"End the Killing game, for me..."

Requested by: still no one
Trigger warnings: Death
Genre: Angst?, fluff

2 Days before the incident...

Shuichi opened his eyes to see his room, not his real one but the room he was required to stay in while the killing game was happening. Saihara sat up just in time to hear a paper rustle by his door. In a slight panic he looked at his red door to make sure nothing was going to open it and try to kill him. Instead of the door opening he saw a note slide under. This made the detective curious as he cautiously got out of bed and picked up the note turning the lamp on aswell. He opened the note and read carefully.

Dear Saihara

I know this is strange for the circumstances we are in but I believe I have grown a feeling for you I have not ever felt for anyone else.

My heart races when you are near and longs for you when you are gone. I find every action you do adorable. I always want to be close to you. I dont understand this feeling or know how to describe it other then love.

So that being said I must ask you a question...

Shuichi Saihara, Ultimate Detective, will you solve the case of the feeling I have?

Sincerely, Y/N

Shuichi read the not again just to make sure it was real. He pinched himself to make sure it wasnt a great dream. He had been crushing on the (U/T) for the longest time.

She was always interested in what he talked about, she always made him things, and she was always by his side. (Kaede? Who's that?) Y/N would always listen to him rant and she would always try to help him feel better. He would admit he grew feelings for her aswell. He knew what he had to do.

Shuichi opened his door and walked to Y/N's dorm. After a few knocks she opened it and was clearly surprised to see Saihara. "H-hi, erm... I'm guessing you saw the note?" She pointed to his hand. Shuichi hadn't even noticed he was still holding the letter as he nodded. "Yeah, I did" Shuichi avoided eye contact as he felt his face flush remembering the letter.

"S-so erm... what do you say" Y/N covered her face with the back of her hand. She was clearly embarrassed and Saihara found it adorable. He gently moved her hand making her more flustered.

"Its okay Y/N, I accept your confession" Shuichi looked at Y/N trying to possess what happened. "You... You do..?" She looked up at him. "Y-yeah I do..." Y/N pulled Saihara into a hug as she sighed happily.

"Do you want to come in?" Y/N loved a little holding the door open for Shuichi to enter. Which he gladly did. The two cuddled until they heard the morning announcement.

1 Day before the incident...

"Wake up lovebirds!" Monokuma shouted. This started Y/N and Shuichi. "Monokuma!" Shuichi shouted. "What are you doing here-" Monokuma laughed "upupupupupupu" He then dissapeared leaving a started Saihara and a flustered Y/N.

"Well good morning then Y/N" Shuichi said as he looked at Y/N. Her face was red and she had a flustered look (man I love the word flustered) "Morning"

~timeskip to breakfast~

Shuichi and Y/N walked in the dining room. The first thing everyone noticed was the fact they were holding hands. "Morning everyone" Shuichi smiled a little as he spoke. "Goodmorning Y/N, goodmorning Shuichi." K1-BO greeted. "Ooooooo~ looks like Shumai got a girlfriend!" That comment made both Saihara and Y/N to blush. "I bet they fucked last night!" Miu laughed.

"Well I support you both." Kirumi smiled as she set two more plates of food down.

The rest of the day was a blurr, nothing very important happened, Saihara and you went on a walk, Kirumi made some lunch but yours tasted a little off... but no one mentioned it so you didnt either.

Saihara had brought you back to your room after a long day of running around. After about an hour of convincing he finally agreed to stay with you and cuddle.

You slept peacefully for that night but little did you know...

It was the last night of sleep you would ever get...

To be continued...
