
Lydia is in the locker room washing her hands in front of the mirror. Her reflection suddenly shifts to that of another woman with wild curly blond hair (Meghan McGarry). He reaches out to the mirror and is pulled inside. Lydia is suddenly at a street fair in the town of Canaan (Lanterman Developmental Center - Pomona, California). She races to catch up with the blond woman as families enjoy a cookout and Duran Duran's "Hungry Like the Wolf" plays on a boom box. A banner hung over the street proclaims this the "35th Annual Canaan Day."

A rickety carousel spins slowly with children riding on faded and badly paint-chipped horses. Lydia notices one of the horses, a black one, is covered in blood.

The skies darken and chaos ensues. A man runs from a house and disappears in a puff of green smoke. Screaming people run in all directions. Each eventually disappears in the same fashion until only the blond woman remains. She screams into the lightning, thunder and wind, "It's not real." Lydia reaches out and touches her shoulder and the woman ages to an old woman in a flash. Lydia screams.


Scott tells Noah Stilinski about their recent radio contact with Stiles. The sheriff is unconvinced. He says it could be just a random signal cross. Scott produces the keys and explains how Peter provided them and that they fit Claudia Stilinski's Jeep which started easily. Noah is suspicious of Peter Hale suggesting that he too now remembers the former Alpha.

Scott pleads with the sheriff, but the older man shuts him down, refusing to believe that he has a son that he doesn't remember. He shoves the keys back at Scott.


"You saw a carousel?" Malia asks.

"And a big sign that said "Canaan," and people disappearing in clouds of smoke," Lydia repeats.

"Do you ever have nice dreams?"

"I doubt that," Brett comments.

"We need to go to Canaan," Lydia reminds them of the topic.

"It would be helpful if we knew anything about the place. I keep calling the number for City Hall, and no one answers. The only map I can find it on is thirty years old. So far, the only thing I know about Canaan is where it is," Malia complains.

"That's all we need to know,"


Liam and Hayden walk to class. He explains that Scott is okay with "the plan" as long as they don't destroy his house. Hayden is confused, she doesn't know what plan he's talking about. He reminds her that she had some ideas about catching a Ghost Rider but she says they were bad plans. As they discuss breaking into the Faculty Storage Room, Garrett Douglas overhears them. Liam says that to save the whole school from Ghost Riders he has no problem breaking and entering.


Melissa and Reed examines Argent's wounds. The lash mark is green and steams slightly. Reed makes a disgusted face.

"It's spreading, isn't it?" Argent asks.

"Noooo," Reed denies. Melissa shoots him a look.

"You don't want to know. Uh, how did a whip do this?" Melissa asks.

"It was supernatural," Reed says and then pulls a face. "I guess that's just the answer to all our questions at this point,"

"Don't write it on your exam," Cheryl says. Reed's face falls into a scowl.

"So you're back?" 

"No, this is just a halucination," 

"I wouldn't be surprised," Argent says and Reed snorts.

"Well, the doctors think that they can surgically remove the dead flesh. You're scheduled for emergency surgery in an hour. Which is a terrible idea really and will lead to your death," Reed points out and Melissa frowns at his seriousness.

"What?" Melissa asks after realising what he just said.

"It's a supernatural toxin. If they try to cut it out, it will spread. Therefore, he can't go in the operating room. He won't come out alive."

"Then we gotta get him out of here,"


Scott is asleep in the back seat of a car. Malia taps him awake.

"Where are we?" Scott asks.
"According to the GPS, this is it," Malia replies.

They emerge onto a leaf-strewn street with abandoned cars, rickety picket fences, and rundown houses. The "Canaan Day" banner still hangs, now faded and torn, across the street. They stare into what was once a town square, now covered in dirt and overgrown with weeds.

"This is it. Canaan's a ghost town," Lydia states.

"Honestly, were we not expecting this after your vision-" Brett says pointing at Lydia. "And your failed attempts of contacting anyone?" Brett continues pointing at Malia.

"Honestly, Selene has a type," Scott complains and starts walking.

"What does that mean? HEY! Scott, what does that mean!?" 

They wander through a residential street.

"I don't hear a single heartbeat, which is obvious considering ghosts don't have heartbeats and even my supernatural hearing cannot cross Ghost Rider town. Face it, there's no one here," Brett complains.

"I'm not catching any scents either," Malia adds.

"Ghosts don't have those either," 

"Why would Stiles and Selene send us to this town?" Scott asks. At the same time, a street light buzzes and flickers to life just above them. 

"Spooky," Brett comments and Scott gives him a disappointed look. Brett just smiles. Looking at the tattered banner hanging across the street, Lydia declares that this is the place she saw in the mirror.

Among the relics left abandoned on a picnic table, Scott picks up an early-model cell phone and a newspaper.

"Canaan Courier, dated April 8, 1987," Brett reads while hovering over Scott's shoulder. Malia finds a receipt in a bag. It's dated April 8, 1987.

"Okay, so mirror event happened on April 8, 1987 or people just decided to stop cleaning that day," Brett comments. The three others turn to him.

"Seriously?" Scott asks.


"Can you be serious for just a second here?!" Brett's face drops to a serious expression and just as Scott is about to thank him he smirks again. "Really?"

"Look, you gotta admit we're all being a tat..." Something catches Brett's attention as he trails off

The carousel creaks in the distance. They head toward it. The black horse is still covered in blood, and as Scott steps forward onto the rusted and faded metal platform, the ride suddenly starts turning, music blaring and horses bobbing up and down.

"Anyone want a ride, kids?" Brett asks and they all glare at him.


Melissa places Argent in a wheelchair and takes him into the hall. Seeing a nurse at the main desk, she improvises. "Uh, tell Dr. Geyer they wanted to do a few more tests before surgery. If he even asks. He probably won't... But, if he does ask, tell him that,"


Malia spots two bodies lying in the yard of an abandoned house. She instantly recognizes mom and her sister Kiley. They are bloody, and their clothing is ripped. The doll Malia carried with her during her time trapped as a coyote lays near Kiley. Malia drops to her knees in tears. She lifts the doll and hears the voice of Theo behind her. He asks if this is Malia's adopted family. He then he knows she's thinking that she should have died with them and shoots her in the stomach with a shotgun. Malia falls to the ground. Her sister and mother open their eyes and embrace her, dragging her down into the ground.


"Reed, I'm sorry for what I said," Cheryl says as Reed cleans the room. Reed pauses for a second before turning around.

"Then why did you say it?" Reed questions. 

"That's not fair..."

"I was just trying to make sure you didn't get yourself killed!" Reed yells. He quickly looks around, realising how loud his voice was. "You know what he did, right?"

"Yes, I remember. Vividtly. Satomi never let me forget it,"

"And that wasn't fair of her. But she was right to make sure you didn't go looking for him." Reed starts to leave the room.

"What would you have done, then? Huh? If you're so perfect and so smart and always know what to do? What would you have done!?" Cheryl seems desperate as she looks at Reed's back.

"I wouldn't have pushed my friend away,"

"That's not fair! I didn't-"

"But you did. And you can't take back the words you said, not when they've already made scars. We might be supernatural but those wounds don't heal any easier than they do for normal people,"


Brett walks around the town when he says a girl with long black hair pass a corner. He runs after her. 

"Hey! Hey! Wait up! Who are you?" Brett yells while trying to catch up to her. He reaches her and grabs her arm. He pulls his hand back quickly as if the touch had burned him, which it did. 

"You know who I am," a distorted voice answers. He tries to reach out but as their skin touches, the girl goes up in flames.

"No! Wait!"  but she was already gone. 

"Brett!" A familiar voice calls out to him. He quickly turns around to see Lori with claws against her neck.

"Let her go!" Brett growls as his eyes glow amber. The he sees a darker shadow being created off of him. He turns around and his eyes widen.


The Liam and Hayden meets up outside the storage room later, and while they kiss, Hayden keeps an eye on nearby faculty members.

Hayden says she has the list of supplies they need in her head. Liam worries she might forget something. But Hayden says if they get caught, she'd rather not have a list. The teachers down the hall leave and they head into the storage room.

Liam wonders if they can just buy a lightning rod. Hayden says they cost 25 hundred dollars. As they round a corner, they find Garrett Douglas working on equipment. He acts nervous and makes as if to leave. They ask if he's making a Taser and he says no. Liam concludes that Mr. Douglas saw the Ghost Riders and is scared of being taken. The teacher claims he did, dozens of them, he accurately describes the scene during the Lacrosse game when some people were running from riders but others couldn't see them. Hayden admits that they saw the horsemen too and offers to tell him more if he really wants to fight back.


Scott explores an abandoned house. The door slams behind him. Thinking someone is there, he races back outside. His mother is standing in the yard wearing her pink scrubs. As he watches, she turns revealing a large bloodied hole in her skull and walks away.

Lydia touches him, and he jumps. 

"It's okay. Your mom's not here.," Lydia says.

"I saw her... And her head... looked like somebody took a bite out of her skull..." Scott mumbles.

"It wasn't real,"

"Yeah, but it felt real..."

"Yeah and I was almost the victim of a car crash, trust me that felt real too," Brett scoffs.

"The energy here, it's causing hallucinations. We can't stay here," Lydia concludes.

"We can't leave-- not until we figure out why Stiles and Selene sent us here," Scott counters.

"I don't think they've ever made a road trip here. It's probably because this is what Beacon Hills is gonna look like, now let's go," Brett replies.

"We can ask him," Malia then speaks up. Brett turns around clearly wanting to leave and not liking Malia standing in the way of that. A small boy is standing across the street with his back turned toward them. They call out to him, but he runs off. They chase him.


Eventually, Melissa sets Argent up in a bed in what appears to be a laundry room in the hospital. She gives him intravenous drugs but admits it won't help him. He says he had an idea but it's asking a lot. He explains there are that will counteract nine supernatural venoms. He says if they're combined in the wrong way, the power of the venom. If Melissa screws up it will kill him. She says he'll have to talk her through it. He says he only knows the names in Celtic. The first thing she needs to find is Mugwort.


They wander further down the street until they see curtains move in a window of one of the houses. They enter and call out. At first, it appears no one is there, but then they spot a blond woman.

"Visitors? I can't believe we have visitors! Oh, Caleb will be so happy to see you. It's been such a long time since he's had anyone to play with," The woman states. "Oh, you must be thirsty! Come on in and have a seat while I get you something to drink."

"Seriously? What is with her?" Malia asks.

"She's the woman I saw in the mirror..." Lydia replies.

"Ow, well, that's certainly a good sign," Brett says, as excited about this situation as his sarcastic comment implied.


Melissa says Mugwort sounds familiar. Finally turning to her phone, she looks it up and finds that it's prescribed for anxiety. She finds most of the herbs on the list are used in modern drugs. She says between raiding the hospital pharmacy, the homoeopath downtown and a salad bar, she can find them all. As she heads out, he grabs her hand. He tries to tell her the one other ingredient she'll need but can only manage what sounds like "Mel."


Later Hayden explains their plan to attach a lightning rod to funnel a rider into the tunnel where they plan to grab him and push him into the Argent bunker. Once the door is closed there's no way for him to ride the lightning back out. Douglas questions how they can keep him from riding the lightning right out of the tunnel before they get the door closed. Liam suggests their lightning rod would redirect the bolt meaning the rider could grab it. The teacher says they should assume the Riders have some sort of way to direct and control the lightning strikes.

Douglas says they need to absorb a lightning bolt but he can't build a conduit that could absorb even half the energy. The bell rings and Liam and Hayden head out to class. 

"I heard you guys were planning something," Liz says as she approaches them.

"Yeah, we are. Instead of a conduit, maybe we can find a person to absorb the lightning," Liam says turning to Hayden.

"I don't even think Kira could do that,"  Hayden points out.

"Josh could," Liz says and Liam and Hayden turn to her. "He ate electricity,"

"Josh is dead," Hayden reminds them.

"Yeah, but his power didn't die with him..." Liam says, realising Liz was right.

"It may as well have. We can't get to it."

"We don't know that. Not for sure."

"Ha ha, no," Liz says.

"What are you two thinking?" Hayden asks.

"You know what he's saying." Liz doesn't look at Hayden as she shakes her head at Liam.

"If you're saying what I think you're saying, you're insane," Hayden realises.

"I know it's insane... But I need you with me on this," Liam replies and holds out his hand to Hayden. Liz looks away and clicks her tongue. Hayden grabs Liam's hand and Liz looks after them as they walk away. She sighs and follows behind them.


"This was my mother's lemonade recipe... At least, as much as I can remember. We always served this when we had friends to visit," Lenore says.

"We didn't come to visit. We're looking for someone. Two someone's actually," Malia replies.

"Friends of ours. Maybe you've seen them? Their names are Stiles and Selene," Scott explains.

"It's been a while since anyone came through Canaan..." Lenore replies.

"How long?" Lydia asks.

"Since April 8th, 1987?" Brett guesses.

"Why would you disturb those things? They don't belong to you," Lenore snaps at them.

"We need to know what happened," Scott says calmly.

"There was a picnic, a community party," Lenore startes.

"It seems like everyone left in a hurry..." Malia points out.

"People have been leaving Canaan for a long time. That's the day the last of them left," Lenore explains.

"All at once? They all just disappeared?" Scott asks.

"I didn't say they disappeared-- I said they left," Lenore replies sharply.

"Did they leave in a cloud of green smoke?" Brett asks.

"THEY JUST LEFT!" Lenore screams.

"We didn't mean to upset you. We'll go now," Lydia tries to calm to woman down.

"No one is leaving. No one is leaving Canaan ever again," Lenore states and the door slams shut.


"I think the last thing that you were trying to say was my name. You said 'Mel, you need to add...'" Melisa tries to figure out what the last ingredient is.

"You mean to tell me that the guy that doesn't use a nickname for anybody called you Mel? I mean, your little blooming romance is cute but I don't think that the guy who goes by his last name would call anyone a nickname," Reed speaks up.

"Reed!" Melissa realises.

"Yeah." Reed frowns at Argent's situation and then a the concoction. "Nine herbs?" 

"Yeah, how did you-?"

"Supernatural doctor, remember. I was taught by... huh, that's weird. I don't remember who taught me the recipe." He shakes his head. "Whatever, I do have one question. Why is he telling you the ingredients in Celtic?"


"Scott, open the door! You're a Werewolf." Malia complains as Scott pushes against the door with all his might.

"I'm trying!" Scott protests. Malia tries to break a window. She fails.

"What the hell is wrong with this place?" 

"Lenore? Could you unlock the door, please?" Lydia asks kindly.

"Now that you're here, you need to stay. Caleb likes you," Lenore replies.

"Who the fuck is Caleb?" Brett asks.

"And we like him! But we need to help our town. People are disappearing - Uh, leaving. I mean leaving. You could really help us," Lydia explains.

"No one can help you. If they want to leave, they're going to leave. They'll go, and they'll go, and there won't be anything you can do about it," Lenore says.

"Come with me," The little boy they followed suddenly appears. 

"Go," Lydia says. Brett, Scott and Malia follow Caleb into a room. The boy sits down in front of an old fashioned tv and puts in a tape recording.

"Caleb, can you help us find a way out of here?" Scott asks.

"You have to stay because Mommy said so," Caleb replies.

"No, we can't stay. We have to go home,"

"This is home. This is home."

"Scott? Come here for a sec. Look at the date." Malia points out.

"Uh, Caleb? Do you know what year you were born?" Brett asks the boy.

"1976." The boy replies.

"And when did you die?" Scott asks.


Lydia confronts Lenore about the disappearances. Explains about the Ghost Riders and suggests that they took everyone from Canaan. She asks if Lenore fought them or hid. Lenore breaks down and says she doesn't know why she was left behind. She says the riders took everyone but didn't take her. She screams and Lydia flies backward over the furniture. She suddenly realizes Lenore is Banshee.


Later in the tunnels, Hayden, Liam and Liz are discussing their plan.

 "Almost there. Last chance to bail," Hayden points out.

"And we probably should," Liz replies.

"If we're gonna stand a chance, we have to do something drastic," Liam states.

"There's drastic, and then there's this," Hayden scoffs.

"But we need the bad part of the plan to make the good part work," Liam counters.

"I feel like the entire thing is a bad plan," Liz states.

"You think she knows it's a bad plan?" Hayden questions.

"Anyone would know this is a bad plan... Which is why I have to ask you one more time-- are you sure you don't wanna change your minds?" Noshiko Yukimura who has her daughter's sword asks. 

"We don't know what else to do. It's like the Ghost Riders are unstoppable," Liam explains.

"They are unstoppable. They've been riding the storm and taking souls since long before I was born."

"Yeah, we won't survive them. Not without your help."

"Kira entrusted me with her sword while she's with the Skinwalkers. And now, I'm trusting you, because I believe she would want me to. Do not mistake this for me agreeing with your decision."

"Obviously," Liz says and sighs.

"I understand. Kira just stabbed her sword into the ground," Liam says but it sounds more like a question.

"If you want to do this, you'll have to do it yourself." She bows and hands him the sword. "Once it's done... whatever happens will be your responsibility." She leaves the three teens alone in the tunnel.

Liam moves to thrust the sword, at the last minute, Hayden yells for him to wait but it's too late. The sword strikes the concrete. A large glowing crack jets forward from the sword. A few feet from where they're standing, the ground explodes as a clawed hand shoots into the air. Theo climbs out of the hole and growls at them.


"Mil-- Celtic for "honey." Not an herb, but it is a binding agent and a natural antibiotic," Reed explains as he mixes it with the mixture. "Here goes nothing." He spreads the thick green paste on the wounds. The injuries begin to smoke and Argent screams. 
Melissa gives him a rag to bite down on. "Oh, God. Bite down on this, it'll help. It's okay. It's okay," She says. Reed grabs Argent's hand and starts to take his pain making him nearly fall in pain. The wounds begin to vanish and his pain subsides. 


"Am I having another hallucination?" Malia asks as water pours in through the windows. 

"If you are, I'm having the same one," Brett replies. Lydia's scream echoes.

"We've got to get out of here," Scott points out.

"I know you're not gonna beat an eight-year-old's ass, but I will," Malia says and walks forward. She suddenly stops and clutches her throat as water starts to pour out of her mouth.

"You don't look so good. Maybe you should sit down..." Caleb says.


Lenore says it's not her fault the riders didn't take her. She says Lydia thinks they didn't because they brought back her dead son. Lenore moves to scream again but Lydia is ready for her and lets loose with her own scream. The two massive waves of sound seem to cancel each other out but Lydia is suddenly in another vision. She's back outside on the street. The carousel turns slowly. The events from her earlier "dream" play out again, but this time the Ghost Riders are visible. They take all the citizens until only Lenore is left. Lydia watches as they surround the blond woman, examine her, and then holster their weapons. They disappear leaving the Lenore alone on the empty street. The young woman screams and Lydia covers her ears.


Liam walks towards Theo who moves to grab him. Liz pushes Liam out of the way and instead Theo slams her against the wall.

"Theo! We're not trying to hurt you! We're the ones that brought you back," Hayden explains.

"Where's my sister?" Theo asks, widely looking around.

"Your sister's dead. She died a long time ago," Liz says in a calm voice. "You killed her, remember?"

"I'm gonna kill you too," Theo says and pushes the arm against Liz's neck harder. "I'm gonna kill all of you."

"Let her go," Liam says and Hayden pulls him back.

"Send him back," she says instead.

"You know what this does? We need your power to help us. Then, you can kill whoever you want. But, if you kill us, you're gonna end up worse than ever," Liam explains. Theo watches the sword warily before letting Liz go.

"There's nothing worse than what I've been through." His voice is nearly a whisper.

"You ever hear about the Ghost Riders?" Liam asks.


"What makes you think this is gonna work?" Theo asks.

"You took Josh's power. You can do it," Liam replies. Theo gras onto the rod.

"Here we go," Douglas says and turns the machine on. Theo is blown away by the force of the shock.

"Hey, what the hell?" Liz questions.

"That was only a billion joules," Douglas points out.

"Only?" Theo questions groaning.

"Well, how many joules are in a bolt of lightning?" Liam asks.

"Five billion," Liz replies, not taking her eyes off of Theo.

"Well, I'm fine, by the way. Thank you for your concern," Theo says sarcastically.

"Why would we be concerned about you?"

"You don't have Josh's power anymore, do you?" Liam asks. Hayden walks forwards and grabs Theo's arm. She feels his claws.

"Or Tracy's," Hayden says.

"Guess I'm back to Classic Theo," Theo replies.

"Maybe you should try some remorse, since you killed them for their powers," Liam says.

"I just put them back the way I found them," 

"I guess we'll do the same with you," Liz says.

"Hold on-- I can help. I know about the Wild Hunt from the Dread Doctors. I also know about things I'm betting you don't." Theo says eyeing Douglas. Liz frowns and looks back to their teacher. 

"I'm with Ms. Romero on this one. Send him back," Douglas states. Liz's frown deepens.

"Who's making decisions around here? Where's Selene? Where's Scott? Where's Stiles?" Theo tries to save his ass.

"You remember Stiles and Selene?" Hayden asks.

"Why wouldn't I remember Stiles and Selene?" 

"Maybe he's useful after all..." Liam concludes.


Lenore and Lydia snap out of the vision. Lydia realizes that Lenore didn't see the Ghost Riders until the very end. She only saw people disappearing. Lenore explains how the riders surrounded her but didn't take her. Lydia says she was left because Lenore is a Banshee like her. Exhausted, Lenore walks to the mirror and wipes away the dust. She asks how long it's been and Lydia says it's been almost 30 years.


"Breathe, Malia. You have to breathe. Lydia!" Scott yells and runs up the stairs, Brett following behind. Suddenly both of them are also choking on water. "What are you doing to us?" Scott asks.

"You're drowning, just like me. Now we can be friends forever," Caleb replies.


Lenore assures Lydia that she will be safe from the Ghost Riders in Beacon Hills. She explains that she doesn't want to be safe, she wants to save Stiles. She pleads with Lenore to not let her be the only one left behind and adds that she doesn't have a Caleb. Lenore waves her hand, says "go," and the door flies open.

Scott, Brett and Malia can suddenly breathe again. Caleb says, "Mommy says you can go now." He returns to watching the old video of himself when he was alive. The door opens and they quickly make their way outside and back to Lydia. They're all ready to leave but Lydia stops and turns back. She tells Lenore to come with them but she says she couldn't leave Caleb. Lydia tries again pointing out that Lenore knows Caleb is not real but she refuses to leave him and returns to the house.


"You know all about the Ghost Riders. How do we get Selene and the others back?" Liz asks.

"You can't. The Wild Hunt comes, the Wild Hunt goes. That's how it works," Theo replies.

"But they're still here... And they're still taking people," Liam points out.

"That's not possible. They're the Wild Hunt. They're not just gonna stick around," Theo counters.

"Well I guess they decided on Beacon Hills to picknick, cuz they're still here," Liz counters.


"Unless what?" Hayden asks.

"Unless they're stuck," 


"You guys think Stiles and Selene sent us here to warn us? Maybe Beacon Hills is gonna be the next ghost town," Scott speculates while they're driving back home.

"You mean exactly like I said before we got locked up in a magic house and nearly drowned through magic," Brett points out.

"If we don't stop it, yes. We need to get them to leave. Now," Malia says, ignoring Brett's comment.

"We can't. Not yet," Lydia replies.


"You're gonna help us," Liam says.

"Liam, I don't know what to do," Theo points out.

"Well, you remember Stiles and Selene, so clearly you know more than we do," Hayden counters.

"What else is new," Liz comments.

"You're gonna help us, or you're going back," Liam threatens.

"Let me guess-- Scott wasn't a part of this plan, was he?" Theo questions.


"Why can't we get rid of them?" Scott asks.

"Because I saw what happens to the people they've taken when they leave," Lydia replies.

"Do they all die?" Malia asks.

"No... It's something worse than death. I felt it in Lenore's memory. It's like their soul's hollowed out. They became something else," Lydia explains. Brett swallow thickly.

"Did they become Ghost Riders?" he asks. Lydia just nods.

"And then... they were gone,"


Scott returns home and is infuriated to see Theo.

"Somehow, I don't think we're gonna hug this out..." Theo comments.

"Astute observation," Brett says with a smirk.

Outside, Lydia explains to Malia that there are legends of the Wild Hunt and "the Morrígan" and that this is connected to why they left Lenore behind. She says the Morrigan was a Banshee and when the Wild Hunt moves on from Beacon Hills, Lydia will be left behind like Lenore.

"I hope you realize it's taking all of my strength to not tear you in half right now," Scott admits. They turn to see Malia in the doorway.

"Something tells me she'd rather direct her strength towards killing you," Brett figures.

"Hey, Malia... You aren't still upset about the whole shooting thing, are you?" Theo asks. Malia's eyes glow blue and she roars.


Claudia Stilinski awakes on the couch and sees her husband looking through a file of papers at the dining room table. The documents appear to be medical reports on types of frontotemporal disorders. Claudia joins Noah at the table. He says he was just thinking about how strong and amazing she is and adds that someone should write a medical paper on how she beat frontotemporal dementia.

Claudia says they should go to bed because she has to be up early to talk to the contractor about replacing the wallpaper Lydia peeled back in their hallway. They kiss and she heads off to bed. He follows a bit later but stops in the hallway. He stares at the damaged wallpaper and begins to peel it back more. His eyes grow wide.
