"I Can't Lift The Weight..." (Request)

A/N: This story was requested by @ProIndiFilms ! I hope you enjoy it!

Shawn and I haven't been on the greatest terms lately, we've been broken up for about 3 months, but he still manages to come back to that soft spot in my heart that was left for him. 

I was out one day strolling about the busy streets of LA, when a magazine cover caught my eye. 

"Shawn Mendes and Hailee Steinfeld Interview about their new relationship together!" 

I picked up the magazine and took it to the counter to buy it. 

I live right next door to Hailee, we basically grew up together... how could she do something like this I thought to myself

I walked out of the store and towards my house, my nose deep in the magazine, reading about how long they think that they'll be together, how they met, and how long they've been dating. Before I got to read that part, I was at my car and ready to drive home. When I got there, I got out of my car and ran into the house, with the magazine tightly in my hands. I sat on the couch and started to read about how long they've been together. 

"Yeah we've been dating for about 4 months now..." the article read.

Wait... So they were dating at the same time as I was dating Shawn... he was cheating on me... 

I felt the tears amplifying in my eyes, I had to text him.

After he read the message he didn't respond and I broke down into tears, thinking about all the times that we laughed and kissed, and all the times we fought and cried, and of all of the intimate and passionate moments we had together. It broke my heart... I lost one of my best friends to my other best friend whom I'd known since I was younger. I started to get angry.

I felt anger and acrimony as I stood up and started pacing back and forth. She knew I was dating him, and she just up and took him from me... How dare she! I thought to myself I'm gonna go over there with my friends thunder and lightening fists to ask her some questions.

I walked over to her house and banged on the door.

"Hey Indiya! How are ya girl!" She says excitedly 

"Hey b****" I say walking behind her into the house

"umm what did you just call me"

"Oh! You didn't hear me? I called you a b****" I smiled sarcastically at her

"What's the problem? I can sense an attitude."

"Oh nooo Hailee, I just came to talk to you about why you took my boyfriend away from me?"

"Oh my God Indiya... How'd you find out about that"

"well b**** there was this thing called an interview inside of this thing called a magazine that I used these things called hands to pick up and buy it with and I read it... Do you understand"

"Indiya I am so so sorry, but he told me that he didn't want your fat ghetto a** anymore" She said changing the mood

"Ohh okay Hailee so you wanna pull that card, but let's get some things straight" I say walking toward her, her walking backwards "I am not ghetto honey, I only use it when I need it, which would be now" she was now completely against the wall "And I'm not fat, I'm thick, and this 'fat' b**** will beat your a** anytime of any day" you told her, leaning into her ear, tears rolling down her cheek. You heard the front door opening so you backed away from her. "Oh my gosh Hailee I'm so happy for you guys, I know you'll last longer than we did!" I said putting on a fake smile before walking around Shawn and out of the house.

When I got back in the house, I notice a text from Cameron asking if he could come over to chill, and I obviously said yes because I was lonely. He got there about 30 minutes later and we decided to have a friendly cuddle on the couch and watch scary movies together. After the movie, I decided to tell him about all that happened with you and Shawn.

"You don't deserve to be treated like that, you need someone who will be faithful to just you. Indiya, you know that I've had a crush on you for the longest! Why don't we give it a shot? How about breakfast with me tomorrow morning?" he asks, giving me puppy dog eyes

"Sure Cam... Sure" I say with a smile

A few weeks later

After the date with Cam, a bunch of Paps got pictures of us and they started to blow up the internet. I was sitting down on the couch when I got a text from the one and only Shawn Mendes. 

I shut of my phone and all of the memories that we shared, and that was the end.

A/N: Wow 821 words on my first request! Indiya I hope you liked it! If anyone else wants an Imagine, just PM me and I will work with ya! Love you guys

