His 'Anomaly' [Susanna]


We yelped. John throws his hands up again and then directs his attention to Sherlock, "Mate, if you don't take this chance then I will punch your lights out!"

"It isn't as simple for me as you might believe, John!"

I back up a bit, "Should I step out?"

"No!" Sherlock and John order in unison. Sherlock runs on hand through his curls and sighs.

"John, now is not the time-"

"Sherlock, remember what I told you? If you don't take the opportunity now then you'll lose the chance before you know it." John scolds. Sherlock's face falls and I watch a flicker of memory spark in his eyes.

"I remember." Sherlock softly replies. John exhales, hands on his hips, as Rosie starts to cry from upstairs. The doctor sighs and walks past us.

"I'm going to get Rosie up," He renders us one last glance and goes upstairs. A minute of silence passes with me and Sherlock standing shyly, "I don't hear any talking!" John calls.

Sherlock shifts to face me entirely, "Susanna."

"Sherlock." I bounce on my feet a bit. Sherlock clears his throat.

"I'm sure that at some point you must have heard me say that sentiment was a disadvantage found on the losing side," His eyes fall shyly the floor, "But in the past year I have altogether learned that sentiment is not a fatal flaw. Meeting you almost three months ago has led me to believe that I have that capacity for the human sentiment commonly called a crush. And in the past week I have developed that capacity for sentiment into more than a fleeting interest." My cheeks warm up and my heart starts to race, swelling almost painfully. I smile, knowing that this is harder for him than he would care to admit, and step closer.

I start to speak, but Sherlock presses two fingers to my lips. I nod and he exhales.

"I have had entanglements with other females in the past but none of them were genuine . I never considered that anyone would ever intrigue me enough to permit sentiment. But you do. You are my chemical defect, my anomaly, and I hope that you would consider pursuing a romantic relationship with me."

I step closer to him and smile coyly while looking up into his eyes, "I have liked you since we met. I just didn't think you would be interested in me- or willing to put up with me. I would love to pursue a romantic relationship with you, Sherlock."

His face melts into a wide smile, one that I've only seen him use with John and Rosie, only his eyes are sparkling with life. Despite the fact that we could both blushing ourselves to death because... I think we're glowing.

He leans down slowly and brushes a soft kiss across my left cheek. I smile even more and twist my head to the side and press my lips against his.

And as they say, the rest is history.

After pulling away for a quick breath Sherlock places his hands under my jaw and comes in for a reattack. Not lustful or overbearing. The kiss is still gentle, but with more purpose and feeling.

I drop everything on the floor and my hands find their way to Sherlock's chest, where I rest them above his heart. It's beating hard enough to feel it underneath my fingertips. Sherlock's own hands can sense my pulse too.

At this point we both forget the time and our surroundings, wrapped up in enjoying our new bond. Sensing Sherlock's own need to explore, given that he hasn't had a genuine girlfriend and relationship before, I let Sherlock set the pace for now. It's slow, of course, as we both explore. We take our time learning each other, and that's all we can think about.


"Yes?" We both open our eyes the slightest bit. He leans forward and drops his hands to my waist, pressing his forehead against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Are you sure you want me as your boyfriend?" I nod and tilt my head to kiss him again.

"Yes. Are you sure you want me as your girlfriend?"

"Yes." He locks lips with me again and we resume.

"Well it's about time!!" We freeze, turning our heads at the same time towards the door. There stands John with Rosie, covering her eyes while wearing a rather mischievous smile, "Although I didn't think you'd escalate so quickly."

If I was blushing pink, Sherlock most certainly flushed red.

"Don't tell anyone!"


"Because I want to be the one to announce my girlfriend. And don't put it on the blog either. The last thing we need is publicity." Sherlock replies, pulling me closer into him. John nods, still smiling.

"Alright then. Well, I'm going to remake the tea and feed Rosie," He walks past us and into the kitchen, patting Sherlock on the back, "Good job, mate."

Once he's disappeared, Sherlock leans down for another kiss. I smile and oblige a few more.

"Oh my goodness, Sherlock!!"

Needless to say Missus Hudson had heard commotion and had come up with tea biscuits. Upon seeing me and Sherlock essentially making out in the living room, she dropped the tray. Sherlock managed to save it. But we ended up spending the rest of the morning convincing Missus Hudson and John to keep quiet about our courtship, as Sherlock has decided to call it.

Once John and Missus Hudson have left, it's just me, Rosie and Sherlock. I turn my attention to her, and he to his experiments, but the entire atmosphere is crackling with excitement.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!!
