23. Occlumency

I woke up screaming.

I sat up in a sweat, and before I knew it, I could feel a pull. Though it wasn't from my mark it was more a summon of Dumbledore.

I quickly got up and pulled on a hoodie and sweats removing the wet clothes from my body.

I grabbed my wand from under my pillow and soon apparated to the headmaster's office.

"Professor Dumbledore, you called?" He turned to face me and then nodded motioning to Harry and the Weasleys along with McGonagall who was standing behind me.

He then turned back to a painting and began to speak, "Phineas. You must go to your portrait at Grimmauld Place. Tell them that Arthur Weasley is gravely injured and his children will be arriving there soon by Portkey." The man in the portrait nodded before leaving.

Soon another portrait spoke up as Dumbledore turned to him, "They've got him, Albus. It was close, but they think he'll make it. What's more the Dark Lord failed to acquire it."

"Oh thank goodness. Next, we need to-"

Before he could say anymore there was a crack in the air and Harry stepped forward, angry, "Look at me!" He began to breathe even heavier than before and Dumbledore turned to face him, "What's happening to me?"

There was an eery silence and soon Snape walked in behind Harry, "You wished to see me, headmaster."

"Oh, Severus. I'm afraid we can't wait. Not even 'till the morning. Otherwise, we'll all be vulnerable." Snape nodded and turned to Harry as Dumbledore turned to me, "I sent for you to help Severus with teaching Harry Occlumency. You are skilled in this area and I would ask for your help."

I nodded and soon left with Snape and Harry.

"It appears there is a connection, between the Dark's Lord's mind and your own. Whether he is, as yet, aware of this connection is, for the moment, unclear." Snape sat Harry down and proceeded to walk across the room laying out some tools.

I smirked as Harry sat there clueless as to what was to come. "Pray he remains ignorant." My smirk dropped as Snape met my eyes and nodded.

"You mean, if he knows about it, he'll be able to read my mind?"

I walked towards him and nodded, "That's right, Harry. Read it, control it, unhinge it."

Snape nodded confirming my words as he continued, "In the past, it was often the Dark Lord's pleasure to invade the minds of his victims creating visions designed to torture them into madness."

I thought for a moment to myself, 'Occulemency is the act of blocking one's mind, and Legilimens is when you invade the mind. I'm skilled in both. Designed visions to torture victims...'

I stood frozen thinking of the screams that happened even if I was unaware. Was it really me? Did I do that to Esmeree?

"Scarlett! Snap out of it!" I blinked twice and remembered where I was.

"Sorry, what?" Snape sighed and motioned for me to walk forwards which I followed standing before Harry.

"As I was saying, in these lessons. Scarlett will penetrate your mind. You will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself."

"Wait, Scarlett?" Harry asked as if I should have been offended.

"Yes, she is by far the best I've seen, now ready yourself Potter."

I kept a cold face as I faced Potter who made no move but remained in his spot.

"Scarlett, you may begin." I nodded and met Harry's eyes. I only thought the spell and soon I pulled into his memories.

Flying over the water, and reuniting with his friends back at Grimmauld Place. There was the dementor attack and my arrival.

I saw the DA practices and soon we were in King's Station where Riddle stood. There was a weird room and then Riddle once again.

I pulled out as he wasn't taking this seriously, "Harry, you have to concentrate. Focus."

And just like that, all night long we continued the practice as he only did a mere nothing compared to me. When I took a break Harry was able to cut off Snape at times but still couldn't stop me.

That was his new goal to stop me, but he couldn't.

Soon enough it was Christmas break but I couldn't go home or at least to Grindlewald Manor. So I stayed with the Malfoys.

There was also just a recent break from Azkaban. Ten prisoners and all happened to be loyal to Riddle. There was always a snippet in the Daily Prophet but they always seem to include Bellatrix.

Somehow though, Mrs. Malfoy was able to keep Bellatrix hidden from Draco but not me as I saw glimpses of her here and there around the manor.

I had arrived and for the first few days of the week, everything was close to perfect.

Draco, his mother, and I played card games when we could, and Draco and I always lost to his mother.

His father was always in his study and there would be random cracks throughout the day. Draco was always confused with the sounds, but I knew exactly who it was.

Christmas day had come and surprisingly Mrs. Malfoy come to wake us up because Draco had fallen asleep in my room.

We were talking late into the night and he must've fallen asleep.

"Alright, both of you. Get up! There are presents to open! So, get up and come down." His mother was excited as she left leaving me to look at Draco confused.

"Right, this is your first Christmas actually here. My mum is all about Christmas, but she doesn't show it much. Though, she must be really excited this year." I laughed as I nodded before I got out of bed.

Draco left as I quickly fixed my hair and then followed behind him. We were walking down the hall but he wouldn't slow down for me. So I jumped on his back as he then took off running through the halls with me.

I laughed and he carried me down the stairs dropping me on the couch as he soon sat down beside me, smiling as well.

Mrs. Malfoy was already grinning from ear to ear just from seeing us happy.

"Alright, I've sorted your gifts. Go on, open them!" I nodded and grabbed the first gift in front of me, I opened it and it revealed a handknitted sweater with the letter S on it.

"Ahh, Mrs. Wealey found us," I said laughing as Draco pulled out one with the letter D on his.

There was laughter and the sounds of ripped paper as we continued to go through the gifts.

I had gotten chocolate frogs and licorice wands from Ron, I also got some new products from the twins for me to try out. I received a book about Morgana Le Fay from Granger and a stuffed dementor from Harry.

There was a book about the manners and expectations for Hogwarts Houses that came from Donavon. A nice new cloak from Snape and even an unnamed gift from someone, it was a single white plastic rose.

There was another new cloak but from Blaise which was just my size and a glass butterfly ring from Esmeree. I even received a new dress from Mrs. Malfoy and a book of curses from Mr. Malfoy who had given it to me discreetly.

In the end, I brought all my stuff to my room in the Malfoy Manor.

It wasn't nearly as big but I wasn't big on the space anyway as I used to be so alone.

It wasn't as lonely anymore.
