"New Year, New Us"

A/N: This was another request from @ProIndiFilms

Your POV

Shawn and I were hosting a New Years party for all of our friends. Shawn was inviting the old and new Magcon and I was inviting the Magcon girlfriends and some of my really close friends.

Everyone started to get to our house at about 8 and we partied and ate. 

Soon there was another knock on the door so I went to answer it, thinking it was another one of the boys. Instead I was greeted by Shawn's ex Lindsey. (You guys remember from the "You get in a fight with his girlfriend Imagine!) 

"What the hell is this twig doing here Shawn?!" I yelled motioning toward her

Shawn walked over to the door and started to rub the back of his neck, "I kinda invited her"

"Who said you could invite your ex Shawn. It's not even the new year and I already want to beat you!" I stormed off and went into the kitchen

I started to put extra food in to-go containers for everyone to take home when Little Ms. Lindsey strutted into the kitchen and sat across from me.

"You can't take a hint can you honey?" I said putting the containers in bags

"I can take a hint, but I can also take a man" she smirked

"Do you really want to end up like you did last time honey? I'll be glad to." I put my hands on my hips

"Is that a threat Y/N?" she questioned

"Oh no honey that's a promise" I whispered in her ear before walking out of the kitchen, sending glares to her and Shawn.

Shawn came up to me and tried to apologize, but I quickly interrupted and said, "Don't touch me Shawn," snatching my arm away from him

I went around the room, checking on people and seeing if anyone needed anything when I looked over at Shawn to see Lindsey against the wall, with Shawn's arm over her head and they were talking and giggling, whispering in each others ears. Lindsey kept touching his arms in a flirtatious way. I checked the clock and it was 11:50.

I'll give him a taste of his own medicine I thought as I started to pass out champagne and sparkling grape juice.

I walked over to Cameron and stood next to him and the both of us looked at Shawn and Lindsey. I told him and a few other people about the plan and they all were for it.

Soon the countdown started and Shawn looked up and was looking around the room for me. 




He finally found me



Everyone cheered and Cameron and I did the staged kiss from meet and greets, but  of course Shawn thought it was real as he came over and snatched me away.

"What the hell Y/N!" He yelled

"So you can flirt with Lindsey, but I can't flirt with anyone?" I said calmly

"Flirting is one thing, but kissing!" He yelled

"Oh so flirting is fine huh? Ok, let me go find Cameron so I can flirt some more" I said walking away, Shawn grabbed my arm

"You better not Y/N!" 

"No, let me go. You can flirt with that hoe, so I'm gonna flirt with Cameron." I started to walk away before Shawn grabbed me again.

"Fine Y/N I'm sorry" he put his hand over his face

"Nope, New Year, New Us."

A/N: Happy New Year guys! I hope you are having a safe holiday. I also hope you enjoyed this imagine! Love you!

