What else can I do? If the Shen Shulin family investigated this matter to the end, Wang Guilan would be arrested.

  Knowing that the two sons of Li Laoshuan's family did a good job in the army, if this really caught Wang Guilan, he would not be easy to explain to her two sons.

  President Zhao wanted to turn this matter into a trivial matter, to help reconcile the mud, but Shen Shulin's family also has a secretary Shen, so it is difficult for him to handle this matter.

  However, Li Laoshuan, the captain, definitely couldn't let him be anymore.

  Now the problem is coming again, who can hold this position in Shangou Village?

  Although this village cadre is not an official position, it is very troublesome if the wrong person is used.

  These problems are left to President Zhao to worry about. Anyway, her goal has been achieved. As for how to deal with Wang Guilan in the end, she doesn't care.

  These years, the crime has been convicted, and I feel that you have to be more careful every step of the way, otherwise you will be labeled as soon as possible.

  Although Wang Guilan is very selfish, even selfish enough to drag innocent people into the water in order to achieve her own goals. And when she brought someone to arrest her, she must have already thought of the consequences, but she still insisted on searching her car. The purpose must be to take the opportunity to pull her father down.
