Today my best friend is home! I haven't seen her in months if you couldn't tell. Early in the morning, mom walks into Nicks room and wakes me up. I jump out of bed and follow my mom into the hallway so Nick can still sleep.
D: someone is waiting for you.
Sa: wait she's already here!
Mom shakes her head and I run downstairs to see my best friend having some cereal
We both run up to each other and hug. It's so nice to see her. Then we both go and sit down at the table and I eat some cereal while a Allie finishes hers. We both catch each other up on what's been happening and Joes friend Sam walks in.
Sa: Hey sam. Looking for Joe.
Sm: hey Sabrina. Yeah where is he?
Sa: we just got home last night so he's gonna be a hard one to wake up. But the water in the fridge is ready. I'll grab it.
I get up and get the water bottle from the fridge. When we just get home and Sam hasn't seen Joe but doesn't feel like waiting, he usually takes a cold water bottle from the fridge and pours it on Joe. It's nice to see Sam. He's a really nice and genuine guy. He walks up behind me and I give him a hug and then give him the bottle. He then proceeds to run upstairs to Joes room and I sit back down at the table with Allie. She has a smirk on her face because I was happy that Sam hugged me.
Sa: what are you giving me that look for?
A: oooo someone has a crush on there older brothers best friend.
Sa: what pfff. No. Ok maybe. Ok yes, I do ok. But I swear if you tell-.
Before I could finish we hear a girly shriek from upstairs and we couldn't help but laughing. Then both Nick and Kevin come downstairs looking all mad but laughing at the same time
Sa: did Joes girly scream wake you guys up.
N: well I think everyone saw it coming if Sam hasn't seen joe in a while.
Sa: your not wrong.
Nick walks over with his bowl of Cheerios and sets the bowl down and gives Allie a long hug. After the separate, I give Allie the smirk and she slaps me. Then we hear the water running and Sam coming down and getting some breakfast also.
N: so Allie, how have you been?
A: great, my trip was so much fun!
N: good. Let me guess Bri already told you about our fun break.
A: how did you know.
N: I just do. I mean I'm her twin and all.
It's so weird seeing these two flirt. They both suck at it also. After a minute Sam comes over and sits next to me. Then Allie whispers to nick and they get up and leave the room so it's just Sam and I.
Sm: so how was your break?
Sa: pretty good. Joe was actually behaving for once.
Sm: now that's surprising to hear.
Sa: I know right.
I laugh and then Sam and I lock eyes. It's so magical to have this feeling.
Sm: are you busy later this afternoon?
Sa: Nope why?
Sm: well I felt something there so I'm taking you on a date.
Sa: ok I'm good with that. But we don't tell Joe right now got it.
Sm: got it.
I give him a hug and put my bowl in the sink and head to the living room. Allie was flipping through tv channels while Nick was reading a magazine. I take a seat next to Allie and put nickelodeon on.
A: so how was it with Sam.
Before I could answer Nick leans into listen to our conversation.
Sa: you told him
N: no, well kinda. I read your diary the other day and saw that you liked Sam. And Allie told me after that also.
Sa: well ok then. We are going on a date this afternoon! But where not telling Joe yet. We don't want him all mad and not wanna be friends with Sam and not wanna talk to me.
N: my little sister is growing up.
Sa: sorry mister but I'm older. By 2 minutes. HA. Beat it.
N: oh no you don't.
Then he proceeds to tackle me and Allie just sits back and laughs at us. After I pin him down and punch him. Mom yells at us and we get up and I take Allie to my room to help me pick an outfit out.
Sa: Ugh, I cant choose.
A: well where are you guys going tonight?
Sa: no clue. But I'm gonna guess no where fancy because we are leaving after Joe leaves to do some work with dad at the office today.
A: ok so how about ripped jeans, a nice crop top, a necklace, and a few bracelets.
Sa: thanks Allie. I'm styling you for yours and nicks first date!
A: what. Who said I like him.
Sa: let me guess. All the flirting you guys do when you come over. It's so cringe.
A: well too bad. I like him ok, but I'm not ruining my friendship over a stupid, adorable, handsome, twin brother.
Sa: well that basically is my time to get SICK. You really like him.
A: ok fine. But I'm not telling him, that's it ok.
Sa: fine. Well Joe should be leaving soon. Let's head downstairs.
We walk downstairs to see joe saying bye to everyone. I walk over and give him a hug and he leaves. After a minute I say bye to everyone and allies dad is here to pick her up. So all three of us walk out and Allie gets into her dads car while I get into Sams car. We drive to a movie theater. It's the nice little one in town that isn't usually that crowded. Before I could open my door, Sam opens it for me. Then I take his hand and we walk up to the door. Paparazzi caught a few photos but it shouldn't be bad. We enter and Sam pays for the tickets. We get some popcorn and go to the theater. We sit in the back row because I personally think you can see the movie better from the back. After a few minutes the movie starts. It's part horror part comedy movie. That's why I agreed to see it. I hate scary movies. But I knew Sam was there with me. When the first jump scare happened I get under his arm and hide my face. He laughs at me a little bit and then I pull my face out and look at him. Before I knew it I was kissing Sam. This was a good feeling. I felt comfortable and safe with him. Not like any of the other boys in the past. And I knew my brothers would like him. After a minute we pull away and we both smile. We continue to watch the movie and when it was over I had to get home for the live chat.
Sa: Sam I gotta get home. I have a live chat tonight and I think Joes home.
Sm: yeah we should get you home. Either way I have to pick up my little sister.
He takes my hand and we walk out of the theater and to his car. Then we drive back to my house. Once we arrive, I give him a kiss and he asks me to be his girlfriend. I of course say YES and give him another kiss. I walk out of the car and walk to the house. Once I walk in I see Joe sitting on the couch looking like he is waiting for me. When he hears the door shut he gets up and stomps over to me.
J: Bri, explain this.
He pulls up a photo of Sam and I holding hands entering the theater.
Sa: I think that is your little sister out on her first date with her boyfriend. Yeah, that's right. When I was about to get out of the car he asked. It's was amazing!
J: wow, my best friend and my little sister. I don't know how to feel. All I wanna say is that I'm gonna talk to Sam in a minute. Before I do. Don't talk to me right now.
Sa: Joe but-.
J: no, I don't know how to feel. Don't talk to me.
He then enters his room and slams the door. I run upstairs to my room and enter to see Nick on my bed writing a song. I plop down onto my bed with my face barring into my pillow and crying. Nick pats my back and tries to calm me down. After a minute I'm able to get words out and tell nick and then I just cry again. He lays next to me and calms me down again. But after a minute I hear someone enter my room and Nick get up and slap them but walk out of my room leaving the two of us there. I know it's joe for a fact. Nick I don't think would ever slap Kevin because Kev knows better to stay out of his way. Then joe sits at the edge of my bed and I lift my face out of my pillow.
Sa: what do you want.
J: I want to apologize. I was being a total Jerk and a older brother earlier. I just talked to Sam and he said he had the time of his life at that movie. So I guess I'm gonna have to except you two together. Do you expect my apology?
Sa: only if you never do this to Sam and I again.
J: I promise. But if he dares to hurt you, I will kill him in a heart beat.
Sa: ok fine I forgive you Joey!
I sit up and give him a hug.
J: so how do you think Kev will react? He's the most protective over you.
Sa: yeah but he also knows that Sam is a very nice and genuine guy that has no plan to ever hurt me. So I don't think Kevin will really care.
J: yeah I hope so too. Well you have you live chat that is starting in a minute. If I were you I would run downstairs.
Sa: thanks joe. Love you!
J: love you too
Hope you liked it. The live chat will be in the next chapter. This one was getting too long so.
