Chapter 8/ house guest

Rachel sat down at the table. She said, "So we are going to skip over Wednesday. Because all that happened was we went to the aquarium. "

Megan stood up from the table. She asked, "You think your mom is finished with Ryan yet?"

Rachel said, "How would I know. All we can really do is wait for him to come downstairs."

Megan replied, "Are you stalling? We agreed to tell them how we met Riley."

Rachel responded, "We are waiting for Riley. Though she should be here by now. And I don't know what is keeping her, but Ryan assured me that she is coming." There was a knock at the door. Rachel said, "I'll get it." She stood up from the table. She walked over to the door. She opened it. She said, "About time you got here. Hi, Riley, come in."

Riley asked, "Is that a diaper?"

Rachel answered, "Come in and I will explain." Riley walked into the house. Rachel continued, "What took you so long anyway?"

Riley replied, "The bus broke down."

Rachel led Riley into the dining room. She said, "Girls meet Riley. Riley, this is Cindy, Katie, Haliey, Sage, Mary, and Amy. You know Megan." She pointed at each girl in turn.

Riley said, "Two questions. One, where is Ryan? and two, do you have food?"

Rachel smiled. She answered, "Relax girl. We saved you some food. As to the answer to the other question, Ryan is upstairs being diapered by mother."

Riley said, "Care to explain now."

Rachel replied, "These girls go to school with us. We are having a sleepover. Friday night, after everyone got here, Ryan convinced my mother to create a new house rule saying all persons under eighteen have to wear a diaper to bed. One girl that was here left and we will deal with that on Monday. But you are just in time. We have been telling the story of our trip to California. We are up to the point where we meet you. Well, the day we meet you. Grab some food and we'll continue."

Riley walked into the kitchen. A few minutes later she came bake into dining room with a plate of food. Sage asked, "How many times as she been here?"

Rachel, Megan, and Riley all replied, "Once a month for seven years."

Mary said, "So, I have to ask. Are you..."

Riley interrupted her and said, "Yes. I am wearing a diaper. What? I just spent six hours on a bus. Well, six hours and fifteen minutes. It normally stops once for lunch and once two hours later for a restroom break. That means that there is two hours between the last restroom break and here. Most of the time when it stops for the restroom break, I don't need to go then because I went at the restaurant when we stopped for lunch. That puts it at a four-hour time period between when we stop for lunch, and I get to this town. Add another ten to fifteen minutes for the cab to get me here. It is just easier for me to wear a diaper and go when I need to, then it is to either A, go when I don't need to, or B, hold it the whole trip. As for what happened today. The bus stopped for lunch. After lunch, the driver couldn't get the bus started. It took ten minutes to figure out it wouldn't start. Five minutes for him to call the company and tell them what was going on. An hour to get a new bus to us. And then fifteen minutes to unload the first bus and load the second bus. So, we were at the restaurant an hour and a half longer than intended. The second bus driver chose to not make the second stop. If I hadn't been wearing a diaper, my pants would be soaked. I feel sorry for the little girl that was on the bus. She did soak her pants. And serval adults acted like that was the most obnoxious thing they had ever seen."

Ryan walked into the room wearing a diaper and a purple tee-shirt. He asked, "Riley, when did you get here?"

Riley answered, "Just a few minutes ago. Haven't had a chance to eat yet. Come over here." She stood up.

Ryan walked over to her. The two hugged. Ryan said, "Hey, honey."

Riley replied, "Hey, babe."

Ryan asked, "Will you marry me?"

The girls in the room asked, "What?" in perfect unison.

Riley giggled. "Silly old bear. We aren't old enough to get married yet."

Ryan replied, "I am going to keep asking you until you say yes. Megan, give Ms. Temple a few minutes to diaper Rebecca and Susan and then head up."

Rachel said, " I think my sister is busy."

Ryan replied, "I think they finished. And your mom wanted to get them in diapers before they started again. Have you started telling them the story of how we met Riley?"

Rachel answered, "The start of that story is we went to the beach Monday, and you asked about my bathing suit. No. Wait. The start is we went to California. The part of the story where we actually meet Riley. Nope. I was stalling so the Riley could get here, and you could get back down here."

Ryan said, "Riley, as soon as you get done eating, go upstairs so Ms. Temple can change you."

Riley replied, "It's only a little wet. It can make it through the night."

Ryan said, "A little wet is still wet. Go get changed as soon as you're done."

Riley responded, "I only have one spare. If Ms. Temple puts it on me tonight, I won't have one to wear tomorrow."

Ryan replied, "I think we can find one for you to wear. Mary, care to lend one of yours to the cause?"

Mary asked, "Does Riley object to them being pink?"

Riley asked, "What? They come in pink?"

Mary answered, "They come in every color of the rainbow. I have two pink ones in my bag. I was going to wear one both nights this weekend. But Rachel and Ryan convinced me otherwise. So, you want one?"

Riley replied, "Yes I do. But wait until tomorrow so that I am not tempted to use it tonight."

Ryan said, "If you wear the pink one home, make sure your mother sees you in it, so that she can buy the same one for you. I am not going to ask for a picture but feel free to send one if you want."

Hailey asked, "How long have you two been dating?"

Riley answered, "Two years."

Ryan answered, "Seven years."

Riley said, "I am sorry. Did you just say seven years?"

Ryan replied, "What was the first thing I said to you when we meet?"

Riley answered, "You said hi as you walked past me in the restroom. You were coming out a stall as I went into one."

Ryan thought about it for a second. He said, "Okay. What was the first thing I said to you after we talked to the cops?"

Riley thought about it for a second. She said, "Oh. Well played."

Hailey asked, "What did he say? You can't leave us in suspense like that."

Ryan said, "I think we are out of time. Isn't that right, Rebecca?" He turned his head towards the hallway.

Rebecca walked into the dining room. She was wearing a tee-shirt that came down past her knees. She said, "Darn I was hoping to hear a little bit of gossip there. Rachel, mom said that all of your little friends need to head upstairs to be diapered. She has a patient. And if she doesn't diaper your friends now, you will miss your nine o'clock bedtime."

Rachel replied, "How does mom have a patient? The only people upstairs were Mom, Ryan, You, and your plaything. Oh. Did you bring a home a broken kid?"

Rebacca responded, "I didn't know she was broken when I brought her home yesterday. I had my concerns this morning. And I know for certain now. But look at the bright side. I get to play the switch for a whole hour uninterrupted."

Rachel said, "Well, I guess we have to wait for breakfast to tell the story of how we meet Riley."

Cindy asked, "So how do we decide what order to go in?"

Amy replied, "Well, Mary, Rachel, Ryan, and me are all diapered already so that cuts down on who needs to go. If we go alphabetically, Cindy would be first."

Cindy stood up and walked upstairs.

Mary asked, "Ryan, I have to know. Which one of us do you not need?"

Ryan replied, "Even if that was true, do you expect me to answer it?"

Mary responded, "I need to know if it was true. If it wasn't you would have shot it down instantly. So, one of us is not needed for the grand master plan. Good to know."

Hailey said, "I'm sure we can figure this out. Let's think about it logically."

Ryan said, "Don't you dare. No one at this table needs to know that. So don't even try to figure it out. Riley, you're next. Go have Ms. Temple change your wet diaper. You can talk to her about what you learned tonight during your session tomorrow." Riley stood up and walked up the stairs.

Sage asked, "What does Ms. Temple do?"

Rachel answered, "She is a child therapist. Which is why Ryan, Megan, and me are as well-adjusted as we are. And that why Riley comes here once a month. Well, one of the reasons. I just found out she has been dating my friend for two or seven years, depending on which one you ask. I could ask her if she wants to take any you as patients. But I am not making any promises."

The girls walked out of the room one at a time. They walked up the stairs. None of them can back down.
