Fourteen - Stephany's POV

We were all standing outside of the gates, screaming and shouting at people. Davey tried to clam everyone down

I heard Spot "Hey Race, Tell me I'm just seeings things. Just tell me I'm seeing things"

I turned around and saw Jack in a new uniform and carrying papers

"No you ain't seeing things. That's Jack" Race said

"He's dressed like a scabber" Spot said

"Jack look at me, will you?" Mush tried to Jack but guards held him back "Cmon it's me, Mush. Look at me. What are you doing Jack?"

"This ain't happening. This can't be happening" Blink said "What are you doing Jack?"

"Where'd he get them clothes?" Boots asked

"Mr. Pulitzer picks them out himself. A special gift to a special new employee" Weasel said

"What? He sold us out!" Spot yelled

Look at him in his little suit. You bum. I'll soak you!" Race yelled

Spot jumped up to get to Jack but he got held back "Come here, you dirty, rotten scabber!"

I grabbed Davey's hand as we walked to the front. Weasel walked over "Ah. You wanna talk to him? Come on. Come on. Sure."

Me and Davey walked up to Jack

"So this is why you didn't escape last night." Davey said, playing with Jack's coat

"Yeah" Jack said, almost mouthing the word

"You're a liar!" I shouted at him "You lied about everything! You lied about your father being out west, because he's damn well not out west! You didn't even tell ME your real name!"

"So" Jack shrugged "Heat are you gonna do about it Dave? Steph?"

"I don't understand you" Davey said

"Oh, so let me spell it out for you. You see, I ain't got nobody tucking me in at night like you two. It's just me. I gotta look out for myself alright?" Jack said

"You had the newsies!" Me and Davey said together

"Oh what did being a newsie every give me but a dime a day and a few black eyes. You know, I can't afford to be a kid no more, Dave. For the first time in my life I got money in my pockets. Real money. Money. You understand? I got more on the way and as soon as I collect, I'm gone, I'm away alright?" Jack explained

"Well that's good! That's good because we don't need you!" Davey yelled "we don't need you! Because all those words you said, those were mine"

"Yeah but you never had the guts to put them across yourself, did you?" Jack asked

"I do now" Davey said and the both of us walked away from Jack. We let go of our hands and turned around

We stared Jack down for a second before Davey charged at him.. well tried to. Weasel held him away from Jack

We got in a clump again and watched as Jack walked away "He's fooling them!" Les said, trying to convince himself "so he can spy on them or something"

"Yeah he's spying on them kid" Race said, patting Les's head
