Chapter 12

You and Sir Pentious were getting along great except when you had to go out for groceries or something...then that's when the problems started, not with each other...

Just other people after that whole news report and the two of you always came home in a stressed out mood so one day you suggested you go by yourself at first Pentious refused in case somebody kidnapped you for his territory, but then he finally agreed but an egg boi had to go with you, you hugged him and he blushed.

You were out and about, shopping more than buying food this time, Sir Pentious never liked to shop unless it was for one of his crazy inventions.

Today was your day but as you were looking at some jewelry, you couldn't help but feel watched, finally you turned around to meet a red smiley guy.
Who clearly didn't know what personal boundaries were.

"Hello!. My name is Alastor!. So you're the lovely lady that stole the snakes heart!."
He chuckled.
"My what a fool he is...."
He quietly said to himself but you heard every bit.

You glared at him, you had already paid for the necklace but you were so mad you accidentally laid it back down.
"What do you want?."

"My what a rude one!. Care to tell me your name dear?."
You sighed.
"I'm sorry....."
You said feeling guilty.
"Maybe we should go Miss?."
The egg boy suggested, so you excused yourself from Alastors conversation.

"Wait! Your necklace!."
"O-oh Thank you."
You said and quickly ran away, Alastor just smiled for what you didn't know was that he had put a spell on it.....he planned to watch and see every weakness he could find....Alastor knew that he was already more powerful than Sir Pentious could ever be but he still wanted to have some fun and humiliate his reputation.
