
Chapter 251 I want to go to school. 

Old Mr. Shen personally went to beg the eldest son to continue to take over as the captain and wipe the fart to Shen Shusheng. The matter soon spread in Shangou Village.

  In the evening, Li Laoshuan also visited Shen Shulin's house. The two of them drank a thermos of tea and smoked a box of cigarettes that Gu Zumo bought, and finally they said nothing.

  Then within a few days, someone from the commune announced that he had been dismissed as soon as he had done nothing on business during his tenure.

  However, the person who took over as the captain was not Shen Shulin as everyone had guessed, but Li Laoshuan.

  And Li Laoshuan's wife, Wang Guilan, finally became the women director of Shangou Village as she wished, and she took up the post with her own man one day. After that, there were two people in the village, including Li Laoshuan's family.

  Don't take the porcelain work without the diamond.

  These words were really appropriate for Shen Shusheng.

  He looked at his eldest brother who had been a captain for more than ten years, and he was quite good, and it didn't feel difficult. Those villagers didn't have the power in your hands, so they just listened to you.

  But when this right is in his own hands, all those people have changed faces, so no one listens to him?

  Shen Shusheng was puzzled about this matter, and then Old Man Shen told him a story about someone who wanted to be the emperor, and then tried all kinds of methods, and finally sat on that chair, but just became the emperor. Within a few days, he was demoted.

  If someone else said this, Shen Shusheng would have cursed others for being eye-catching. He had read more than Shen Shulin for a few years, so why could he be inferior to him?

  Actually dared to compare that trash emperor with him.

  But the story teller is his father. What else can he say? He can only continue to sigh that Da Ya shouldn't leave the marriage so early. If it's a few days later, wait until his foundation is laid, or wait for it. Relief food is available...

  Seeing that his son could still say such things at this time, Mr. Shen was really desperate. He had known this, those things, he might as well take them out and enjoy them early. The big deal is that one day is a day, and he still considers offspring like this. , Continue, how can it be.

  After the appointment of the cadres, all those who wanted to make trouble in the village disappeared for a while.

  Although it was not Shen Shulin who came up this time, it was not bad to switch to Li Laoshuan. The sons of their family are all amazing, so why don't you watch everyone starve to death?

  Those who understand the inside story know that Shen Shulin didn't want to do it this time, and Li Laoshuan took over.

  Moreover, the two of them chatted for most of the night, and they had been working together for so many years before, and even Shen Shulin could not look at Li Laoshuan in embarrassment and did not help at all.

  When everyone was full of expectations that Captain Li could get food for everyone, another even more explosive news came out.

  Shen Sanzhu also entered the city, and when they entered the city this time, they weren't going to be a worker, but an official.

  I heard that it is still a secretary, who is dedicated to serving as a secretary to the leader.

  From now on, when you see Shen Sanzhu again, everyone can't call Shen Sanzhu directly, you have to call Secretary Shen.

  Mother, this Shen Shulin didn't become the captain, and the good things in the family happened one after another.!

  I heard that Sanzhu was admitted by himself. Hey, you said this study is so useful. Why should the school be closed? Isn't it a pitfall to our children?

  Since the end of the year, the explosive news has become more powerful one by one, especially the incident of Shen Sanzhu, which immediately aroused everyone's reading craze.

  All those who looked like a child in their homes ran to Li Laoshuan and asked when the elementary school could start classes? This child's study can't be delayed any longer.

Chapter 252: After skipping a grade,

 A few days later, after Li Laoshuan ran to the commune many times, the elementary school in his village finally started classes, and this time a Chinese teacher was changed. I heard that he was teaching a university before. Now I can teach these little children, who cares about the composition of her family.

  The teacher you are talking about is of course Gu Nan.

  Shen Shulin told Li Laoshuan that night about this matter. It happened that the two of them attached great importance to the children's study, and then the matter was finalized.

  Gu Nan was naturally very happy if something was done.

  Although she earns work points and does not receive monthly wages, the work points can be exchanged for food, so she doesn't need Xiaomo to support her.

  The school started, and Shen Yiyi, who was only eleven years old, naturally wanted to go to school.

  However, she said that she didn't want to start in the second grade at all, insisting on going to the fourth grade. In fact, she initially wanted to go to the fifth grade, so that she could go directly to the town to go to junior high school after mixing for two years in elementary school.

  The idea is pretty good, but the reality is that there is no fifth grade in Shangou Village Primary School.


  Because most of the children who come to sign up are under ten years old, especially those who have never gone to school at the age of seven or eight, which account for the majority.

  As for the children from grades 4 and 5, Gu Nan visited door to door with a sense of responsibility. Those children have gone through more than a year of school suspension, and now most of them have chosen to continue to stay in the production team to earn work points. Come to school.

  It is quite enviable that Shen Sanzhu can be admitted as the secretary in the city, but there is only one Shen Sanzhu in all of Shangou Village.

  They were not doing well in their studies before, but after another year of farm work, now that they return to the fourth and fifth grade classes, they will definitely not be able to keep up.

  These teenagers are at an age with strong self-esteem. Besides, the family can't afford so many students. Now that younger brothers and sisters have to go to school, they naturally take on the responsibility of helping their parents earn work points.

  Therefore, the Shangou Village Elementary School has temporarily become a school with only four grades. Two students who have left the fifth grade previously agreed to come back to class, and they happen to be willing to re-learn the fourth grade textbook.

  Adding Shen Yiyi and the two students who have already studied in the fifth grade, there are only fourteen students in the fourth grade in one class.

  However, there are a lot of applicants for the first and second grades, and Shen Aimin and Shen Dongdong naturally also signed up, and the thieves are active.

  For the time being, two teachers have been decided. Gu Nan is responsible for teaching Chinese, and the other teacher who teaches mathematics is also an educated youth named Yan Xiaoqing.

  The little girl is only 18 years old, but she is a genius in mathematics. Even Gu Nan said that at Yan Xiaoqing's level, teaching high school mathematics was wronged, but now she wants her to teach those who have not even learned addition and subtraction under ten. Children... I have to say that this era is really shocking.

  Fortunately, Yan Xiaoqing still likes this job, so it's better to do farm work with those aunts and uncles.

  What's more, the two years of farming work tires these children in the city. Now, let alone being a primary school teacher for them, it would be a pleasure to let them go to the school to watch the gate.

  The teacher has tentatively scheduled two, and the students are still applying.

  And Shen Yiyi became the only one who skipped a level.

  Before, the original owner was from the second grade. This time she jumped directly to the fourth grade. Compared with those who have no foundation, this is a god-like legend.

  But everyone didn't have any doubts. Who didn't know that Teacher Gu lived in Shen's house, and he guessed that he must have made up for Primary Five.

Chapter 253 Smart

  In order to prevent everyone from doubting, the main reason is not to think too much about the family. Shen Yiyi has been behaved during this time, and when he was free, he took his notebook and pencil and went to Gu Nan to help him with his homework.

  Gu Nan knew that Shen Yiyi hadn't finished his second grade, and the school had been closed.

  I thought it would be difficult to teach her, and wanted to teach her from the second grade, but she was going to learn the third grade class when she came up.

  Gu Nan also saw that Shen Yiyi was smart, and he really learned everything very quickly. In just a few days, the third grade courses are almost completed.

  Now she gave Shen Yiyi two papers every day, one for Chinese and one for mathematics. Looking at the clean roll, Gu Nan was so happy, "Yiyi, you are the smartest kid I have ever seen except for my little Mo. "

  A few days ago, Shen Yiyi deliberately made some mistakes. In the past few days, she wanted to go to the city again. She felt that she could pretend to be a good student for a few days. Only then did she get full marks for three consecutive days of papers.

  It is embarrassing to be praised by Teacher Gu like this. Actually, she is still a little bit worse than Gu Zumo.

  However, she now seriously suspects that Gu Zumo also traveled here, and he had graduated from university in his previous life, maybe he was a university teacher.

  The school is almost ready, the enrollment of students is full, and the start time is set. On March 10th, she will become a primary school student again.

  Don't think she's happy, thinking that she's going to sit in class with a group of children again, maybe there are people with nasal mucus, who have never taken a shower, oh my god, I can't keep thinking about it, otherwise She is really going to die.

  Shen Yiyi, who was in desperate need of going out to relax, made an appointment with Gu Zumo, and began to grind the old woman Shen: "Mom, the book pencils sold on consignment are more expensive than those sold in the town, not enough. I want to go to town and give it to us. Buy three notebooks and pencils, and take a look at my third elder brother by the way?"

  "Are you going with Comrade Gu Xiao again?" She refused her daughter a year ago, Shen Lao Niang still cares more or less in her heart, or else It won't stop the girl from entering the city with Gu Zumo.

  "And Sister Gu Nan also go, you forgot, they are going to the hospital tomorrow to see a doctor for Xiaoxiang."

  She really forgot, but Gu Nan also went, it would be nothing.

  Mrs. Shen finally nodded and gave out five yuan to the girl. "You take the money. After buying the notebook and pencils, the rest of the money is buying a few feet of cotton cloth for your mother. Mom wants to make some for your third and fourth brothers. I heard that the accommodation is willing to live with others. The clothes inside are too tattered to make people laugh." When her third and fourth brothers left, they were wearing brand-new cadre uniforms. As for the inside, she, The sister really forgot to think about it.

  Otherwise, she still has to worry about her mother, Shen Yiyi happily agreed: "Well, don't worry, mother, I will buy more muslin at that time and make some new ones for our family."

  "Medium, you see. Let's buy it. Here, these are six-foot cloth tickets. Our family only has these cloth tickets."

  She hates buying everything in this era. What if she lacks these things?

  "Then I will look at it tomorrow. If there are any defective fabrics that do not require votes, I will buy more." Without her, I would not recruit. I can't trouble Gu Zumo again.

  "Come on, then mom will give you another five dollars." Shen Lao Niang said and took out another five dollars from the handkerchief bag and handed it to her daughter.

  Her two eldest sons are now earning her wages, and Shen Lao Niang is now paying out the money, not like before.

 Chapter 254 I've Stole a Good Day

  Shen Yiyi didn't say no this time. After receiving the money from Shen Lao Niang, she went back to the house and cleaned it up.

  Some time ago, she finished knitting a sweater for Gu Zumo. These days, she drove out another one for the third brother. Shen Yiyi wrapped the sweater with kraft paper tied with wool, and put it in the space, ready to take it with the third brother tomorrow.

  The last time that Aunt Li put wool on her, she didn't even look at it at the time, but now she used it, and Shen Yiyi discovered that there were five catties of dark gray that she didn't like.

  The black is only two catties. Fortunately, Gu Zumo is not fat.

  The question now is how she will distribute the eight catties of wool, three catties in navy blue and five catties in dark gray.

  In the end, Shen Yiyi was a little eccentric and knit a navy blue for the third brother, because she felt that this color was not resistant to dirt and was suitable for sitting in an office.

  Wait for the dark gray ones to be less afraid of dust, so it's just right for the fourth brother to wear them.

  Once she found an excuse, she hurriedly hurriedly hurried to finish knitting for the third brother.

  There are still six or seven liang of navy blue wool, and add a little gray. Her two catties of red wool can be evened out, and then I can knit one more for Aimin and Dongdong.

  And this kind of knitted sweater, for children, looks better than any color.

  But she is about to go to school soon, so she definitely doesn't have so much time to knit, so the fourth brother's sweater and the two small ones can only be knitted slowly first so that they can wear it in the fall.

  Seeing that the little girl gathered a bunch of woolen threads, she muttered and said distressedly: "Knitting so many pieces, don't tire my girl, and what about you, I will knit it for them, my girl When can I put on my own red sweater."

  The two daughters-in-law in the family are also stupid enough, and they haven't learned how to knit sweaters .

  It seems that Gu Nan can weave, right?

  She remembered Comrade Gu Xiao's sweater, and Gu Nan would knit it with it.

  It's just that they rented and lived in their home, and if they were free, they had to tutor a few children in their family to study, and occasionally came back early and helped with the laundry and cooking.

  Gu Nan didn't take the initiative to mention this sweater knitting. They were really embarrassed to ask others.

  "My family has many clothes. I'm not in a hurry. Mom, when I finish knitting some of them, I will knit a big cardigan for you. The time I went into the city, I saw the department store salespeople secretly knitting Sweater, I just learned it after a few glances. The big cardigan looks good. Mom, you can look good in it. "

  Women don't like beauty, and regardless of their age, women don't like to wear new clothes.

  If you say you don't like it, it doesn't have that condition.

  For example, Shen Lao Niang, who can eat and fill up is borrowed from her parents-in-law. Why can she dare to have such extravagant hopes.

  "Girl, don't, my mother is very content now in our family, but I don't dare to think about those who don't. Besides, even if you really knit a cardigan for my mother, my mother will not dare to go out and wear it."

  Her mother said It's really the truth. It's normal to wear patched clothes these years. If any girl's and daughter-in-law wears clothes that are not patched, they will be stressed that they can't live. If she really knits a big cardigan for her mother, she might really scold her mother.

  "You have to live a good day secretly. It doesn't matter what you wear. As long as you can eat your meal and don't freeze in winter, that's a good life."

  Shen Yiyi looked at the old lady Shen who smiled and blinked at her, and then realized that Mommy After eating for a while, and in a good mood, this person has become younger.

  Shen Yiyi also blinked mischievously at his mother, and replied with a smile: "Yes, what my mother said is right, we have to have a good day secretly, so as not to be jealous."

Chapter 255: The beautiful boy 

The next morning, Gu Zumo wore the sweater and coat she made, just like a blind date, and came to pick them up in a new suit. It's been a long time since I entered the city with Gu Zumo. In fact, she was quite excited, but when she saw this person's clothes, Shen Yiyi really regretted it. A certain young man didn't resist, and such ordinary clothes made him feel like walking on the stairs. Moreover, in this, this era, "Brother, are you really good to dress like this?" Shen Yiyi couldn't bear it anymore, and regretted making him new clothes, what should I do?

  "You bought the clothes. In order not to make you sad, okay, I can only make do with them." Gu Zumo replied arrogantly.

  The clothes were delivered piece by piece. For example, if the pants were made first, Gu Zumo took the pants back first.

  Then the coat was ready, and he took it back again.

  The sweater was knitted some time ago. When he came to take it, he didn't even try it on, so he took it back.

  Today, these clothes are also worn together for the first time. Well, he himself feels very good.

  Shen yiyi's eyes were amazing. A certain teenager had seen it a long time ago, so he was in a good mood, and he actually learned to joke.

  Cut, Shen Yiyi pouted her lips, angrily put her little bamboo basket on her back, she decided that she would go on her own when entering the city instead of going with someone who attracts bees and butterflies.

  Gu Zumo hugged Xiaoxiang and walked in front. Shen Yiyi and Gu Nan walked behind. As soon as they walked out of the yard, they were stopped by Sun Qiuhua.

  Regarding this Sun Qiuhua, let alone her impression of the girl, she rushed to her eldest sister, Sun Chunhua, and it was impossible for her third brother to marry such a person.

  Since it was impossible, it was impossible to give people hope at the beginning, not to mention that when her third brother didn't enter the city, didn't this person go to the city to find someone with great fanfare?

  What's wrong? Didn't find the one in the city, now watching her third brother enter the city, and want to look back for her third brother?

  Compared with the daughters of other people in the village, the golden flowers of the old grandson's house are still good, and the old ladies in the village are also strange. But if someone else wore unpatched clothes and wandered around, someone would make irresponsible remarks.

  Sun Qiuhua wore a red striped lapel top today, and the pants on her lower body were dark blue. This dress is definitely fashionable in this era.

  And this girl is very good at dressing up. In this era when the girls are wearing two big braids, she actually wears a high ponytail and flicks her long hair. The girl's figure is also good, and she looks good. Said, just looking at this figure, I am afraid that it will be able to fascinate a large piece.

  What's more, Sun Qiuhua's appearance is indeed okay, but it depends on who is compared, if it is compared with Gu Nan sister, it is still far behind.

  As soon as Sun Qiuhua came over, she smiled flatteringly, "Xiao Wu, are you going to town? Can you take me with you? I want to see your third brother, can we just take a companion?"

  Shen Sanzhu went to work. It's been more than half a month, and I haven't come back once during this period. After Sun Qiuhua heard about this incident, she was anxious and wanted to find him in the town by herself, but she was afraid that Shen Sanzhu would not see her.

  I regret that I shouldn't go to the city with a big fanfare to find someone in the city some time ago.

  It's alright now, the object in the city hasn't been found, it's impossible for Shen Sanzhu not to know this.

Chapter 256 A Rotten Peach Blossom

  But she has already decided to say something. If Shen Sanzhu blames her, she will say that she did it to stimulate him. In fact, she only likes her Shen Sanzhu, so why might she be willing to marry someone else.

  I thought about it, but I didn't have a chance to tell Shen Sanzhu.

  Yesterday, Mrs. Shen was chatting with others at the sales agency, saying that Shen Yiyi was going to see her third brother today, and happened to be heard by Sun Qiuhua, so she ran to the gate of Shen's house and waited.

  Originally, Sun Qiuhua didn't want to be so blunt, but I don't know why, when she saw Gu Nan standing next to Shen Yiyi, Sun Qiuhua suddenly felt uncomfortable.

  Women are all sensitive. I knew that Shen Sanzhu had become a secretary. Sun Qiuhua was careful only to discover that their family did not know when a beautiful woman moved in.

  Later, I heard that it was a divorced, and he had two daughters by her side, which relieved her heart.

  However, when I watched Gu Nan up close, I felt that this woman was too unsafe. There was a woman like this who wandered in front of Sanzhu all day, and she was divorced. What if she fell in love with Sanzhu?

  After all, Sanzhu's own conditions are already very good, and now he has become a secretary again.

  And her sister-in-law didn't know where she heard it, saying that the divorced who lived in the old Shen's family was the daughter-in-law who was looking for Shen Sanzhu.

  After all, Shen Sanzhu is 23 years old, and his elder is no longer young. At such an old age in the country, it is not easy to find a good-matched girl. He can only find divorced or widows.

  But she definitely didn't believe this. Shen Sanzhu was a proud person. She took the initiative to show his favor, but he didn't pay attention to him. Such a person might not be able to find a wife.

  What's more, what people's status is now, so Sun Qiuhua really didn't take her sister-in-law's words seriously before.

  But now, when facing Gu Nan's face, she couldn't help but look at it a few more times, especially her eyes. This woman is not serious when she sees it. Those eyes are almost seductive.

  The more Sun Qiuhua looked at Gu Nan, the more she was afraid now. She was afraid that she would hook Shen Sanzhu's soul away, so the eyes of Gu Nan became fierce unconsciously.

  Shen Yiyi saw Sun Qiuhua staring at Sister Gu Nan, and thought it was funny. Where is this girl's self-confidence? Her third brother is not hers, so why should he take the oath of sovereignty?

  "Sister Qiuhua, I went to the city to accompany Sister Gu Nan to see Xiaoxiang. What are you doing with me?"

  "Aren't you? Yesterday your mother said you were going to see your third brother..." Sun Qiuhua said something eagerly. : "I, I also want to see your third brother, just so we can make a company."

  "My third brother is busy, but not everyone can meet. Besides, you and my third brother are not familiar, right? Time I heard that Sister Qiuhua, didn't you go to the city to marry someone? If this is to let your city partner know that you see my third brother in private... To be honest, you are not only making trouble for yourself, but also trouble my third brother."

  "It's not Xiaowu, I, I don't have a match yet."

  "I don't care where you are. Anyway, you don't get close to my third brother. Our family doesn't like you. "

  You can't be too subtle with this girl. She doesn't work even if she says this, so no wonder she speaks badly.

  Shen Yiyi dragged Gu Nan to follow Gu Zumo after finishing talking.

  Sun Qiuhua was left standing there and stomped straight, but there was nothing she could do, she could only curse Shen Xiaowu to death in her heart, and vowed to take care of her when she married Shen Sanzhu.

Chapter 257 Little Sweetness

 When a few people walked onto the highway, the bus leading to the town came over. Seeing that there were not many people in the car from a distance, Shen Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the window could not be opened in the car, and the glass was covered with frost, and then the people in the car swayed you against me, and I against you. It makes me feel uncomfortable to vomit when I think about it.

  In particular, someone dressed like this, this is about to meet a motion sickness, and he will wow...

  just after the new year, there is nothing major, there are really not many people entering the city.

  No one squeezed with them. After Gu Zumo hugged Xiaoxiang and let the eldest sister and Shen Yiyi go first, they were glared at for no reason. The young man was puzzled for a long time and didn't want to understand what he had done wrong.

  The lady who gets in the car is the first priority. Well, he is indeed the last one to get in.

  Why do you still stare at him?

  There were still a lot of vacant seats in the car. Gu Zumo bought a ticket for Xiaoxiang, and then let the eldest sister and Xiaoxiang sit in the front, and he took Shen Yiyi to the back.

  "Let's talk, where did I offend you?" As soon as the two of them sat down, Gu Zumo asked Shen Yiyi.

  Shen Yiyi: "..." Where do you start?

  What he asked was a little...

  "Well, what did you stare at me just before getting in the car?"

  "Hehe, do you really want to know?" Shen Yiyi smirked and leaned over, lying next to Gu Zumo's ear. At that time, the thoughts in my head were all said as they were.

  "Shen Yiyi..." The young man made a pinch, pinched Shen Yiyi's neck with both hands, gritted his teeth, and scared the old lady sitting behind them enough. He really thought he would witness a little girl being pinched. The picture of death.

  "Young man, suppress the fire, you take a look at how good this little girl looks, it's a pity to choke to death."

  Shen Yiyi: This aunt can really persuade people, if it doesn't look good, it will be a pity to choke to death?

  Gu Zumo: What kind of eyes does this old lady look like, just this cat face and cat eyes, where does it look good? Humph, he feels it's not a pity to choke to death.

  The old lady also saw that these two people were playing around. She smiled and poked her head and asked: "Oh, from what I see, this young man looks good, so what? You two are brothers. Right?"

  He looks such a man, why does a certain kid's cat face look like his brothers?

  The young man turned his face away and looked out the window with angrily. When the window was full of frost, he found himself a job again. He blew his mouth and forced him to blow out a round, as big as a telescope. A circle can be seen outside.

  At first glance, the old lady in the back is the kind who loves to talk and chat. This kind of person is sometimes annoying in the village, because who has something to do, don't let her know, otherwise in this era of communication by roaring , Such a person is definitely the best communicator.

  Gu Zumo ignored the other person, she could only answer, and she treated the old lady.

  Otherwise, if you dare to say that you are not brothers, the old lady will definitely ask again, what is the relationship between the two of you? Relative? cousin? Or two sisters?

  Fearing that the old lady would look to herself again, Shen Yiyi deliberately leaned over to Gu Zumo, and leaned on the small transparent glass with him to look out.

  In fact, there is nothing so beautiful, it's white everywhere outside, and the eyes of people who see it are blurred.

  Fortunately, she will be in town soon, otherwise she will fall asleep on Gu Zumo.

  Ah? Shen Yiyi seemed to realize how inappropriate his posture at the moment was.

  Well, she's still young, she doesn't know anything, or else she wo n't... So she will never blush, or she won't have any money .

 Chapter 258 It's Important to Make Money

 If you don't blush, you might be able to control it. When I think of the posture that I just lie on Gu Zumo, I can't think of it.

  After arriving in the town, getting out of the car, Shen Yiyi said he was going to find her third brother, insisting to go with Gu's sister and brother separately.

  Gu Zumo looked at the girl who was running away with the bamboo basket on his back, and wanted to call her to wait for a while, but the girl was gone in a blink of an eye.

  "Xiao Mo, can Yiyi do it by herself?" Gu Nan was a little worried.

  "It's okay, Shen Sanzhu's work unit is not far in front. That girl is fine, there will be nothing wrong ." The sisters here went to the town hospital, and Shen Yiyi was behind the wall. Seeing that the sisters were walking away, they came out. , And then turned around and ran to the department store.

  After finally getting into the city, she couldn't come in vain.

  Besides, the third brother must be very busy at the moment. She is going at this time, and the third brother will not have time to take care of her.

  Following the flow of people to work, Shen Yiyi first walked into the state-owned hotel, did not see the freckled waiter, and looked around.

  The fat master was chatting with the director about the restaurant's difficulties, the ingredients were not available, and there was nothing to do. These days, such a big state-owned restaurant does not even have a meat dish, and the director is still fighting with him here haha.

  Seeing Shen Yiyi coming in, the fat master was very angry, and naturally he was angry: "What are you doing? Breakfast is only available after February 2nd. There is no breakfast today."

  Heh, this year's vacation was long enough.

  Personal trading is not allowed this year, and Shen Yiyi has already planned to leave without seeing the little waiter.

  The fat master might not remember her. The last time she asked the freckles waiter to buy soybean oil, they met once.

  Forget it, it's okay if you don't remember, so as not to cause trouble for yourself.

  Coming out of the restaurant, Shen Yiyi walked towards the department store while thinking, went to Aunt Li by himself, and offered them something to sell.

  The year has passed, and the sausages and bacons that can be sold in her space are certainly not as good as years ago.

  And what she can sell, and what she is willing to sell, are just these, and then fruit, yes, she can bring out some apples to sell, maybe she can sell it at a good price.

  Shen Yiyi came to the department store confidently and went directly to the second floor. He was about to go to the fabric group to find Li Yun, and ran into him at the stairway.

  Li Yun was too impressed with this little girl. If it weren't for her sausage and bacon, how would they have been so rich this year? And her advanced, if it weren't for her to send those sausages to the director...

  "Little girl, what do you get this time?"

  Li Yun is definitely smart enough. In fact, she is so curious about Shen Yiyi. I want to know whose child she is.

  But you also know the rules. If the buyer and seller don't take the initiative to tell you, don't ask them what their surnames are.

  You can't ask where you live, why, why do you want to report in detail?

  So although Li Yun was very curious, she resisted without asking, so she saw Shen Yiyi still calling her little girl.

  Shen Yiyi was wondering why so many people lined up in the department store this morning, isn't it because there are defective products again?

  In fact, everything is lacking at this time, that is, no defective products are sold, and it is normal to buy things in large queues.

  It's just that Shen Yiyi, a person from the pseudo-sixties and seventies, hasn't fully understood this era, so seeing the scene of the platoon is very curious.

  She was worried, afraid of so many people, in case she couldn't find this enthusiastic aunt.

  It seems that his luck is still good, Shen Yiyi quickly put down the bamboo basket with a smile, "Aunt Li, look at this."

 Chapter 259 Sell, Sell, Buy, Buy

  Shen Yiyi didn't dare to take out too much, so he only took two kilograms of samples and put them in the basket.

  Li Yun looked into the basket and almost made a sound. Her eldest nephew had enough magical powers, but compared with this little girl, he was still a little far behind.

  This big apple, the little apples that her eldest nephew gave back to everyone, all look like little potatoes. Look at this apple...well, don't say anything. Apples are definitely good apples. "Little girl." , You just say how much your apple is a catty? How much is there, I want it."

  She didn't wait to say the price, she would have it over there.

  "Aunt Li, we are already ripe like this, I believe you, how much do you think such a big apple is worth a catty? By the way, there are oranges, below, wait a minute, I'll get it for you." Shen Yiyi took out a few oranges from the space while Li Yun was not paying attention.

  She sells all these items online. The appearance is not good and the taste is not good. Can it sell for tens of thousands of catties?

  So Shen Yiyi was really not afraid of Li Yun tasting. Even if she didn't taste it, Shen Yiyi wouldn't let it go. He just stuffed her an apple and two oranges, and asked her to take it in and taste the little sisters first.

  After a while, amidst the chattering of several salespersons, Li Yun ran over again, dragged Shen Yiyi back into the corridor, and said eagerly: "It's such a little girl. Normally we buy two apples. 30 cents a catty, but you, this apple, we can't give you that price, what about the four cents? Oranges are also at the same price, if it works, just give us a little more, a few hundred catties will be fine."

  There are the most apples and oranges in her space.

  But, how do you ship it?

  With Shen Yiyi's hesitation, Li Yun thought she thought the price was low, so she hurriedly said, "Aunt Li has done her best for this price. You save some shipping costs, right? And if you need to buy anything in the future, just come to Aunt Li, and the safekeeping can help you buy the best and cheapest one."

  Shen Yiyi heard that they went to pull it by themselves, and was happy, so wait for her Find a place and just take out the apples and oranges.

  "Okay, since Aunt Li has said so, so be it." Taking this opportunity, Shen Yiyi offered to buy some white muslin, and the black and blue cloth also wanted to buy some, and wanted to give it to the third brother. Brother Si, of course, can't leave Gu Zumo behind and make a few coats for spring. Wasn't Huada popular at this time? A few more yuan to make a coat of Huada.

  Shen Yiyi talked about a bunch of things to buy, listening to Li Yun's head buzzing, regretting that he shouldn't make a promise.

  But I had to say everything, I had to promise her that I would help her as much as possible, but these are all tickets, which happens to be exchanged for tickets with Apple.

  Shen Yiyi certainly willing, busy nodded, "OK, cloth ticket, the ticket industry, food stamps are OK, you do not let me look at a disadvantage on the line." "Do not worry, you say the address, and so I went to pull apples, Baozhun will help you bring everything there."

  Thinking of the first time Gu Zumo led her to the alley when she saw Li Huzi, Shen Yiyi reported the address of the alley.

  This is not close to that side. Shen Yiyi hurried over there when she left the department store. Almost as soon as she arrived, Li Yun and two men riding tricycles arrived.

Chapter 260 The Big Plan

  Fortunately, there is no production date for the fruit, so just take it out. Shen Yiyi is busy, waiting for them to get there anyway, and arrange almost a thousand catties of fruit.

  Sitting on the tricycle, Li Yun saw the cardboard boxes piled on the ground from a long distance, jumped down excitedly, and ran to this side.

  This little girl is too capable, these old good fruits, looking at this packing box, are better than her elder nephew...Well, she can't compare it, it's simply incomparable.

  She is in urgent need of money now, and she also urgently needs a large sum of money.

  The third and fourth elders are not young anymore, and now they all live in the dormitory provided by the unit, but if they get married, they can't live in the dormitory.

  I wonder if there are any people buying and selling houses privately now? If so, she must not prepare the money first.

  And she has an excuse now. If the third brother asked her where she got so much money, hehe, of course it was for gold bars.

  At this time, the gold is worthless. Of course she will not touch the gold, but it can be used as an excuse to fool Gu Zumo and the third brother.

  I haven't experienced the age of starvation, but I really can't realize how precious food is.

  She realized it now, but she didn't have money for the time being, so she could only exchange some money with the things stored in the space.

  Nowadays, Li Yun still helps her, mainly to get what she needs. It is estimated that she needs so many fruits and they also sell them in their store.

  It's just that the things in her space are less sold, so she is reluctant to sell some things, such as grain and dried vegetables, and can't sell them.

  Fruits can be eaten or not. Besides, there are still tens of thousands of catties of fruit in her space. Selling and eating will be enough for her to toss for a few years.

  Shen Yiyi also weighed it again and again, only to take out so many apples and oranges at once.

  Everyone understands this kind of transaction, and they don't even talk when they meet. A few people just put the box on the car, and then Li Yunsai gives Shen Yiyi a big package with the cloth she wants.

  As for the fruit money, Shen Yiyi had to go back again, weighed the catty, and the weight without the skin, the net weight was one thousand and ten catties.

  Shen Yiyi knew how many kilograms of these fruits came, and she deliberately took out the extra ten kilograms, which she wanted to give to Li Yun.

  After others are busy, you can't let people be too busy.

  Li Yun was even more happy when she learned that the ten jins were given to her, and said that the little girl would really do things, and that she could send any good things to her in the future.

  Three gabardines of the same size are sixty-six, plus a 20-foot muslin cloth and more than six bucks are removed. The remaining four cloths are left by everyone before, fifteen yuan a piece, sure enough. The one who made two pairs of trousers finally settled down. Shen Yiyi saved more than one hundred before. After paying the money for the cloth, there are only a few gross tickets left.

  So, thanks to her selling another four hundred yuan, otherwise she would buy a house for the third brother.

  She has money and tickets in her pocket now, and has finally made a trip to the city, so she is willing to leave like this.

  Just now, she used two extra boxes of apples and two boxes of oranges, and changed her tickets for all ages.

  Separated from Li Yun, Shen Yiyi wandered to the clothing counter and bought two white shirts for the third brother. They didn't know what the materials were. They looked good, only twelve yuan per piece, but five per piece. 

  She finally picked up this little cloth ticket, which cost another ten feet.

  Fortunately, she buys a lot of muslins, and there are a few older brothers left, so let's let her sister-in-law and her second sister-in-law do them for everyone.
