Director Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D

Will's POV

Sigh. My cat keeps standing on my keyboard and typing random letter so I have to keep going back and changing them. He's like addicted to walking across it while it's in my lap.

When I saw Nico, I went over to him and held his hand reassuringly. I didn't want him to lash out at this mortal, ho was even getting on my nerves.

He had appeared about an hour ago and woke all of us up to ask who Nico and I were and why we were in the tower. Unfortunately, Thor had disappeared for 'Asgard business' (probably to notify his father that we were here) and therefore was unable to provide an explanation. And since none of the other Avengers really knew who we were or how we could help, we were just going around in circles.

Of course, every time I tried to ask something, someone interrupted. 

Then, to make things worse, Nico had gone out with Steve for a morning run. I was the only one who he told, and since I wasn't a 'credible source' they pulled up the security footage. 

That had shown my husband got really upset in the elevator; eyes closed, holding onto the rail until his knuckles were white. And then the image of them leaving the building. But, strangely, Nico's face was always blurred slightly, and if there was a swirling white mass (the Mist, obviously) around his body.

Then, after a lot of yelling and spilled pancake mixture, The AI that Stark had dubbed JARVIS announced Nico and Steves arrival.

He looked at me, confused at the sight of the angry black man who had just sworn at him. (That's not racist people I'm just saying he is black!

Steve clenched his shoulders a bit and let a little innocent smile cross his face. "I was going out for a run, and Nico was up so I offered him to come with me."

Nico stepped forward, still holding my hand. "I'm sorry, but who in actual Hades are you?"

"Director Fury. And why the %$!@ are you in my tower?" He replied angrily.

I answer this time. "As I have already told you, we were told by our director that we needed to help this group with an enemy that they were unable to defeat. Thor picked us up, and took us here."

Director Fury laughed without humour, "I don't see how two kids can succeed where the earth most powerful people didn't."

Nico let go of my hand, stepped forward, and glared at the director; not enough to give him nightmares, but enough to make his heart stop. "What are you the Director of?" He growled.


Nico and I exchanged glances; every demigod knew about S.H.I.E.L.D. They specialised in magical beings and worked for the government, so if the existence of demigods was ever found out, they would be the ones tracking us down. 

One of the reasons some people were year rounders at camp wasn't just the monsters. It was the government. A couple of years ago, a Demeter kid disappeared from Camp, and a while later, he appeared on the news that he had 'escaped from government testing' and that he was a very powerful super-being. That year, almost everyone stayed at camp.

Clint Barton saw our exchanges and frowned. "Do you know about S.H.I.E.L.D? Not many people do."

Nico had, himself, searched for the poor Demeter kid. He felt sorry for the poor boy, and was the one who found his body; in a lake. His eyes blazed with anger. "Of course I know how discusting, how-"

I stepped forward again and put a hand on his shoulder. These people were smart, if we gave anything away they may find out who we were, and therefore start testing on more innocent demigods.

He got the message and stopped talking, but he still glared like the depths of his father's realm at Fury.
