Sixteen - Stephany's POV

We were walking down to where Jack had been living for a little bit

"You've been living here?" Sarah asked in a whisper and Jack shushed her "They're right above us. If weasel catches us, we're all in the slam"

Jack turned on a lamp and uncovered a printing press, an old one but it's still a printing press

We all got to work

Denton: this is the story you wanted to write

Well tonight is the night that you can

Jack: just get this done and by dawns early light you can finish the fight you began

Steph + Davey: this time were in it to stay

Sarah: think about seizing the day

Jack: think of that train as she rolls into old Santa Fe

Tell 'em I'm on my way

All: see old man Pulitzer snug in his bed

He don't care if we're dead or alive

Three satin pillows are under his head

While we're begging for bread to survive

Joe, if you're still counting sheep

Wake up and read them and weep

You got your thugs with their sticks and their slugs

Yeah but we got a promise to keep

Once and for all something tells me the tide turning

Once and for all there's a fire inside me that won't stop burning

Now that the choices are clear

Now that tomorrow is here

Watch how the mighty can fall

For once and for all

Everyone started walking around and handing out papers to kids who can read. Me and Davey were walking around and doing the best we could

"Hey, do you know how to read?" I asked a kid. He nodded and I handed him a paper "Support the newsies"

I smiled at him and walked away, going to hand out more papers

Davey walked up to someone "can you read?"

The kid said yes and Davey handed a paper to them

I smiled as I watched the interaction and we walked on to hand out more papers until we ran out. Once everyone ran out we all met up in the center of town

"So when's the others coming Kid?" Mush asked Blink

"They ain't coming" Jack said "It ain't gonna be nobody but us"

Davey put an arm around my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He kissed me cheek and I leaned a head on his shoulder

Les: when the circulation bell starts ringing

Will we hear it

"Nah" race said from behind Les

Race: what if the Delanceys come out swinging

Will we hear it

"No!" Les said

We all walked up behind the two and then heard cheering and people singing

People: when you got a hundred voices singing

Who can hear a lousy whistle blow

And the world will know

Davey and I looked at eachother with bright smiles on our faces. He wrapped his hands around my waist and gave me a quick kiss and started cheering again

Everyone: The world will feel the fire and finally know

Every single person started cheering and it was so loud but I was so happy that we had been this close to winning

Everyone chanted strike

The doors to Pulitzer's building opened and men came out. Jack and Davey went inside to talk to Pulitzer


They later came out and the gates opened. I ran up to Davey "What happened?"

"You'll find out" He said and looked over at Jack. He wrapped an arm around my waist

Jack whispered something to Les and put him on his shoulders. Then Jack yelled "WE BEAT EM!"

Everyone cheered. Davey picked me up and spun me around. He kissed me, this time a little longer that a peck and I was the happiest ever until Les interrupted by saying that the bulls were here

Jack tried to run but Denton stopped him. The door of the carriage opened and the boys from the refuge came out, the last one being Crutchie. I yelled his name and smiled at him and he smiled back

Snyder walked inside the carriage with handcuffs on and Crutchie gave him a sarcastic tip for jail

Everyone cheered when Crutchie closed the door. I hugged Crutchie and kissed his cheek "I'm so glad you're back"

He laughed "I'm glad I'm back"

I let go of the hug and walked back over to Davey

We looked over and saw Teddy Roosevelt and my eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I was sad to see Jack leave but I was happy that he was going where he had always dreamed of going. He deserved it after everything he had been through..

All of us were a bit lost without our leader

Mush: try bottle alley or the harbor

Race: try Central Park it's guaranteed

Crutchie: Try any banker bum or barber

Blink: they almost all knows how to read

Boots: Summer stinks

Skittery: and winters waiting

All: welcome to New York

Davey put his arm around my shoulders and again as we walked to get our papers

All: boy ain't nature fascinating

When youse gotta walk

Davey put the money down on the counter "a hundred papes"

Everyone smiled at him and I kissed his cheek "You're a real newsie now"

He grabbed his papers and Mush was about to pay when we heard cheering again. We saw Jack coming back and getting out of the carriage

I was happy jack was back. Me and Davey stood away from the rest of the boys smiling at Jack

"So how's the headline today?" He asked

Davey chuckled and we looked at each other. Davey spoke "Headlines don't sell papes. Newsies sell papes"

Davey grabbed his papers and we walked down to where everyone else was. Davey gave the papers to Crutchie

Sarah came up to Jack and the two of them kissed. Everyone started cheering for them. Everyone was a big happy family, weather you were a mom or dad or just in the family, we were all together

Davey had his arm around my waist and mine was around his shoulders as we walked with Sarah, Jack and Les to sell papes

Davey smiled down at me and I smiled back
