chapter 4

 Cindy sat in the living room. Hailey and Ryan were sitting in the floor with a chess set between them. Katie and Sage were playing a dancing game on the Switch. The rest of the girls were sitting on the various chairs. She said, "Does the boy even know how to play chess?"

Ryan answered, "The boy has a name you know."

Hailey said, "Okay. I am starting to think that is a running joke between them. But seriously, do you know how to play chess?"

Ryan replied, "Well, the answer is no. But you need an opponent, and I am a quick learner."

Hailey asked, "Do you want me to play at my top level, or back off some so that it is a little closer to your skill level?"

Ryan replied, "Pardonnez-moi madame, mais s'il vous plaît ne vous limitez pas à mon compte."*

Hailey looked up, and said, "You speak French?"

Ryan answered, "Of course I do. Did you understand me?"

Hailey replied, "I have a genius level I.Q. and yes, I understood you perfectly." She picks up a pawn and moves it forward. Ryan looked at the board. He picked up a pawn and moved it forward.

Hailey said, "Well, you didn't fall for the Fool's mate. So that is something."

Ryan asked, "Wouldn't that require me to be the white pieces?"

Hailey said, "You're better than I thought."

Rachel replied, "Yeah. I am fair certain he is learning from you as the two of you play."

Ryan said, "Megan. Please stop."

Megan responded, "What? The girl has a nice butt. If she is going to stand in front of me and shake it, I am going to look at it."

All of the girls looked to see where she was looking. Kaite started blushing when she realized that Megan was looking at her rear end.

Ryan said, "I meant stop giving me chess moves. The other thing is another conversation."

Kaite asked, "Do you like girls?"

Megan answered, "Yes."

Katie replied, "Oh. Look I am honored. But I am twelve. I haven't figured myself out yet. So I can't tell you if I like you the same way."

Megan said, "It's fine life is a journey, not a race. You don't get bonus points for figuring out stuff before other people do."

Hailey moved a pawn. Ryan moved his queen side night. Hailey moved a pawn. Ryan looked at the board. Ryan moved a pawn.

Mary asked, "Hey, you guys want to play Truth or Dare?"

Ryan answered, "That is not a good idea."

Sage replied, "Why are you afraid that you are going to end up in a dress?"

Ryan responded, "No. I am afraid that the completive natures of the people in this room would cause the game to get out of control. Which would result in two of us in the hospital, one of us in a juvenal detention center in Missouri, and at least one of us never being allowed to come back here. Which ruins the whole point of this weekend."

Hailey moved a piece. She asked, "Are we going to gloss over the whole you wear a dress thing?"

Ryan said, "Do any of you know this one? 'Come, now a roundel and a fairy song; Then, for the third part of a minute, hence; Some to kill cankers in the musk-rose buds, Some war with rere-mice for their leathern wings, To make my small elves coats, and some keep back. The clamorous owl that nightly hoots and wonders. At our quaint spirits. Sing me now asleep; Then to your offices and let me rest."

Katie asked, "Why does that sound familiar?"

Cindy replied, "He just quoted Titania queen of the fairies from Shakespear's A Midsummer Night's Dream. Which is weird cause it is a girl's part. And more so because try-outs are next week. Oh. You intend to try out for the part of Titania."

Ryan said, "Actually I was planning on being the understudy. But when Carla Holmes comes down with appendicitis, someone is going to have to step in."

Cindy asked, "Do you think the director of the play would let a girl try out for the part of Oberion?"

Ryan answered, "No. But that shouldn't stop you from trying."

Cindy asked, "Will I get the part if I try out?

Ryan answered, "Not at first. But I assure you, before the plays end you will be standing on the stage playing Oberion King of the Faires. Hailey here will be Moth. Megan will play Helena. And the rest of you will be in the audience."

Hailey said, "Oh. You are playing the long game. What's your end game?"

Ryan answered, "Ask me again in ten years. And that goes for everyone."

Hailey asked, "Is he always like this?"

Rachel smiled, and replied, "Yes. But we love him anyways."

Ryan said, "Mary, if you want to wear a diaper, maybe you should go ask Ms. Temple to diaper you."

Mary stood up and walked out of the room. Amy stood up and walked out of the room.

Hailey looked over Ryan's shoulder towards the hallway. She said, "Hey Amy, do you need me to guard a door again?"

Amy replied, "No. I'm good."


*Translation. "Forgive me ma'am, but please don't limit yourself on my account."
