Night 2

(Will u join Mike and Baby for a bite or will u be able to save at least one life.)

(Mike's POV)

I woke up at 7:30pm with (y/n) on top of me lightly sleeping. She is so beautiful. She is my sleeping beauty.
I caressed her head and her body so that I could put her in a bridal position.

I stood up with her in my arms and walked up the stairs to my room where there was a purple and black bed. I gently laid her down and covered her with the covers. I looked at her and frowned.

'I just don't understand why someone would decide to give anyone the job of being a security guard. Especially for those animatronics.' I walked out the room. Closing the door behind me.

I walked up to the attic and closed the door behind me. 'I have to find a way to deactivate them.... But how. ' I get started building a Harddrive. 'Maybe if I enter this code into the system I could make all the animatronics listed here to power down and the others. But first I have to complete the job. '

-Funtime Freddy
-Funtime Foxy

'All of them need to die. So I can save her. I wish I could get some help tho. ' I was making the hard drive and soon I hear a stumbling. I jump up with a small knife. I crept over to where I heard the noise. I turn the corner prepared to strike. But then I see a sleep walking (Y/n). I chuckle. I pick her up bridal style and walk back to my room. ' I guess it's time for bed. What time is it anyways....' I looked at the clock. It said 8:39. 'Wtf when I started that damn hard drive it was 7:05. '

I put her down on the bed and covered her up. I pull the cover down a little so I can get into the bed. I pull the covers up over me and move away from (Y/n) to give her space to sleep. I close my eyes to dreamless sleep.

*Timeskip brought to u by... A turkey getting eatin by Chica*

My eyes was still closed but I felt a little bit of weight on me. I opened my eyes and try to focus my vision cause there was something in front of my eyes. I finally focused my eyes and "HOLY SHIT! "

'IT'S A FUCKIING KNIFE. ' I look up to see who my opponent was and it was (Y/n). Then I got nervous cause I can't hurt her. 'How do I get outta this one? Oooo got it hehehe' She was obviously pissed off, "How did I in your bed and why was you sleeping with me. ANSWER ME or I'll cut through ur neck and drink ur blood for breakfast. "

I grinned and flipped her over so that she was on her back instead of me. And I held both of her hands together And "Hey listen princess if I wanted to fuck u I would have by now. I mean we are in this position. Right.... I mean I could just-" I lifted up her shirt to reveal some of her stomach with my teeth letting it graze her skin and I started kissing it to startle her. She whimpered a bit.

I lifted my head up and stared into her eyes. "But I'm no monster. "

I take the knife outta her hands and get off of her. "Come on let's get u something to eat. And some.... Clothes. " I walked out of the room feeling accomplished, and down to the kitchen.

I made bacon and French Toast with scrampled eggs with a bit of salt. I set the table for two and put the food on (Y/n) 's plate. She walked downstairs and straight into the kitchen and sat down. She said her grace then proceeded to eat..... ' I wonder if she thinks the food is good. '

I make my plate and sit at the other end of the table. I began to slowly eat my food when suddenly (Y/n) coughs causing a break in the silent room. I look at her head is down she continues to choke then clears her throat finally able to breathe. "You ok? " She shook her head up and down. She blushed, "How the hell do I choke off of my own spit! "

I laughed, "U can choke on me if u want. I am a mouthful. " She rolled her eyes I and looked down at my plate realizing that either I finished my plate or a food monster came in and *boo-ganged my breakfast.

I get up and wash my plate quickly. I went back to the table and took (Y/n)'s plate and washed off any type of food left on the plate. "Michael! Hurry up before the stores close!"
I yelled back, " AYE! AYE! CAPTAIN (Y/N) " I walked, taking my slow time, to the front door.

*boo-ganged means that it was stolen*

I got on my jacket and Timbs and watch (y/n) walk out the door. I locked the door behind me.

(Y/n)'s pov

We went to Vira's Secret to go get me some underwear, then to Forever 20 and lastly Gapp since the stores began to close. I got over 200 new outfits and it's 10:39 now.

I think I just found my new sugar daddy. This man is rich.... Enough. I grabbed Michael's hand, " Thx for the clothes! Let's go get snacks to get ready for work.

*Timeskip brought to u by Chica's Chicken Sandwich*

We got on the elevator and We heard  handy speak to us again.
" Welcome back for another night of intellectual stimulation, pivotal career choices and self-reflection on past mistakes. " Mike snickered. Don't know why tho.

"We are committed to creating a experience one part of that commitment is ensuring that you don't get tired of the voice that you're hearing right now using the keypad below please select a new companion voice for male press 1 for female press 2 for text only press 3 for other options press 4." 

I looked at mike, "press 1 I liked the voice that was on right now. " He looked at me then at the keyboard.

"The day you tell me where the numbers are on this thing is the day I'll eat my underwear." I looked at the keyboard and saw it glitching out. I rolled my eyes," Press something."

He tried to press R but pressed Q instead. Then handy said," I see you had some trouble with the keypad I see what you were trying to type and I will auto correct it for you thank you for choosing.....angsty teen."

Mike looked so disappointed I could hardly contain it.

"I fucking hate this job. " He said irritated.
The elevator kept going down. "I wonder how the voice will sound now. " There was a weird noise and then the lights went off and the elevator buzzed and kept  going until we stopped.

Happy music started playing and then.... " The elevator stop you know the routine get out now or whatever stay here if you want."  I glared at Mike, and he started laughing nervously.

"At least he is relatable." I scoff and started crawling through the vent with Mike right behind me. As we crawled we heard Angsty Handy speak to us," so funny story a dead body was found in this vent once....hmm not that funny but.... It's a story."

I stopped mid crawl and looked behind me. Mike bumped into me. "Mike, did u hear what he just said...we should go back." "If we go back we will be dead, dead broke now lets go. "

I hesitantly crawled forward and out of the vent. Mike crawled out and I helped him up. As I did handy spoke again," Let's start with your nightly chores. Start with Ballora make sure she's on her stage or whatever. "

I pressed the light button to see if she was there...and she wasn't...which scared the shit outta me. "I guess Ballora has better things to do let's zap her, that should be fun..." Mike grinned and hugged me outta the way and zapped the hell out it.

It made some weird sound and I looked at the bottoms and no one of them was working. I was gonna tell Mike to fix it because it was making a distorted noise but then Angsty handy interjected me and said, "Let's check on fun time foxy make sure he is ready for show time tomorrow. "

"Aw shit, we gotta do this again." I was not happy that we had to do this.  I pressed the light  and saw foxy there. Also a little doll next to the button. I pressed it's nose. Angsty Handy said great but all weirdly.

Handy came back and said, "There seems to have been been a problem with the voice synthesizer default settings have been restored please proceed through the vent  in front of u to Circus Baby's auditorium. "
Mike smirked, "just when I thought Angsty Teen came in HANDY" I glared at him and he snickered.

We crawled through the vent and then we heard the security voice again which scared the crap out of me, " Motion Trigger circus gallery vent. "  Mike sighed in back of me, "Too much damn crawling..... W... Need.... Ru.. " I crawled a little faster, "What was that last part mike. "

"Nothing." We crawled out of the vent and this room was much bigger than the seems like Circus baby is important around here seeing that she is on almost every poster and has the largest room.

Handy spoke to us again, " Circus baby had a busy day today let's check the light to see if she is in perfect working order." I pressed on the light button. "I see jack shit. Do u see anything Mike. " "Nah... I think Handy will need to shine some light on this one. "

I giggle a little and handy spoke again, " Oh circus baby we aren't here to play hide and seek. Let's encourage baby to come out of hiding with a controlled shock." Mike pressed it. And it didn't work. 

"Let's try another control shock." He pressed it again refusing to press that button. " There seems to be a power malfunction that is affecting our ability to properly motivate baby. Please stand by while I reboot the system."

Mike held his hands up," I totally didn't do anything." Handy said " I will be off line momentarily during this process, various other systems may be offline as well such as: security doors vent locks and oxygen."  Me and Mike screamed "WHATTTTT?!?!" And as we did handy said "commencing system restart." Then we heard all the power drain from everywhere....I grabbed Mike and we stood in each other's arms because I was afraid the worst was gonna happen.

None of us dared to speak too scared thinking something might hear us and jump up at us. "Motion triggered entry way vent. Fun time auditorium maintenance vent open. ballora  gallery maintenance vent opened."

I started crying a bit hearing it was getting closer and Mike rubbed my arm and whispered "don't worry I won't let it hurt you. "

I looked at him, " That's not why I'm crying. " "Why are u crying. " "Because I left my Croissant in the microwave this morning" He rolled his eyes. I almost laughed until I heard a voice.

" I don't recognize you, you are new.  I remember this scenario however. It's a strange thing to want to do. To come here. I'm curious what events would lead a person to want to spend their nights in a place like this. Maybe curiosity, maybe ignorance."

Mike held me back intrigued. "Who are you?" She ignored his question. "There's a space under the desk. Someone before you built it into a hiding place and it worked for him. I suggest that you hurried up. It will be safe in there. Just try not to make eye contact with them. It will be over soon. They will lose interest. "Thx."

He pulled me under the desk And closed the door covered in holes. It was a tight squeeze so I had to sit on his lap. I was about to speak but he covered my mouth. He turn on his dimly lit flashlight.

I heard the distorted sounds outside and I almost had a heart attack. I grabbed him tightly. Then something that sounded like a little kid said, "Hello in there.... " He looked at me and put a finger to his lips.

He was telling me no matter what don't scream. The kid sounded like it was talking to someone because I heard it say, "Someone is inside. "

So glad I used the bathroom before I got here. "Is it the same person? " I heard a tap on the metal and looked at one of the holes that mike flashed on.... IT WAS AN EYE.

Mike covered my mouth quickly and moved the flashlight away. "Knock knock. " It started to open up the door and I shoved it closed and it finally let go. "We always find a way inside. "

It started wrestling me with the door and I shoved it closed about 6 times. Then it sounded cautious, "She watching us" It gasped. "We have to leave now, we will see you again soon."

Then the girl, after a few moments spoke again, " when your 'guide' comes back online he is going to tell you that he was unsuccessful. That you must restart the system manually. He will then tell you to crawl through Ballora Gallery as fast as you can to reach the breaker room if you follow his instructions you will die. Ballora will not return to her stage anymore. She will catch you the power will be restored shortly when you crawl through Ballora Gallery go slowly she cant see you and can only listen for your movement. when you hear her music become louder she is growing near, listening for you. Wait and be still and stay quiet."

The girl was cut off by Handy. " Thank you for your patience it seems that the power system cannot be restarted automatically you will need to restart the power system manually return to the  primary control module."  We didn't move once... Not even a muscle. We didn't even speak. That's how scared we was. I gathered enough courage to speak. "Mike, I think that we should leave now."

"How can we leave (Y/n). We are literally stuck. The power is down meaning no elevator. We have to listen to that girl. I think it's Baby. "

My eyes grew wide, "The animatronic. The animatronic was speaking to us. Is that a new thing for them, AI, U know Artificial Intelligence. " He looked amused but looked away.

"I don't know. But I think we should listen to baby. " "Mike no. If Animatronics are coming after us. Why should we trust her. " "She literally just saved our lives, (y/n). Let's go. After this I'll buy u something. " "Wait... But what about that dying part? " " I won't let anything happen. Just remember to stop when u hear music and stick close to me no screaming. "

Michael went into the vent first this time towards the primary control module and as we crawled we heard the security voice again, " Motion trigger circus gallery vent.

We crawled out and Handy spoke again, " you will now be required to crawl through the ballora gallery using the Vent to your left to reach the breaker room it is recommended that you stay low to the ground and reach the other side as fast as possible as to not disturb ballora  I will deactivate myself momentarily as not to create an auditory disturbance."

I shouted," No!" "Deactivating." "FUCK SON! " I almost punched fun time foxy's control panel and Mike stopped me.

"Chill out. Don't worry we got this.... I'll go first through the vent follow me. " "Mike don't make me do this.... " We have to. " He crawled through vent bravely or stupidly into the jaws of death with me behind him.

"I wish we had a 3rd night guard so I would be as scared. " "Afraid something gonna grab u from behind other than me..." Mike snickered and I rolled  my eyes.

"Ballora gallery maintenance vent opened." I really hate that robotic voice but I guess it's a security measure.

We entered the room. And he turned on the flashlight he stayed on the floor and he crawled with me. Then we heared  growing music so we stopped. And waited. We listened for her as she for us.

Handy spoke so loudly than I even felt Mike jump a little. "It seems  you are taking a long time please procced as quickly and quietly as possible. "

I silently stuck up the middle finger and we continued to crawl slowly to the vent to the breaker room. We arrived safely inside and we took a deep sigh of relief. The security lady said, "motion trigger Breaker Room."

U may now interface with the breaker control box using the interface May disrupt nearby Electronics if you feel you are in danger feel free to disconnect the interface temporarily until it is safe to reconnect."

Mike looked at me then put a finger to his mouth. I'm tired of him doing that. I'm not gonna scream I ain't that dumb.
He looks at the panel and starts to restart all the power. One at a time.

Circus control: Restart
F. Freddy: "what was that?"
Mike disconnects.
Bon-bon: "Calm down I think it was just a mouse. "

I'm gonna piss myself

Circus Gallery: Restart
F. Freddy: "Someone is here Bon-Bon"
Bon-bon: "Nope no one is here"
Mike disconnects

I'm gonna kill myself

Funtime A. : Restart
"Did you hear it this time? "
Mike disconnects
"It's bedtime let's go back to our stage"

I'm gonna kill that thing if it gets any closer

Ballora G. : Restart
F. Freddy: "I hear it. Well hello in there!!!!"
Mike disconnects
Bon-bon: "u must be hearing things silly calm down and go back to sleep no one is here"

Listen to that little bunny and leave us alone

Parts &S. : Restart
F. Freddy: "What was that??? "
Mike disconnects
Bon-bon: "Go back to sleep everything is ok. Go back to sleep."
F. Freddy: "Bon bon, u sure there is no one here? "

There's no one here u giant killer teddy bear go back the fuck to sleep

Elevators: Restart
F. Freddy:  Bon-bon don't you hear that. I hear something bon-bon.
Mike disconnects
Bon-bon: Everything is ok.

Good... I can escape now.

Obsv. 1: Restart
F. Freddy: I can't believe u don't hear that.
Mike disconnects
Bon-bon: It's a mouse. Go to sleep

Was that necessary to make those online too

Obsv. 2: Restart
F. Freddy: Bon-bon it's something there let's check it out come this is not fair. Let me get ice cream first
Mike disconnects
Bon-bon: It's bedtime go to the stage now.
F. Freddy: Ok...... Party pooper

Finally he's done.

"Great job this completes your tasks for the night. Please procced back through the ballora gallery with care and we'll see you tomorrow"

Aw shit... Here we go again.

We crawl back through ballora gallery. And as we are walking we hear a different girl. It sounds more womanly, graceful, lady like. "Is someone there? " I jumped a little but Mike held me down. We waited then continued. "I can hear someone creeping through my room. "

We see the vent......
"Perhaps not. "
We crawl even faster. And make it to the vent. We crawl to the primary control module room ignoring the security system voice and crawl into the elevator through the vent.

I'm glad we have to crawl to get in the elevator when we are here... I feel safer.  In the elevator we hear music  and confetti pops (scaring the shit outta me I might add) around us, a black tv falls down and it say SHIFT COMPLETE in rainbow colors at the bottom it says enjoy some time at home.

I was about to cry because I could feel my heart bout to pop outta my chest but before I could mike gave me a giant ass bear hug. "I'm so glad we made it out alive. Thank you for being my partner I would have been scared shitless if u wasn't with me." I hugged him and rubbed his back.... 

The elevator stopped and we walked to the parking lot. We get into my red Ferrari a drive back home.  We walk straight into the living room and sit on the couch.

He puts on this black and white soap opera. I turn the shit off and put on Netflix. We watch Cells that Work and he puts his arm around me. He looks at me and I pretend not to notice.

"I know that you know that I'm looking at you. Look this way. " I look at him with a straight face, "What do u want. " He touched my chin with his finger. "You know what I want. I want you. " He tackled me and started tickling me. "Fuck u, eggsy." I tackled him next and tickling the hell out of him his laugh is so contagious. "S-stop!!!! I'm sorry! Please! Haha help someone hahaha!!! " I get off of him then lay down on his lap as he calmed down.

"I'm glad I met you (y/n)" He said with a big sigh. I smiled hearing that. I sat up looking at how Red Blood cell gets saved by White blood cell. And I smiled looking at how happy she was...

I put one leg behind mike's back and the other on his lap and I laid down. He looked at me then back at the tv. He laided down on my stomach. I pet his head soothing him knowing we been through a lot today.

He suddenly sat up and grabbed  me up and placed me gently on his lap.
"(Y/n) I know that I'm annoying, weird, and make corny jokes. But EAR me when  I say I love you. Even if it has only been 2 nights.... It has felt like more". I looked at him with shock. " Do u want to be my girlfriend. "

" Hell no. I don't want to be your girlfriend. I just met you. I almost died because of your stupid ass."
I got off of his lap and sat as far away from him as possible. I glared at him as he started to cry.

" I need to be your girlfriend because you made sure I was safe with you. You protected me and even have me a place to stay. So yes I will be your girlfriend. "

He stopped crying and looked at me with joy in his eyes. I jumped into his arms and kissed his tears away.  He picked me up bridal style up to our room and gently put me down. We went into my bag to get out some sleeping wear. This is what I picked out :

I put it on the bed and took out the robe that came with it.

I took my robe and head to the bathroom. I wash up get out out dry myself, put on my robe and go to the bed. Mike looks at me in Awe. I blushed, "Go get in the shower, Eggsy" He smiled.

"Aye aye captain but when I get back I'ma shower you in love. " I giggle as he closes the door behind him. I take off my robe and put on my 2 piece pajamas. I lay down thinking bout if Baby is Friend or Foe.

I get up out of bed and search his room. I find a picture of a little girl might be his little sister... Next to it says I will always remember you. She must've died.

It kinda killed my mood so I laid back down. I feel like this is all connected somehow. And I'm gonna find out.
