"End this killing game for me..." p3

Y/N stayed around Saihara every day, just as if it were a normal day. She would lay next to him in bed, follow him around the school, and even sit in on conversations with everyone else.

Slowly more people died and you got to see and talk to them again. Starting with Angie, then Tenko, Korekiyo, Miu, and finally Gonta.

Everyone was happy they could talk to the others again. Y/N found out Tenko and Angie didnt forgive Korekiyo for murdering them. Just as she thought. Y/N could see Kirumi try everything kn her power to make it up to Y/N for killing her but it didnt matter. As Y/N had already forgave her, she had a duty and did what it took. Y/N understood that.

Y/N was sitting outside with Shuichi, Maki, and Kaito as she saw Gonta walk out. He was immediately happy to see Y/N and ran over happily.

"Gonta say hello! How is Y/N doing today?"

Y/N smiled as she looked at the ghost version of her friend. "I'm doing well, how about you?"

"Gonta look for bugs. Bugs make Gonta happy." He smiled as he held a small jar the others couldn't see with a small grasshopper inside.

Y/N and Gonta talked for a while until Shuichi got up, you quickly said goodbye to Gonta and followed him. Saihara closed the door to his room and lay agents it, hugging his knees and curling up into a ball. Y/N could tell he was crying there was no hiding it. "Im sorry Y/N, I'm so sorry..."

With a soft sigh you sat next to him, he couldn't see of feel you. With a soft sigh you looked at him. "It'll be okay Shu..." he looked up surprised and confused. "W-who said that?" Now you were equally as surprised. "S-shu..? Can you hear me?"

"Yeah, now who are you?!"

You laughed happily and hugged Shuichi. "Its me Shu! Its Y/N! I will have to go soon but make me a promise. Can you do that?"

Shuichi looked around the room confused. "Whatever sick prank you are pulling Kokichi it isnt funny..."

You pulled away realizing you were probably messing with him more than helping him. "Okay... s-sorry..."

Time skip to the end of the game!

The virtual world started to collapse. Y/N looked at all of her friends slowly fading away. It's a good ending yes, but she worried about Maki, Himiko, and most definitely Shuichi. Would they make it out alive?

She looked over to see K1-BO and Tsumugi, Tsumugi was... smiling? It didnt matter now. They were all going to return home. She felt herself fade away then...

It all went black...

Was this the end? No, it cant be. There has to be more.

It's still dark...

Y/N heard a soft beeping? How was that possible? Wasnt she just in the game? No, they escaped it. She opened her eyes to see a white room. It had a bed, night stand and a few things of medical equipment... a hospital! Before she could register what was going on she felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

When she looked over she saw a crying boy. He had navy hair. It was Shuichi.

"I'm so glad you are okay Y/N..."

"Yeah... Me too..."
