The Proposal

Alec didn't know why he was so nervous. He had already sort of proposed years ago, and they had talked about getting married as soon as the laws changed. Despite that, he was still anxious that Magnus would say no. Alec had asked his mother for a family ring. His mother was delighted and immediately wanted to tell everyone. Izzy found out and told Simon, who told Clary, who told Jace. Now, his parabati was standing in Alec's room asking why he wasn't told first. "Mom wasn't supposed to tell anyone. Izzy just overheard and her big mouth boyfriend blabbed. Of course I was going to tell you before I actually proposed." Said Alec. Well why do you look like you want to throw up" said Jace. "Jace, what if Magnus says no. Then I'll have made a fool of myself, " states Alec. "Do you really believe he'd do that, Alec? He loves you. Anyone can see that. He started a family with you. I think that means something." Says Jace. "Fine, how do I do it then?" Questions Alec. "Well, how did you ask the first time? You're already sort of engaged, " Jace tells Alec. "It was right after we found Max. We were sitting by his crib talking about starting a family and making a life together. Magnus was worried I was too young, and I was just worried he didn't want to be stuck with me forever. In the end he said yes, but not yet. He didn't want to give anyone the opportunity to disregard or look down on our marriage. He wanted to give me the ceremony that I deserve as a shadow hunter." Retells Alec. "That's actually pretty sweet. So if you already both want to get married, maybe you should really be asking if he wants to marry you now. We can all talk and plan everything out. Get everything ready, and then all Magnus has to do is say yes." Jace says. " Well, I think that might be okay. There would be so many people to tell, though, and if it got back to him, everything would be ruined." Worries Alec. "It will be fine. Make a list, and we'll figure out who to tell first." Says Jace helpfully. "Okay thanks brother" replied Alec. " Now why wasn't I the first person you told? You know, I expect to be your best man." Says Jace with a teasing tone and smile. Alec groans.

Alec had made his list. He was keeping all wedding planning  strictly at the institute. He threatened to sick Jace on anyone who blabbed about the proposal. He had told the shadowhunters he needed to and written up the amendment to shadowhunter law that would allow downworlder and Shadowhunter marriages. He just needed to tell some of Magnus's friends so that they could be at the wedding, too. Alec remembered Catarina. He had gotten her number from the institute database of worlocks. He hoped that she wasn't too busy to talk to him and help. When he called her, she was reluctant to talk at first because she was on shift. He then told her it was something important about Magnus. She agreed to talk after her shift. Alec told her his plan about the suprise proposal and wedding. She actually laughed. She said that was perfect and that if she didn't know any better, it was one of Magnus's ideas. Alec was happy to hear that, and also that Catarina thought Magnus would say yes. She gloated about how before their very first date she made Magnus promise that if he got married, she would be his best woman at the wedding. Catarina agreed to tell the important people in Magnus's life on her side. It was just days away, and Alec just had to tell two more people. At their weekly get-together, Alec brought up his plans to Maya and Lily. They both asked what they could do to help. He told them that he wanted them to tell anyone from the pack or clan who wanted to come that they were more than welcome. It was the day of his big plan now. Everyone knew their jobs, and the guests were either in the institute basement or on the beach for the cover party. The cover was celebrating Helen and Alaine's welcome home and officially stepping in as the new heads of the Los Angeles Institute. Jace gave Alec a pep talk, and then it was time. Alec pulled Magnus away for a walk down the beach. Emma had told him where to take Magnus, so the beach where they were setting up was out of view. Alec told Magnus that he could make the rules now. That he was in charge. He said that they could get married now, in shadow hunter gold and worlock blue. Alec got down on one knee. "I almost lost you. I've gotten so used to thinking of you as immortal, but none of us are. None of us are forever, but at least I can do everything I can to let you know how much I love you every day that we do have. You know I'm not great at expressing my feelings with words, but will you do me the honor of marrying me today." Magus smiled. He pulled Alec up. "My love, I would marry you anytime. I want to be with you as long as you'll have me." Alec took the Lightwood family ring from his pocket. He had gone to a jewelry shop and made a few alterations. The ring now had blue stones inlaid on the band. Inside the ring said Aku kin ta kamo, Indonesian for "I love you. " It suddenly dawned on Magus the last word that Alec had said today. "Wait, today? What's going on, Alec?" Magnus questions curious now. "Come with me." Said Alec with more confidence. They walked out from behind a out cropping of rocks. Down the beach Magnus saw a beautiful path to a platform in the distance.
