
Deaton, Cheryl, Reed and Vadim enter a fenced-in area at a plant with radiation warning signs posted in Russian. Deaton comments that his companion doesn't believe the stories about radiation and the man says the location is not a nuclear plant.

Inside there is, also in Russian, saying "they come, they come for all of us." The story told about the place includes men with masks that they never take off and myths about them having no faces. They use the ouroboros (a snake eating its own tail) as their symbol.

Deaton finds a door with the symbol and inside they find a laboratory with several skulls and a fetus in a jar. There is also a very large tooth. Deaton explains that they are failed experiments, some performed in utero.

Deaton decides they should flee but his companion is shot. The Desert Wolf appears and tells Deaton not to move.

"Easy, Doctor. I know you have skills, but I'm pretty sure I can shoot faster than you could hit" The woman taunts Cheryl growls but Reed stops her. "Now, there's a smart guy. Do you know who I am?" she asks Reed.

"No, but I know what you're called," Reed says, having recognised the familiar scent of a werecoyote. "The Desert Wolf".


Scott runs through the woods. He stops on the edge of a cliff and howls. Malia catches up and Scott says there is no scent, no way to track Liam and Hayden. Malia points out that Liam can howl back. Scott says he can only if he heard.


Mellisa has called Sheriff Stilinski to deal with the dead body in her kitchen. She asks him to leave his badge outside meaning he needs to deal with this as her friend and not the sheriff. He hesitates but decides to do as she asks.

Once inside, the Sheriff asks if anyone has seen Kira. Melissa ponders if the murder might be some sort of message to Scott. The Sheriff radios dispatch and says they have a 187 (Homicide) at 821 Williamson Road. Melissa slaps him hard across the face.

Melissa says he knows Kira isn't responsible. He says it is a murder and is his responsibility to handle it within the parameters of the law. She says their kids are always dealing with things outside the law. He counters that they are not above the law.

(My thoughts during this scene were: You literally asked her to break the law while asking for the medical files which was the same day. Like wtf)


Kira is walking down the middle of Highway 115. Deputy Clark finds her and talks her into getting into her patrol car. Kira says she came out to the road to remember something. Clark handcuffs her and radios in that she has the suspect.


Theo turns Stiles' Jeep right-side-up outside the vet clinic. They hear over the scanner that Kira is under arrest for homicide.


At the Dread Doctors' lair, Liam is still on the floor. A device is attached to his arm with a thick tube running into his skin. Hayden is face down on an operating table as the doctors work around her. An alarm sounds and the Pathologist walks to a large liquid-filled cylinder with a body inside, takes a syringe and removes some of the liquid.

At the examining table The Genescist uses ultraviolet light to examine Hayden's skin. A scale-like pattern glows blue under the light. The Surgeon says "her condition worsens." Liam screams at them to leave her alone and wolfs out. The Pathologist kicks him in the head.


Parrish, covered in soot, is taking a shower when his phone rings. He wraps a towel around his waist and answers it. He says it's 4 in the morning but is told that the sheriff has called everyone in because of the latest murder.


Kira sits, cuffed to a chair, at the Sheriff's Station, her bloody sword is on the desk in front of her. The sheriff orders the cuffs removed saying if Kira was involved it was self-defence. Mr Yukimura arrives and claims the sword is his. Kira protests. Mr Yukimura claims he was attacked at home and grabbed a replica sword from his collection and defended himself. The sheriff wonders aloud how the body ended up at McCall's house. Noshiko says the girl apparently wasn't' completely dead and somehow made her way over there.

The sheriff asks if they're really going with that story. Noshiko asks if he is prepared to tell a different story.


The Pathologist dumps Hayden on the floor near Liam and the liquid-filled cylinder. He crawls to her. She has a black goo covered wound on her abdomen. He grabs her hand to try to take away her pain. It doesn't work.


Scott and Kira discuss the fact that her dad confessed to murder and will likely be arrested. Kira says she remembers nothing of the night except waking up in the road. Scott says he has to go find Hayden and Liam but that he would stay with her otherwise. Kira asks Scott if he thinks she killed the girl and he claims he does not.


Scott storms into his house and goes straight upstairs to where Mason and Lydia are coaching Corey through reading the Dread Doctors Novel. He says he's having a hard time getting through it and Scott says they don't have time for it. He inserts his claws into the back of Corey's neck to extract his memories.


Hayden tries to help Liam removing the large tube from inside his arm. Black liquid pours from the tip once it is removed.

The Pathologist shows up and injects Hayden in the neck. While the Geneticist aims a needle at Liam's forehead.


Melissa has turned in her official witness statement about finding the body. The Sheriff is incredulous that she told the truth describing the body as a "monstrous chimaera" and going into detail about werewolves, Banshees and Wendigos. She says she forgot about the Dread Doctors and takes the statement back and sits at his desk to write.

Deputy Clark rushes in with details of the 911 call from the School Library. She's ran the key cards of the students who accessed the library that night and found Stiles and Theo were there.

The Sheriff says he will deal with it saying he will no longer bend the rules for anyone. Melissa says "Maybe you should learn to bend a little before someone breaks."


Theo, Stiles, Liz and Malia join Lydia and Mason upstairs at the McCall House as Scott taps into Corey's memories.

In Corey's mind, Scott sees the Dread Doctors dragging him through the hospital. They are then underground with pipes running along the walls. Then he sees the Dread Doctor's lair.

Scott breaks contact and quickly sketches out the entrance to the lair in a notebook.

Stiles and Lydia recognize the drawing as the Water Treatment Plant. Stiles says he used to skateboard there until his dad caught him and told him never to go back.


Hayden and Liam awake in a different part of the lair. There is a doorway blocked by chain link fencing. Liam grabs the fence and gets a shock. There is another teen in the room. He says his name is "Zach". He says he is an experiment just like them. He asks them to look at his back because the "guys in the masks" removed something but they left part of it behind because he can feel it. When he lifts up his shirt there are bloody stumps sticking out of his shoulder blades. They twitch back and forth like hummingbird wings.


Stiles is urging caution as Scott heads out to find Liam and Hayden. Stiles says Mason shouldn't go because he doesn't have any "wolf powers." Scott says he could use the help since Stiles isn't coming. Stiles says he has to help his dad because they're going to try to make sure no one takes the body this time. Malia suggests they take Theo but he says he should stay with Corey in case the Dread Doctors come back.

Lydia wants Scott to slow down. She points out that he could have really hurt Corey with the memory thing. Scott ignores her saying he has to find Liam. Stiles asks that they text him for anything. Malia says she's got it. She, Scott, Liz and Mason leave the house. Corey, Lydia, Stiles and Theo remain behind.


The Sheriff is moving the body through the hospital with two deputies on either side. All are armed with shotguns. Deputy Clark takes up a position in front of the entrance to the morgue. The body is placed inside one of the cooler drawers and closed in. Deputy Parrish is assigned to stand guard in front of the cooler.


Liam tries the gate again and gets another shock. Zach laughs and says they're never getting out. Hayden scolds him and says he could try to be optimistic. Zach says it's hard to be when you watch three other people get dragged out screaming. Zach says the doctors said the others were failures.

Zack then describes his experience. "First you forget. You don't know who you are or what you're doing. Then you get violent. I watched two of them almost kill each other."

He says one of the others had a nasty looking cut just like the one in Hayden's side. It is still covered in the black goo which Zack says is okay. He says it's not really over until you start bleeding other stuff or it starts turning silver. The mercury is a sign that you're "really a failure."

Liam wonders how many more failures there will be. Zack wonders what the success would look like. They wonder what they're turning into.


Scott, Mason, Liz and Malia arrive at the water treatment plant and begin descending into the pipe-lined tunnels below. Malia calls out for Liam. Scott says there are too many chemicals in use for him to catch a scent.


At the hospital, Stiles is on the phone with his mechanic who claims his jeep spontaneously combusted when it flipped. The mechanic says the gas tank didn't rupture and nothing electrical was burned.

Sheriff Stilinski takes Stiles' phone and demands to know what he's doing at the hospital. Stiles tries to convince his father to leave the body and let whoever is taking them come for it. The Sheriff demands that Stiles go home but he refuses.

Stilinski catches a glimpse of one of the Doctor's ID badges as he is boarding the elevator, "Dr M. Langford, Attending Physician" and it reminds him that Stiles school ID was scanned in at the library the night of the 911 prank call.

He tells Stiles about what Deputy Clark found out and asks if all students have after-hours access. Stiles says they do. He then lies and says he lost his keycard "a couple weeks ago."


Kira is still trying to read the Dread Doctors novel but is still having trouble focusing on it. She throws the book across the room as her mother enters. Kira says she is the only one who hasn't finished reading it. Noshiko says if the language is confusing the fox then Kira should stop trying to understand it.

Two pages of the book are seen briefly during this scene.

The Dread Doctors by T.R. McCammon (Chapter / Page Unknown): Stielhandgranate at the Pathologist,  "Catch!" Aaron jumped to his feet and charged after Judy. The Stielhandgranate sailed wide and landed behind the Pathologist. The explosion tore the the catwalk away in a fiery cloud. Metal buckled, several support struts falling away. Aaron and Judy collapsed on the metal grating. "Are you okay?" Judy asked her friend. "I think..." Aaron trailed off as a keening filled the air. Looking back, Judy and Aaron watched as the final support struts cracked. "Uh, Oh," Judy, murmured just before the support struts shattered and the catwalk gave away beneath them. Judy gripped Aaron's arm as the catwalk swung down.

Next Page

and gave it a sickening twist. He legs stopped kicking and hung loosely beneath him. With a sob in her throat, Judy watched the Surgeon toss Aaron off the catwalk and into the dark water below. Then, the Surgeon's bright eyes fell on her. Judy recoiled, her hand falling on the large rusted wrench. Leaning forward, the Surgeon raised a gloved hand, but Judy struck out with the wrench. The large took cracked against the side of the Surgeon's mask. He stumbled back and Judy struck him again and again. Falling backwards, the Surgeon collapsed into the elevator. The wire-walled box creaked and groaned after years of neglect and exposure to the elements. The cable holding the elevator box in place vibrated under... ~~~

Noshiko recommends that Kira read the book backwards.


Back in the lair, Zack's nose begins to drip silver and The Pathologist comes and drags him out. Liam tries to get up to help but is held in place by some unseen force and is unable to rise.


Scott, Malia and Mason rush back and forth through the tunnels but have no luck. Scott hears a buzzing sound and begins to track it.


Corey's neck has healed. He's pissed and wants to leave but Theo recommends that he stay. He then explains that Lydia is a Banshee and can sense when someone is close to death. He then asks her what happens is Corey leaves. Lydia lies and says "it's bad, very bad." Corey says he'll take his chances and heads for the door.

Theo believes he must remember more about where the Dread Doctors held him. Corey says it was the hospital, then the tunnels and that's it. Theo presses for more and Corey relents admitting that he remembers he was in a basement of an old house and there was a wall with a big hole in it "like a bomb went off."

Theo remembers Parrish's account of the Belasko attack and Lydia says it was exactly the same.


Kira manages to read the book backwards and begins to remember. She was sitting in the traffic jam on Highway 115 with her parents when the Dread Doctors took her from the car, threw her on the hood and then stuck a device into her eye. Lightning seems to strike the device for a moment and Kira opens her mouth to scream and light pours out.


Stiles sits in the waiting room at the hospital holding his School ID. The words SENIOR and "M. STILINSKI" are visible along with a picture of Stiles. He holds it for a moment before dropping it into the trashcan.

The sheriff and his men are standing guard over the body. It is apparently hot. The sheriff asks Deputy Clark to check on the air conditioning but as she is heading away, the pipes in the ceiling begin to groan. The sheriff notices that water is beading up on the sprinkler head in the ceiling and manages to pull a deputy clear just before the device explodes in a stream of super-heated steam. The other sprinkler heads follow suit and the hallway is filled with thick hot steam.

A soot-blackened figure begins taking out the deputies one by one as the steam continues to pour down.


"I'm telling you guys, we've been down this one before" Liz sighs out.
"What the hell are we doing? We're running up and down this place... Up and down tunnels... And there's no way... There's no way that we're gonna find..." Scott says his breath beginning to shallow.

"Scott, you need your inhaler. Scott! Use it! Use your inhaler" Malia orders and Scott does.
"This is all my fault. We're never going to find them. It's my fault" Scott says.
"Scott... We should keep looking. We should keep trying" Mason says and offers Scott his hand. They continue on down the tunnel right past the Ouroboros symbol on the tunnel wall.


Liam and Hayden hear the doctors returning. They stand and hold hands. Instead, Theo rushes in and right into the electrified fence.

Once he comes around, he grabs the gate with both hands, the electricity courses around his body but he manages to force the gate open in a shower of sparks.


At the hospital, Parrish (still in uniform) seems dazed as he tells the Sheriff that he saw the suspect. Stiles shouts to his father from down the hall and Parrish says "Go get your son sheriff," in an emotionless monotone.

Stiles comes around the corner and they both enter the morgue to find the body is gone.


Theo drives Hayden and Liam away from the lair. Hayden's wound is not healing and she says that means she is a failure. Liam kisses her and takes her pain away. Liam says he doesn't know how he did it.

Theo watches them kiss in the rearview mirror.


Scott returns home. Liam and Hayden are on the couch. Scott hugs Theo for a long time.


Later, Kira explains her recovered memory to Scott and says she has to leave Beacon Hills to "fix it." She also says, without a body, the Sheriff had to let her father go. Scott doesn't want Kira to leave but she says she doesn't want to hurt anyone. Scott says she won't but she asks him to look at her with his "other eyes." He does and sees her aura.


It's pouring rain as the Yukimura's load into their car. Scott and Kira kiss goodbye. As the car pulls away all the streetlights explode into sparks.


Melissa McCall finds Scott sitting on the floor of his room. He explains that something has changed between him and his friends and he believes he is to blame. He says he doesn't know how to fix it.


Stiles has Parrish's nametag and shows it to Lydia saying Parrish is the one taking the bodies. Lydia says she thinks she knows where he's taking them.


Parrish approaches the Nemeton with the latest body.


Deaton, bruised and battered, is tied to a chair in the Dread Doctors old lair. The Desert Wolf is asking about Malia saying she heard a rumour that her daughter was still alive. Deaton says he knows nothing about a daughter.

She says she hopes Deaton is telling the truth because if her daughter is still alive then she's going to have to kill her again.

"Now, there is something I need to talk to you about, something I know you know... my other child. I know you arranged his adoption... I want the name" The Desert Wolf explains.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" The werecoyote then smashes her shotgun against Deaton's head.
