Chapter 2

"Why are you here anyways?."
Sir Pentious asked.
"Don't you know how dangerous it is for a woman such as yourself to walk around alone- vulnerable to any pervert and it's stupid to walk right in the middle of a terf war!."
He said sounding upset, as he poured you a cup of tea.

You glared at him.
*He may smell good and is kind enough to let me in his house, but he sure likes to lecture*
You thought.
"Well I didn't plan to get thrown by some fluff ball, but thank goodness you weren't mad...."
Sir Pentious's look turned from anger to shock.
He frowned.
"Fff-follow mee." He said, his snake tongue hissing.

He slithered to another room, as you looked around you were just now realizing he had other company, little egg boys.....
One waved at you....You waved back.
"This will be where you'll stay, if you'd like that is...."
He looked away nervously.
You frowned, he seemed a bit awkward.

You hugged him and he blushed.
"Of course I'll stay with you!."
You blushed and let go of him.
"U-um- I mean for a little while that is."
One of the egg boys shouted.
"The boss is gonna get a girlfriend!. And she's really pretty and smells nice, she is nice!."
You blushed and couldn't bring yourself to look at him, covering your mouth you began to laugh.
"Oh my goodness."
You said.
