Home for the night?! Part 1

(Mike POV)

I get out the shower and I see (Y/n) laying in bed eyes wide awake. I reach over to the light knob and dim the lights allowing the star night light to turn on.

She sat up in awe and gasped. "wow.... " She whispered quietly. She looked my way slowly.. And I saw all the beauty that came with her. At least that's what I saw in my head.

But what actually happened is that as soon as the stars appeared she started Screaming. She jumped out the bed and ran towards the light knob and turned on all the lights again. Since I was still in a trance I saw her kiss me instead she slapped the back of my head.

Of course I came out of my trance and she was screaming at me.
"What the hell is wrong with you Mike!!!!??? " I was startled by her screaming because I didn't know what I did wrong.

She started calming down realizing I didn't know what the hell was wrong.
"I have a really bad phobia of stars"
"WHAT?! WHY?! "

"When I was a little girl my father and I was outside looking at the stars. I remember seeing how beautiful they were. As I looked at the stars we saw stars going across the sky.

My father got so excited he said stay right here I'm gonna go get your mother. I stayed there for a few minutes and then I turned the camera to the house to see if I could see my parents...and I could. And then I saw some guys in black.

There were robbers in the house and I saw them stabbed my parents. And just as I was about to end the recording one of the beautiful stars came down and smashed into my house. Killing my parents and those Robbers. That's why I hate stars."

I stared her down. I felt so bad about doing that. But I wanna help her with her fear.
"Let's make new memories. How bout that? " She shook her head no. "Come on. It won't be so bad.. Go lay down. Close ur eyes. "

She crawled onto the bed and closed her eyes. I turned on the star light and got in bed next to her. I covered us with the blanket I had. And I wrapped my arms around her.
"Slowly open your eyes...Take my hand"
"Don't let go......."
"I won't"

She opened her eyes and squeezed my hand tightly... I heard her whimper. I gently crawled on top of her. I learned in for a kiss and she kissed back. I flipped her onto me and we continued kissing and she ended up falling asleep. Under the stars... On my chest.
"You are my shooting star. "

*le timeskip brought to you by lazy author-chan*

It's been an hour and I'm still awake. I gently move (Y/n) off of me and I get off the bed. I walk to the attic and continue making The hard drive.  I looked at my watch and it said 9:07 am. "I think I need a break from work today. (Y/n) needs a break from it too. " I finally finished the hardware of the hard drive.

I walked back to my room and looked for some clothes to put on and I took my keys and went to the store. I bought her an outfit or 10 😅. I started dancing through the streets. I was finally happy I found someone I could love.

I started moonwalking, jumping off of benches and spinning. I was day dreaming having 3 kids, big house, a hamster named-

Some girl pushed me to the ground. I looked up at her and she had green eyes, red hair with ponytails. She wore a red crop top and a red tutu.
I got up pissed off. Before I could fully stand she held out her hand. I grabbed it. She smiled, "Sorry bout that Mister! "

I growled for a quick second then remembered that she's just a kid, I can't hurt her. I began to walk away and she pushed me again and ran away. "I fucking hate kids like her."I got up and got all my stuff and went to the diner. I ordered myself this banana oatmeal thing with a side of toast with jelly.

Then ordered (Y/n) French Toast with bacon and sunny side eggs 2 fruit bowls and some hot chocolate.

I also bought her a cream Danish.... Not like that.... But that's next😘 I headed back home but then I saw a jewelry store. I looked at my watch and it was 10:47. I looked at all the bags I already had. Then at the store.


I walked into the store and bought the most expensive Earrings, ring, and necklace there.

I walked out of the store and almost ran home but I knew I had food on me so I slowed down.

*30 long minutes later*

My feet hurt. But I'm home either way. I kicked off my shoes either way and walked up to the room to check on (Y/n) she was still sound asleep.

".... Perfect" I put all the bags in the closet except the food bags. I went down to the kitchen with the food bags and put it on the table.

"She is gonna have breakfast in bed today. " I got this little table so that she can have breakfast in bed and put her food on it I carefully walked up the stairs into the room.

"Babe... "
"(︶。︶)zzz "
"Babe. "
"Babe! "
"BABE!!! WAKE UP!!! "
".................. hmmm.... "
"Look at me babe. "

She slowly looks at me and rubbed her eyes. I saw her slowly start to smile, so pretty 🤤
"Breakfast in bed? Awwwww thank you! What's the occasion? "
"No work today. "

I walked over to her with the tray or little table doesn't matter. And set it down on her lap and her eyes sparkled. I took her hot chocolate and put it on the night stand so she can get it when she is ready. I gave her a kiss on her cheek and ran downstairs to the kitchen and got my food and brung it upstairs and sat next to her.

By the time I got back upstairs she finished half of her food
"Damn babe. Was it that good? "
"Yeah. Either that... Or I was just hungry. "

I started eating and watched her silently eating her food. I turned on the TV and turned on Netflix. I felt like watching a Zombie movie so I put on The Girl with all the gifts. I looked at (Y/n) and she was done with her food. Except one strawberry. She picked it up and turned to me and held it up to my mouth.

I opened my mouth.
"Close slowly. "
I closed it slowly and grazed the strawberry getting the tip off into my mouth and she pulled it back and ate the whole thing.

I started to fake cry.
She was laughing so hard she started crying.
I started chuckling and looked at the TV.

The little half zombie girl got strapped to a lab table and she was crying then the teacher came in and tried to save her. I got out the bed and walked to the closet.
"Babe look! "

She looked at me then at the closet.
I opened it and she saw lots of bags and she got off the bed slowly and walked over.

"What's this? "
"I went out and bought you a lot of expensive stuff. "
"Babe you didn't have to. "
"No I needed to. You deserve it. Anyone who says otherwise can go to hell. "

She smiled. I looked at my watch. 12:55.  I gave her the jewelry bags.
She opened each one and her smile was so big. She put them all on (with my help ofc.)I looked at my watch 12:59.

I went in my pocket and pulled out another ring box.
"Babe Ik that we only just met each other. But we have been through a lot together. And you really crack me me up. It doesn't have to happen right away but I had to ask now.
Will you marry me? "
"... "
"............ "
".................. "
"YES!!!!! "

I picked up the ring and realized my hand was trembling in excitement I put it on her finger. She smiled and kissed me. She pulled away and I looked at my watch. 1:00 perfect.
" So we have the whole day together what u wanna do. "
"Want to sleep first off. Then do whatever you want. "
We get into bed and fall asleep.
