It's been two weeks sense the boys left and I've been doing school non stop. It's early one morning and I finish my last assignment passing the mark that I can go on tour now. I rush downstairs to see my mom making coffee.
Sa: mom, mom guess what.
D: what's up.
Sa: I finished the mark of school where I can see the boys now!
D: good for you. Well your dad and I where looking at flights and there one that is taking off in a few hours. I'll let them know we are coming in today. It's in Miami.
Sa: tell Dad and rob. But don't tell the boys. I wanna surprise they while they are in stage.
D: ok I'll tell your dad. Now go finish packing. I'm gonna guess you already did some. And bring Nick some new clothes. He needs it.
Sa: got it.
I rush upstairs and pull my half packed suitcase out. I put the last of my stuff and fill a little bit up with Nicks extra outfits. I get changed and ready to head to the airport. An hour passed and mom and I arrive at the airport. We check our bags in and go through security. We make it through and head to our gate. We get there just in time before we start to board. Once we get on, I end up falling asleep sense I haven't gotten a full night's sleep the past few days catching up with school and nick not being with me. Im waken 2 hours later by my mom shaking me awake. I look outside and it looks later in the night. There is a time difference from Jersey to Miami so It was later. We grab our stuff and head out. We get off the plane and go to baggage claim and then we where met by big rob. He takes us to the car and he drives to the venue. The guys have no clues what's going on. Once we arrive, we hear music outside as we walk in. After we say hi to dad, they rush me over to the entrance of the stage and give me a mic. The boys take there talking break and they start to talk.
N: so, we are just informed that we have a big surprise for us waiting.
J: I wonder what it is.
K: we don't think we forgot anything.
Sa: did you forget about your sister.
I walk onto stage and the boys jaws just drop. The crowd just screams with happiness and Joe is the first to run over to me and give me a hug. Then it settles into the others and Nick and Kev each give me a hug.
J: well what a great surprise.
K: Our littler sister everyone.
N: well I think Joe now knows what to do.
I look at them and they just smile. I'm preforming now with my brothers. This is me for camp rock turns on and I know every word. I just sing my heart out and so does Joe. Once the song finishes, I give them all a hug and head backstage. I meet up with Dani and we head to the break room thing and wait for the boys to finish. After a while, the boys walk in and run over to me. I give them a hug and there still shocked.
N: what the. How.
J: did you catch up in school.
Sa: yeah, sense you guys left I've had basically no sleep. The whole time I think I got a full three hours. I was finishing school and couldn't sleep without one of you guys next to me. And I just passed the mark to come out with you guys this morning.
N: well we are very proud of you. Even Joe hasn't caught up. He's not done in English yet though.
I look at Joe and smile knowing I'm gonna have to help him. We all head out to the car and drive back to the hotel they have been staying at. Tomorrow is there free day here so I think we are going to spend the day in town catching up on stuff. Like school and sleep for me. We arrive at the hotel and Nick and I say night to everyone and head upstairs. Sense we are sharing a room like usual when we are and aren't home. We get to the room and I put my stuff down and go to the bathroom and shower feeling gross from being in a airport all day. I get out of the shower and go over to my laptop. I pull up my school things and finish a few math notes I forgot to do a little bit ago. Then Nick walks back in.
Sa: when was the last time you did school.
N: I think you might just be ahead of me now.
Sa: wow that's a first. I'm just glad that I'm here now.
N: same. I haven't gotten a lot of sleep either. But more then you have.
Sa: well now where even I say. So how has your been?
N: fine, we all have been a little bit distracted without you here. We wanted to know that you are safe.
Sa: Aww you guys are adorable.
Nick walks into the bathroom and someone calls me.
Sa: hello.
A: hello Sabrina. This is Allisons mom.
Sa: hey Ms. Holly, is everything alright?
A: that's the problem. Allison got diagnosed with a deadly and spreadable cancer. You most likely won't be able to see her again ever. But we just wanted to tell you to keep her in your prayers.
Allie is my best friend. We grew up together and did and do everything together. Before I could say something the line goes dead and I just drop my phone from shock. I scream and fall onto the floor crying.
I head into the bathroom to wash my face and before I could I hear a scream from Bri. I rush out and I see her on the floor crying. I rush over to her and I hear someone at the door. A minute later, Joe and Kevin walk in. They rush over to us and ask me what happened.
N: I don't know. Joe go get mom and dad.
He runs out of the room and I'm still holding Bri. Kevin wiped the hair out of her face and moments later, mom and dad come in. They shut the door and rush over to us with Joe. We all just sit here and mom looks at us.
D: I think I know what happened.
J: what
N: mom what's going on.
K: yeah, is she gonna be alright?
D: well I just got a call from Allies mom saying that she was diagnosed with a deadly and spreadable cancer. Bri can't see her anymore and it's not long before Allie passes.
After mom explains this Bri just starts to cry even more. We get her to calm down and she finally speaks up.
Sa: w-why A-Allie.
She starts to cry a little bit more and I just rock her back and fourth.
D: I know sweetie. This sucks.
P: this is horrible. How long until it gets so bad.
D: she said it's not that long. They caught it late so they can't do much about it. They are trying to keep her alive for as long as possible but they don't know.
N: this sucks for Bri. She's gonna be a big mess once she's gone.
K: yeah, we aren't gonna see her a lot once she's gone.
J: let's not think about death right now. Just focus on Allie.
Joes right. We calm her down and she finally focuses on us but we don't think she will remember a whole lot of this.
D: Joe, Kevin. Get ready for bed and come back in here. Your sister needs you guys.
Joe and Kev get up and go get there stuff. I carry Allie over to the bed and put her down in the middle. The boys walk back in and mom and dad say goodnight to us all.
J: how are we going to sleep.
N: I will sleep on this side and you two can choose who else gets to sleep next to her.
K: I don't really care how we sleep. I just want her to know that we are here for her.
J: yeah.
Joe ends up next to Bri and Kevin next to him. They all have there hands on her back while I have her in my arms. This might be some of the worst news ever.
Idk if that cancer thing is real so. I hope you enjoyed.
